
I'm not great at blowing my own trumpet.......................I wish I was......................But.................Its a confidence thing I think.

There's a big thing going on in the blogging community called the MAD Blog Awards. They are a bit like getting a BAFTA in the world of bloggers and I am not going to lie........................I REALLY WANT ONE........................................To be honest last year I was nominated for 2 categories and that was thrilling enough so Lord only knows what it must feel like to be shortlisted or even better win.

We bloggers all have one thing in common and that thing is "Writing", we love it whether it be funny or informative we cant get enough of it. And, I am no different when I say I love it, it has changed my whole outlook on life in general and enabled me to meet some fantastic people along the way. My blog is by no means the best out there but its mine and people seemed to like it and sometimes I might even make a difference to someone's day by making them smile.

So with that in mind I am about to beg ask you if you could spare 5 minutes and vote for me in the Best Entertainment Blog Category. All you have to do is click on the MAD Blog link and then follow the instructions, you will need my blog address which is Http://40yearolddomesticgoddess.blogspot.co.uk

If you like my blog or it has made you smile then please vote for me.

Here's the link you need to click on.......Go on.......Click on it.............Go on.............

The MAD Blog Awards Nominate Your Favourite Blog.........................

Thank you

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