
The Views Expressed here are not those of the Amber Institute Sports Clinics of America or Minister EnQi

Water is essential for life

Water is essential for life. Humans have no capacity to store spare water, so we must quickly replace any that is lost.

Water is essential for life. Humans have no capacity to store spare water, so we must quickly replace any that is lost.Water is the highway that moves nutrients and wastes between cells and organs. It carries food through digestive system, transports nutrients to cells and tissues, and carries waste out of our body in urine. Watery fluids act as shock absorbers, lubricators, and cleansing agents. For example, amniotic fluid cushions and protects the foetus, synovial fluid allows joints to move smoothly; tears lubricate and cleanse the eyes, and saliva moistens food and makes swallowing possible.

Water Excreation

We continuously lose water through various routes-exhaled air, perspiration, faeces, and urine. Water loss increases in an airplane. Fever, coughing, rapid breathing, and watery nasal secretions all increase water loss significantly.

Water Facts

* Our body consist of 55-75 % water.

* Water is the main food the body needs.

* The thirst reflex appears only when our body is dehydrated.

* We often mistake our thirst mechanism for hunger pangs.

* Children dehydrate more quickly than adults do.

* Mild dehydrate too slow down.

* Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. Whenever it travels, water carries chemicals, minerals and nutrients with it.

* Tea, coffee and cola through made of water act as diruetic.

* Lack of water can induce daytime fatigue.

* Preliminary research says that eight to ten glasses of water a day could significantly ease back pain and joint pain for most of the sufferers.

* Drinking eight glasses of water can reduce risk factors for bladder, colon and breast cancer.

* When depressed reach for a glass or two of water. Depression and fatigue are often symptoms of dehydration.

* It is healthy to drink water with meals, as it aids the process of digestion.

* The best way of getting rid of water retention is to drink a lot of water.

* Water allows the body to metabolise fats more efficiently.

* For firm skin rely on good old water.

* Dehydration may induce contractions in pregnant women.

Water and Your Health

Here’s a question you’ve heard many times before:

How many glasses of water do you drink each day?

Two, three, four… more? You’ve heard it so often because it’s a very important question, prompting you to think about the amount of water you consume, urging you to drink more…

Here’s a question you’ve heard many times before:

How many glasses of water do you drink each day?

Two, three, four… more? You’ve heard it so often because it’s a very important question, prompting you to think about the amount of water you consume, urging you to drink more…

Get the basics right, like eating a balanced diet, regular moderate exercise, rest and relaxation, fun and laughter, and life can be free of illness and poor health. Water consumption is one of these essential basics. If you want long-term good health, read on, we’re going to give you all the evidence you need to encourage you to drink water, as recommended by the experts: 6-8 large glasses a day!

Why you need a fresh daily supply

At any one time, between 55 and 75% of your body weight is water. Your body’s need for water is second only to it’s need for oxygen! Take a look at why you need so much of this life-giving liquid:

It assists the digestion, absorption and elimination of the food you eat

It assists the excretion of waste from your bowel and kidneys

It regulates your body temperature 24/7

It lubricates your joints and membranes

Blood is your body’s transport system, constantly distributing nutrients around the body

Your blood is made up of approximately 92% water

Body secretions and digestive juices are almost entirely water (your digestive system produces approximately 1.7 litres of saliva each day)

Because of these many important tasks, in normal conditions your body needs between 1 and a half to 2 litres of water daily, in order to function optimally. This daily amount is also affected by your size, diet, how active your lifestyle is and even the weather conditions! The list below shows how your body loses water:

Through exhaling, perspiring and elimination (urine, faeces) your body lose 1.7 litres daily

In hot weather, perspiration increases so more water is needed to help regulate body temperature and keep you feeling cool

During cold weather, additional moisture is lost through breathing

For each hour of physical activity, you need and extra 1-3 glasses of water

Central heating has a drying effect, so you need to drink more, or turn down the heat


Water is a natural appetite suppressant. Lack of water can lead to over eating, this is because your brain doesn’t differentiate between hunger and thirst, so when you think you are feeling hungry, chances are, your body really needs water, so drink a large glass of water before you eat. In most cases, you will probably find this will satisfy what you thought were hunger pains.

Are you Dehydrated?

You can probably appreciate by now that many, many people are walking around in a constant state of dehydration! So is your body gasping for water? How would you know? You can check for yourself below – we’ve started with the most common symptoms, right through to the more severe symptoms:

Headaches A major function of water is to flush toxins from the body. Your brain is 75% water, so even being slightly dehydrated can cause headaches.

Poor Concentration/Fatigue If your body is overloaded with toxins and not enough water to flush them out, you will feel less energetic while your body struggles with the toxins.

Constipation Water speeds the process of elimination adding bulk to the stool, so drinking adequate fluid assist the flow and regularity.

Reduced urine Output/Dark Urine The kidneys filter waste products out of the blood. Amazingly, approximately 180 litres of water is recycled by the kidneys daily! This process relies on an adequate fresh supply, without it, output of urine is reduced, waste products become more concentrated, resulting in darker urine.

Furry tongue/bad breath If not enough fluid is passing through the mouth to wash away food particles, bacteria builds up in the throat and mouth, and on the tongue as a white film of fur.

Dry Mouth Saliva lubricates the mouth, dehydration reduces the amount available.

In More Severe Dehydration

Muscle Cramps This happens when not enough oxygen is getting to the muscles via the blood stream because of insufficient water in the body.

Skin If there is not enough water to feed the skin, it loses elasticity. Test by pulling the skin on the back of your hand, it should snap back instantly.

Eyes Sunken eyes and dark skin around/under the eyes are a sign of severe dehydration.

Get Into a Life-Long Water Habit

Your aim is to drink water consistently throughout the day. Avoid drinking too much water at once, or too fast, because it will pass through you with little benefit to your body. For the first few days you may experience more frequent trips to the toilet, this is because your body isn’t used to being so well hydrated and needs time to adjust. You should also begin to notice a reduction in weight and centimetres, as your body’s water stores become redundant and gradually release their cargo!

TIP If you don’t have a water cooler/dispenser at work, take a two litre bottle with you each day – it will also help you monitor your water intake.

Water is your body’s life force, without it, you would literally dry up!


Don’t overlook water retention… The less water you drink, the more the body will try to store water for later use. This will result in water retention as the body cells swell with their precious water stores, giving the appearance of ‘extra weight’


Choose your Source Wisely

Some fluids work against hydration


Coffee and traditional teas contain caffeine, which produces increased urine output and is therefore a dehydrating agent. The more you drink, the quicker water will pass through your body.


Diet drinks contain artificial sweeteners in place of sugar. These sweeteners send confusing messages to the brain that food (energy) is on the way to the stomach, but because sweeteners contain no calories, no energy arrives, so the brain sends out hunger messages until food finally arrives. People who drink diet sodas on a regular basis therefore tend to eat to much.


We generally think of fruit juices as being good for us, but in reality, they are sugar water. fruit is always far healthier when eaten in it’s whole, fibre and nutrient-rich form. if you do drink fruit juice, dilute 50/50 with water to reduce the sugar content. Beware of fruit cordials/squashes, which are usually sugar-saturated or contain artificial sweeteners – check the labels.


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Water – It’s Good For You!

Did you know that 70% of your body is water, your blood is 83% water and your muscles and brain is around 75% water? So itís safe to say, water is important to your health.

Even a mild dehydration can affect your short-term memory, concentration and cause fatigue. Another thing many are unaware of is that keeping your body hydrated can reduce back and joint pain in as many as 80% of sufferers.

As a general rule, unless you have a medical condition that doesnít allow you…

Did you know that 70% of your body is water, your blood is 83% water and your muscles and brain is around 75% water? So itís safe to say, water is important to your health.

Even a mild dehydration can affect your short-term memory, concentration and cause fatigue. Another thing many are unaware of is that keeping your body hydrated can reduce back and joint pain in as many as 80% of sufferers.

As a general rule, unless you have a medical condition that doesnít allow you to, adults should drink 8 glasses of pure water every day. If you are overweight you should drink 1 glass extra for every 20 pounds you are overweight, and if you are working out you should add 1 glass for every 20 minutes of workout.

Water can improve your health in many ways, for those trying to loose weight, it helps suppress hunger, it helps your metabolism and when your body sees it is getting a constant supply of fresh water every day, it will release all the excess water it stored when supply was less frequent.

Other benefits include helping cleans your body of waste and toxins, improve your skin moisture, improves absorption of vitamins and nutrients, better digestion and increased energy levels.

The best source is pure water, depending on the quality of your tap water, you should consider attaching a water purifier to your tap, or get bottled water.

You should not count sodas and coffee against you water consumption, the 8 or more glasses should come in addition to other beverages you drink.

So, if you are suffering from e.g. headaches, dry skin, dizziness or constipation, you may be dehydrated, and should try drinking at least 8 glasses of pure water every day.

Tips to help you drink enough water

* Have water within reach at all times. Carry around a bottle of water when you are on the move.

* Add a little flavor to your water (e.g. lime or lemon) now and then for variety.

* Buy a water filter for your home, this will improve the quality and taste of your tap water and lower the cost if you normally only drink bottled water.

No more excuses, go get hydrated.

Note: This is not medical advice. You should always consult your doctor before making any big changes to your eating and drinking habits.

Water: Your Best Weight Loss Friend

Water is one of the key components to a healthy diet and a long-term weight loss undertaking. It not only nourishes your body by keeping your cells hydrated, but it fills your stomach so that you are less hungry. Here are some quick tips for consuming a weight-loss-friendly amount of water without feeling like you are a human water drain.

8 Glasses a Day

Just about everyone has heard that it is important to consume at least 8 glasses of water a day as part of a well-balan…

Water is one of the key components to a healthy diet and a long-term weight loss undertaking. It not only nourishes your body by keeping your cells hydrated, but it fills your stomach so that you are less hungry. Here are some quick tips for consuming a weight-loss-friendly amount of water without feeling like you are a human water drain.

8 Glasses a Day

Just about everyone has heard that it is important to consume at least 8 glasses of water a day as part of a well-balanced diet. The 8 glasses of water will help to hydrate your body and leave your skin feeling moist and supple. Whatís more: it is important to understand exactly what those 8 glasses of water are doing to your body.

As the water enters into your system, it hydrates your cells. Not only will you feel more energized, but it will help to keep your cells strong against illness, headaches and fatigue. Imagine that the bodyís cells are a plant. Without water, the plant will wilt and be less strong against daily elements. However, with the proper amount of water and care, the plant will be strong and healthy.

Water relieves the body of harmful toxins, such as those that are caused by illness and stress. By infusing hydration into your system, your body pumps out unwanted chemicals that will slow you down and make your body function less healthily. 8 glasses of water is the minimum if you wish to retain a properly functioning machine.


Many people get their water from fruits, such as apples, watermelons and berries. One piece of fruit, depending on the size, can count for as much as half of a glass of water. The added benefit of fruit is that in addition to helping to hydrate you, fruit can add healthy amounts of vitamins and minerals to your core diet.

Fruit also fills the stomach and energizes you. Because fruit contains very few calories, it is a good food to fill up on. However, fruit does contain fructose, which is a type of sugar. Fructose will spike the level of sugar in your blood stream, which will give you energy. Yet, if that energy is not consumed readily, the fructose will turn to fat (if only a small amount of it.)


There are beverages and activities that dehydrate your body quickly so that your essential amount of water intake needs to be increased. Beverages that deplete water from your body include sodas, coffee, tea and alcohol.

In order to ensure that you stay properly hydrated, drink one glass of water for every glass of soda or other dehydrating beverage. Also, for every half-hour of sweat-inducing exercise, you should drink at least one cup of water. If you are exercising in a particularly humid environment, you may have to drink more water in order to avoid headaches, illness and overall dehydration.

Water truly can aid your weight-loss process if you are diligent about consuming generous portions of it. Many people find that carrying a water bottle with them everywhere they go is the best way to remain tempted to treat your body right.

Water and Protein Supplements

You’ve probably heard, all of your life, how important water is for your body. It’s very true, and it is especially true for bodybuilders. Furthermore, if you want your protein supplement to do the job that you are asking it to do you must fuel it with water.

You’ve probably heard, all of your life, how important water is for your body. It’s very true, and it is especially true for bodybuilders. Furthermore, if you want your protein supplement to do the job that you are asking it to do you must fuel it with water.

Muscles are comprised of 70% water. Most people know that their bodies contain a great deal of water, but never realize that actual muscles contain this much water. The water contained in your muscles is important to the overall anabolic process. The water plays a major role in metabolizing and moving proteins through the muscles. Water is also important for cell volumizing, which is what generates muscle growth.

Water is so vital to bodybuilding that it really doesn’t matter if you do everything else right. If you are getting great workouts, eating all of the right foods, getting the rest that you need, and learning as much about the sport of bodybuilding as you can, if you aren’t getting enough water, your attempts at bodybuilding will be quite futile. Water is so important that even mild dehydration can prevent muscles from growing properly, and can also decrease the strength in your muscles.

So, aside from the fact that your protein supplements need water to do the job you want them to do, you can also judge how much water you need by the amount of protein that you consume – which is a handy little trick. You should know that you should consume 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight when you are trying to build muscle.

This means that if you weigh 190 pounds, you need to consume 190 grams of protein. Now, using that number, you can determine how much water you need to consume throughout the day. The rule is that you need one ounce of water, for every gram of protein. Therefore, in this case, you would need to consume 190 ounces of water during a 24 hour period.

That sounds like an awful lot of water, but don’t worry, you aren’t going to drown in it. What you must realize is that water comes in a variety of forms. Many sports drinks contain water. Water is used to mix powder protein supplements. Water is consumed in a wide variety of ways, and all of that water counts towards the amount that you need for the day.

When you think about all of the ways that you consume water, you will realize that getting the amount of water that you need is really quite easy. You will feel better, look better, and of course your muscles will be better by adding water to your protein supplements. Remember that water transports the proteins, so you want to keep your body as hydrated as possible! There may be protein supplements, but there is no supplement for good, old fashioned water.


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Water – The 21st. Century Business!

Prick up your ears because ëThe Wellness Revolutioní is here and, by all predictions, is set to become the next trillion dollar industry. You can see it everywhere, emerging as people wake from their state of slumber to regain their health and vitality after years of lethargy.

We just canít live without! But can we live with what we have?

With water quality at an all time low ñ the needs are great for a simple, effective solution for improved drinking water. With a general increase in awareness of health requirements and an immense demand for simple answers ñ the providers of this solution are set to become the next millionaires.

Prick up your ears because ëThe Wellness Revolutioní is here and, by all predictions, is set to become the next trillion dollar industry. You can see it everywhere, emerging as people wake from their state of slumber to regain their health and vitality after years of lethargy.

The ëBaby Boomersí have set the pace and are demanding a better, healthier, safer way to remain fit and live longer in a world of increased uncertainties and deepening toxicity.

We live in what has been described as a ëtoxic soupí where our bodies are in a constant struggle to maintain health and stability. Chronic degenerative disease is becoming all too common and immune system problems are now the norm. People have had enough and are demanding better. So where do we start and where are the niches that arenít being filled?

As a health consultant and entrepreneur, I have seen many fads and gimmicks come and go. The quick fix, the new diet, the amazing supplement ñall offering much and supplying little. People are sick and tired of being sick and tired AND ‘being taken to the cleanersí with promises of ëthe perfect answerí.

Where it all starts and ends is with our water! Water is the basis of life, from which all life came and through which all life evolves. It is our essence and is 75% of our being. Without it we DIE fairly rapidly! Without ëqualityí water, we die a little less rapidly. Water is the answer to many health issues and can return a person back to good health very rapidly.

Relying on the water from our taps is not the answer ñ the quality of this water has become so poor that in some cities plants actually wither and die when fed with it. Bottled water is also not the answer as this is now often sourced from areas of extreme toxicity and pollution.

Health and sports professionals have known this for years and have been striving to find a source of ëqualityí water, full of essential nutrients, inexpensive and available to all. A water that will cleanse and feed us, enrich us with nutrition, de-acidify our toxic bodies and create healthier individuals.

Finally, the 21st Century is well upon us and new discoveries are being uncovered at an ever-increasing rate. Top research laboratories are providing the facts and supplying the evidence for all to see.

As with many ënewí discoveries, it is often a re-working and enhancing of a very old idea that produces a ësuper-productí, one that can change the lives of millions and bring wealth to the news-bringers.

For water, the time is NOW, the secrets have been cracked and the message is being released. Millions and millions of people are set to benefit from its properties as they are given back a means of improving their water simply and effectively.

For those ready to share this news with others ñ the rewards will be huge as the word spreads and the demand explodes.

The time is NOW, the new millionaires are waiting in the wings ñ ëWATERí is the word AND the answer. Be there at the beginning of something immense, something global and prosperity will follow. Are you ready to lead the way?

Water ionizers counters the effects of urbanization

With the massive increase of pollution with urbanization our water has become more and more filled with contaminants. Water ionizers now counters a the negative effects that urbanization has on our drinking water giving us clean and pure water from our taps.

This article is designed to show why the water we’re drinking is bad for us, since it is highly unlikely that the urban water filters that are in place can filter out all of the little contaminants that are present in the water. Those contaminants are listed as part of the effects of urbanization on our water.

These contaminants will acidify the water once they begin to decompose and therefore you will end up drinking acidic water which pushes your already high level of acidity even higher. All of these industrial pollutants, caused by the industrial traffic can be filtered out by water ionizers and leave you with pure water to cleanse your body with.

Waterborne pathogens

Waterborne pathogens can be disease-inducing protozoans, viruses or bacteria that are absorbed by a person when they drink unprocessed or insufficiently treated water. There are two main protozoans which are receiving media coverage lately and they are Giardia and Cryptosporidium. Consumption of those can result in grievous problems within the digestive system, which could possibly be life-threatening for those people who are either very young or very old or those with impaired immune systems.

A large number of cities regularly examine urban streams to determine the level of certain bacteria within them, which have similar origins to the waterborne pathogens, although they are not detrimental. The sources are waste from humans or animals. The nontoxic bacteria therefore perform the role of indicators to alert the monitors of the likely occurrence of other bacteria that are unsafe. The water coming out of wastewater treatment plants which has been treated is also screened for these bacteria. Additionally, in some larger cities additional testing of drinking water has started.

Heavy Metals:

The deposits of various toxic metals have a tendency to accrue within the food chain and they can damage living organisms. Previously, the majority of toxic metal pollution originated from mining activities and individual sources, for instance wastewater-treatment plants and smoke-stack emissions. However, Federal and State regulations have resulted in the lowering of the level of toxic metal issuing from these sources. However metals have a predisposition to affix themselves to sediment and dirt, and therefore they are still ever-present within the banks and of beds many urban streams.


Pesticides are substances, either chemical or biological in nature, projected to manage pests, such as algae, insects, bacteria and weeds. Pesticides are used a great deal on arable land, but inside urban areas, it is mainly used on residential and commercial properties. However when storms hit, the rains runoff from both yards and roadsides and carry dangerous pesticides into local streams, where they may injure aquatic life and enter drinking-water supply intakes.

The results show that pesticides are prevalent within streams and ground water sampled within agricultural and urban areas of the Nation. As anticipated, the substances that have been heavily utilized are the substances that are discovered most often. They occur in geographic and regular patterns that mostly match the allocation of land use and the associated use of pesticide. The rate of recurrence of pesticide contamination, however, is far greater than predicted. At the very least one pesticide was found in almost every sample of water and fish composed from streams and in about one-half of all wells sampled. In addition the individual substances were rarely found alone, the majority of the fish samples from streams and about half of all samples from wells with a measurable pesticide contained two and sometimes more pesticides.

If you use water ionizers you will receive the pure alkaline water that your body really needs. The ionizer will counteract all the impurities that have been put in the water during the course of urbanization. The ionizer as a tool to counteract the affect of urbanization on our water has become more and more essential as time has passed and the condition of our water has decreased.

Water ionizers help us to counteract the effects of urbanization on us and especially on our water. These appliances will help us to cleanse and purify the bodies that have been badly affected by the process of urbanization, mostly due to the deterioration in the state of our water. The switch to ionized water from plain tap water is becoming increasingly necessary if we are to live healthy lives in this urban age.

Water Exercise for Arthritis Relief – Fun and Effective

With a doctorís guidance, whether at a local pool or at home, a water exercise program is a fun and effective way to combat arthritis and keep joints and muscles healthy.

Everybody knows exercise is a significant part of staying healthy. As anyone with arthritis can tell you, though, when your joints say no to play, exercise goes from pleasurable and stimulating activity into a trial of how much pain you can tolerate.

The tendency when suffering from arthritis is to keep your joints as motionless as possible. The problem is that this leads to weakening of the muscles and tendons and a stiffening of joints, which makes the pain worse over time. It is a self-feeding cycle difficult to break out of.

One solution comes in the form of The Arthritis Foundation Aquatics Program, a warm water exercise program designed by the Arthritis Foundation. Why warm water exercise? The warmth offered by hot water allows muscles to relax and intensifies circulation of blood to the joints. In fact, ever since the discovery of the first hot springs, humans have used the miracle of warm water baths to fight aching joints.

Besides reducing the pain in your joints, exercising in water permits body weight to be supported. This makes exercising in water easier, safer and more relaxing. Not only that, but the resistance that water provides as your body moves in it helps strengthen muscles

These days, what with spas, health clubs and backyard hot tubs, just about anyone has access to a pool of hot water to relax in. Not only does this bring some immediate relief of arthritis symptoms, but it also provides us with a great environment in which we can exercise.

You should consult your doctor before beginning water exercise. Water exercise is completely safe for most people, with a few exceptions. If youíve have suffered serious joint damage or replacement surgery you may be among them. Your doctor will know whatís right for you. Also be aware of temperature. Water between 83 and 88 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for exercise. Anything over 100 degrees may be relaxing, but can lead to overheating. After youíve gotten the doctor go ahead, itís time to get started.

The Arthritis Foundation Aquatics Program exercises can be found in the free brochure “Water Exercise: Pools, Spas and Arthritisî from the Arthritis Foundation. Classes are also offered at local pools nationwideócontact your local Arthritis Foundation office for information. The classes are lead by a trained instructor, usually last between 45 minutes to an hour and are scheduled 2 to 3 times a week.

With a doctorís guidance, whether at a local pool or at home, a water exercise program is a fun and effective way to combat arthritis and keep joints and muscles healthy.

Water Filters and water purification system for whole house

Water filters are basically used to purify water that can be used for drinking, irrigations, water aquariums and also for swimming pools.

Water is the basic necessity of human beings, as without it you canít survive for a single day. Being the basic necessity today people have become more aware and alert regarding water, as they know that water is the prime source of many diseases. Due to growing awareness among people water filters too are gaining equal attention. By seeing this sudden awareness many water filter producing companies have joined the bandwagon in providing the best and safe water filters. They are said to be selling like hot cakes in the market as everyone wants to have long and healthy life. If we talk about water filters, they are the device primarily used for providing safe and pure drinking water. Scientifically talking it is the barrier or hurdle which obstructs impurities to mix in the drinking water. It not only cleans the water but also keeps the water nutrients intact. Water filters have become the real rage as now you will not only find water filters in houses but also in offices and even at public places.

Water filters are basically used to purify water that can be used for drinking, irrigations, water aquariums and also for swimming pools. These daysí water filters not only cleanse the water but also remove the smell and bad taste from it making it drinkable. They are generally equipped with special filters which never allow bacteria to pass through it irrespective of its size and type. With technology boom big water filters are significantly replaced by portable water filters. They are as handy as they can be simply attached with the running water tap which makes you get instant germ free water. Despite having various added features they are still easy to install and operate.

For operating water filters you donít require any technical know how as they are fully automatic and can be easily operated. But always makes sure that the cartridge or filter paper is frequently replaced with the new one as it has got its own life. Being the backbone of water filter, cartridge should be properly handled and periodically changed. Currently counter water filters are becoming real trend as they cover less space after installation and also perform the complete transparent water filtering operation. But countertop water filters are too equally effective as they perform a more scientific modus operandi for water filtration. So if you want to live a healthy and germ free life then you must install best water filter in town as healthy and pure drinking is the doorway to happy living.


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