
There once was a time when everyone said “Minister EnQi is Pseudo, Kangen machines are amazing!!! Alkaline Water is scientifically proven!!!!” Based upon the research presented by Dr. Hayashi, only what many did not know is that Dr. Hayashi later recanted his ionizer/alkaline works and said “my research was flawed, the benefits in the water were from Hydrogen”. Dr. Hayashi states plainly that one of the biggest problems with ionizers is the fact that a lot of the Hydrogen is allowed to dissipate… Now the book Cellular Water by Minister EnQi is in HIGH DEMAND!!!!!

The Views Expressed here are not those of the Amber Institute Sports Clinics of America or Minister EnQi


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Clinical Research by Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi

Water Institute, and Munenori KAWAMURA, M.D., Kyowa Medical Clinic,

In November ’95 I presented a hypothesis known by the title : ‘Water Regulating Theory (Hayashi’s Model)’ in a US health magazine (3). It says that active oxygen could be scavenged or reduced by atomic hydrogen, which results in production of H2O to give again a birthplace for every life form (Fig1).

My hypothesis was born from the clinical observation study in our clinic.

Since May ’85 we have confirmed thousands of clinical improvements, obtained solely by exchanging drinking (as well as cooking water) from tap water to reduced water (tab.1).

Those improvements were very exciting and some of them were considered to be miraculous at that time, when Shirahata’s paper was not yet submitted. It should be remembered that such putrefied metabolites are the same ones which are produced as a result of putrefaction of protein. The difference lies only in the fact that the former putrefaction process is brought about by intestinal microbes, whereas the latter is brought about by airborne microbes (Fig.2, 3). Based on these facts, I proposed a hypothesis ‘Pre-and posthepatic Organ Theory’ in 1988, 1989 & 1990 at the International Symposium on ‘Man and His Environment in Health and Disease’ held at Dallas, Texas, USA (Fig.4).

I stated that, as it is impossible to purify the polluted water in the St.Laurence River without purifying the polluted water in Lake Ontario, so it should be impossible to improve the disorders of posthepatic organs, without trying to improve the disorder of prehepatic organs, namely putrefaction in gastrointestinal tract. Such clinical experiences have led us to recognize that reduced water is not only effective for restoration of intestinal flora metabolism, but also could be effective in scavenging active oxygen. Our clinical observation data, and my hypothesis, were delivered to Prof. Shirahata in April 1996 and his research has since started.

Shirahata’s paper means that cell metabolism, either microbial or cancerous, depends on its intracellular water, namely cell metabolism. This can vary according to the property of intracellular water, i.e. hydrogen-rich or not.. And even cancer cells might lose their characteristic feature of unlimited proliferation when they are immersed in hydrogen-rich water, originated and developed in Japan, but totally unknown in the past throughout the world. The solution might now be in our hands. Our ‘new water’ should be the first choice for all of us to take, as has been suggested by Happe, Shirahata and ourselves.

<Case presentation on improvements of diabetes, hepatoma & atopic dermatitis.>

Now, there could be no wonder why such clinical improvements have been obtained.

In short, ‘ invisible reaction’ of active hydrogen against active oxygen was regulated at first. As a result of it, ‘visible reaction’, so-called clinical exam data as well as clinical symptoms have been improved.


HAYASHI, Hidemitsu, M.D., Water Institute, & KAWAMURA, Munenori, M.D., Kyowa Medical Clinic, (1985-2000)

Improvement of blood glucose and HbAIC levels in diabetes mellitus.

Improvement of peripheral circulation in diabetic gangrene.

Improvement of uric acid levels in gout.

Improvement of liver function in hepatic disease, cirrhosis of liver, hepatitis.

Improvement of gastroduodenal ulcers and prevention of recurrences.

Improvement of cholesterol level; hypertension, angina, myocardial infarction.

Improvement of hypersensitive disorders; atopic dermatitis, asthma, urticaria.

Improvement of autoimmune disorders; rheumatism, collagen disease, SLE.

Improvement of so called specific diseases; Behcet’ syndrome, Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, Kawasaki’s disease.

Improvement of malignant tumors of liver; hepatoma, metastatic tumors.

Improvement of general malaise, chronic constipation &diarrhea as well as persistent diarrhea occurred after gastric resection.

Improvement of dehydration in infants with vomiting and diarrhea caused by viral infection

Improvement of hyperbilirubinemia in newborns

Experiences of pregnant women who took reduced water during their pregnancy; almost no emesis, smooth delivery, slight jaundice, enough lactation, smooth and satisfactory growth of newborns…..

Devices to produce reduced water were introduced into our clinic in May 1985. Based on the clinical experiences obtained in the past 15 years, it can be said that introduction of naturally reduced water (using H-01 Active Hydrogen Generator) or electrolyzed-reduced water for drinking and cooking purpose for in-patients should be the very prerequisite in our daily medical practices.

It is because any dietary recipe cannot be a scientific one if property of water taken by the patients is not taken into consideration.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan announced in 1965 that the intake of reduced water is effective for restoration of intestinal flora metabolism.

Scientific Papers by Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi:

Electrolyzed-Reduced Water Scavenges Active Oxygen Species and Protects DNA from Oxidative Damage

Hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals

Supplementation of hydrogen-rich water improves lipid and glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance

Consumption of Molecular Hydrogen Prevents the Stress-Induced Impairments in Hippocampus-Dependent Learning Tasks during Chronic Physical Restraint in Mice

Hydrogen in Drinking Water Reduces Dopaminergic Neuronal Loss in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease

Consumption of hydrogen water prevents atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E knockout mice

Molecular hydrogen alleviates nephrotoxicity induced by an anti-cancer drug cisplatin without compromising anti-tumor activity in mice

Molecular hydrogen is protective against 6-hydroxydopamine-induced nigrostriatal degeneration in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease

Rapid Diffusion of Hydrogen Protects the Retina: Administration to the Eye of Hydrogen-Containing Saline in Retinal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury

Electrolyzed-reduced water scavenges active oxygen species and protects DNA from oxidative damage

“Electrolyzed-Reduced Water Scavenges Active Oxygen Species and Protects DNA from Oxidative Damage”

Sanetaka Shirahata, Shirgeru Kabayama, Mariko Nakano, Takumi Miura, Kenichi Kusumoto, Miho Gotoh, Hidemitsu Hayashi, Kazumichi Otsubo, Shinkatsu Morisawa, and Yoshinori Katakura

Published in: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol. 234, No.1, May 8, 1997

(This paper is based on electrolyzed-reduced water, but later found that the Hydrogen Producing Mineral Stick was actually more effective because with the electrolyzed-reduced water the water must be consumed immediately as the hydrogen gas dissipates quickly.)

Active oxygen species or free radicals are considered to cause extensive oxidative damage to biological macromolecules, which brings about a variety of diseases as well as aging. The ideal scavenger for active oxygen should be ‘active hydrogen’. ‘Active hydrogen’ can be produced in reduced water near the cathode during electrolysis of water. Reduced water exhibits high pH, low dissolved oxygen (DO), extremely high dissolved molecular hydrogen (DH), and extremely negative redox potential (RP) values. Strongly electrolyzed-reduced water, as well as ascorbic acid, (+)-catechin and tannic acid, completely scavenged O.-2 produced by the hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase (HX-XOD) system in sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). The superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity of reduced water is stable at 4 degrees C for over a month and was not lost even after neutralization, repeated freezing and melting, deflation with sonication, vigorous mixing, boiling, repeated filtration, or closed autoclaving, but was lost by opened autoclaving or by closed autoclaving in the presence of tungsten trioxide which efficiently adsorbs active atomic hydrogen. Water bubbled with hydrogen gas exhibited low DO, extremely high DH and extremely low RP values, as does reduced water, but it has no SOD-like activity. These results suggest that the SOD-like activity of reduced water is not due to the dissolved molecular hydrogen but due to the dissolved atomic hydrogen (active hydrogen). Although SOD accumulated H2O2 when added to the HX-XOD system, reduced water decreased the amount of H2O2 produced by XOD. Reduced water, as well as catalase and ascorbic acid, could directly scavenge H2O2. Reduced water suppresses single-strand breakage of DNA b active oxygen species produced by the Cu(II)-catalyzed oxidation of ascorbic acid in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting that reduced water can scavenge not only O2.- and H2O2, but also 1O2 and .OH.

“Hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals”

Ikuroh Ohsawa, Masahiro Ishikawa, Kumiko Takahashi, Megumi Watanabe, Kiyomi Nishimaki, Kumi Yamagata, Ken-ichiro Katsura, Yasuo Katayama, Sadamitsu Asoh and Shigeo Ohta

Published in: Nature Medicine: Advance Online Publication, published on line May 7, 2007 Nature Publishing Group, http://www.nature.com/naturemedicine.


Acute oxidative stress induced by ischemia-reperfusion or inflammation causes serious damage to tissues, and persistent oxidative stress is accepted as one of the causes of many common diseases including cancer. We show here that hydrogen (H2) has potential as an antioxidant in preventive and therapeutic applications. We induced acute oxidative stress in cultured cells by three independent methods. H2 selectively reduced the hydroxyl radical, the most cytotoxic of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and effectively protected cells; however, H2 did not react with other ROS, which possess physiological roles. We used an acute rat model in which oxidative stress damage was induced in the brain by focal ischemia and reperfusion. The inhalation of H2 gas markedly suppressed brain injury by buffering the effects of oxidative stress. Thus H2 can be used as an effective antioxidant therapy; owing to its ability to rapidly diffuse across membranes, it can reach and react with cytotoxic ROS and thus protect against oxidative damage.

“Supplementation of hydrogen-rich water improves lipid and glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance” Sizuo Kajiyama, Goji Hasegawa, Mai Asano, Hiroko Hosoda, michiaki Fukui, Naoto Nakamura, Jo Kitawaki, saeko Imai, Koji Nakano, Mitsuhiro Ohta, Tetsui Adachi, Hiroshi Obayashi, Toshikazu Yoshikawa Published in: Science Direct; Nutrition Research 28 (2008) 137-143; Elsevier Available online at www.sciencedirect.com : Nutrition Researchwww.elsevier.com/locate/nutres


Oxidative stress is recognized widely as being associated with various disorders including diabetes, hypertension, and atherosclerosis. It is well established that hydrogen has a reducing action. We therefore investigated the effects of hydrogen-rich water intake on lipid and glucose metabolism in patients with either type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). We performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study in 30 patients with T2DM controlled by diet and exercise therapy and 6 patients with IGT. The patients consumed either 900 mL/d of hydrogen-rich pure water or 900 mL of placebo pure water for 8 weeks, with a 12-week washout period. Several biomarkers of oxidative stress, insulin resistance, and glucose metabolism, assessed by an oral glucose tolerance test, were evaluated at baseline and at 8 weeks. Intake of hydrogen-rich water was associated with significant decreases in the levels of modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (ie, modifications that increase the net negative charge of LDL), small dense LDL, and urinary 8-isoprostanes by 15.5% (P < .01), 5.7% (P < .05), and 6.6% (P < .05), respectively. Hydrogen-rich water intake was also associated with a trend of decreased serum concentrations of oxidized LDL and free fatty acids, and increased plasma levels of adiponectin and extracellular-superoxide dismutase. In 4 of 6 patients with IGT, intake of hydrogen-rich water normalized the oral glucose tolerance test. In conclusion, these results suggest that supplementation with hydrogen-rich water may have a beneficial role in prevention of T2DM and insulin resistance.


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“Consumption of Molecular Hydrogen Prevents the Stress-Induced Impairments in Hippocampus-Dependent Learning Tasks during Chronic Physical Restraint in Mice”

Kazufumi Nagata, Naomi Nakashima-Kamimura, Toshio Mikami, Ikuroh Ohsawa, Shigeo Ohta

Neuropsychopharmacology advance online publication 18 June 2008; doi:10.1038/npp.2008.95


We have reported that hydrogen (H2) acts as an efficient antioxidant by gaseous rapid diffusion. When water saturated with hydrogen (hydrogen water) was placed into the stomach of a rat, hydrogen was detected at several  M level in blood. Because hydrogen gas is unsuitable for continuous consumption, we investigated using mice whether drinking hydrogen water ad libitum, instead of inhaling hydrogen gas, prevents cognitive impairment by reducing oxidative stress. Chronic physical restraint stress to mice enhanced levels of oxidative stress markers, malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, in the brain, and impaired learning and memory, as judged by three different methods: passive avoidance learning, object recognition task, and the Morris water maze. Consumption of hydrogen water ad libitum throughout the whole period suppressed the increase in the oxidative stress markers and prevented cognitive impairment, as judged by all three methods, whereas hydrogen water did not improve cognitive ability when no stress was provided. Neural proliferation in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus was suppressed by restraint stress, as observed by 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine incorporation and Ki-67 immunostaining, proliferation markers. The consumption of hydrogen water ameliorated the reduced proliferation although the mechanistic link between the hydrogen-dependent changes in neurogenesis and cognitive impairments remains unclear. Thus, continuous consumption of hydrogen water reduces oxidative stress in the brain, and prevents the stress-induced decline in learning and memory caused by chronic physical restraint. Hydrogen water may be applicable for preventive use in cognitive or other neuronal disorders.

“Hydrogen in Drinking Water Reduces Dopaminergic Neuronal Loss in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease”

Kyota Fujita1, Toshihiro Seike1, Noriko Yutsudo2, Mizuki Ohno2, Hidetaka Yamada2, Hiroo Yamaguchi2, Kunihiko Sakumi2, Yukiko Yamakawa1, Mizuho A. Kido3, Atsushi Takaki4, Toshihiko Katafuchi4, Yoshinori Tanaka5, Yusaku Nakabeppu2#, Mami Noda

Laboratory of Pathophysiology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 2 Division of Neurofunctional Genomics, Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 3 Department of Oral Anatomy and Cell Biology, Graduate School of Dental Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 4 Department of Integrative Physiology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 5 R&D Center, Home Appliances Manufacturing Business Unit, Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan

PLoS ONE | www.plosone.org 1 September 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 |

It has been shown that molecular hydrogen (H2) acts as a therapeutic antioxidant and suppresses brain injury by buffering the effects of oxidative stress. Chronic oxidative stress causes neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). Here, we show that drinking H2-containing water significantly reduced the loss of dopaminergic neurons in PD model mice using both acute and chronic administration of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). The concentration-dependency of H2 showed that H2 as low as 0.08 ppm had almost the same effect as saturated H2 water (1.5 ppm). MPTP-induced accumulation of cellular 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), a marker of DNA damage, and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), a marker of lipid peroxidation were significantly decreased in the nigro-striatal dopaminergic pathway in mice drinking H2-containing water, whereas production of superoxide (O2•−) detected by intravascular injection of dihydroethidium (DHE) was not reduced significantly. Our results indicated that low concentration of H2 in drinking water can reduce oxidative stress in the brain. Thus, drinking H2-containing water may be useful in daily life to prevent or minimize the risk of life style-related oxidative stress and neurodegeneration.

Consumption of hydrogen water prevents atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E knockout mice

Ikuroh Ohsawaa, b, Kiyomi Nishimakia, Kumi Yamagataa, Masahiro Ishikawaa and Shigeo Ohtaa,

Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Institute of Development and Aging Sciences, Nippon Medical School, 1-396 Kosugi-cho, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-8533, Japan

The Center of Molecular Hydrogen Medicine, Institute of Development and Aging Sciences, Nippon Medical School, Kawasaki 211-8533, Japan

Received 16 October 2008.  Available online 6 November 2008.


Oxidative stress is implicated in atherogenesis; however most clinical trials with dietary antioxidants failed to show marked success in preventing atherosclerotic diseases. We have found that hydrogen (dihydrogen; H2) acts as an effective antioxidant to reduce oxidative stress [I. Ohsawa, M. Ishikawa, K. Takahashi, M. Watanabe, K. Nishimaki, K. Yamagata, K. Katsura, Y. Katayama, S, Asoh, S. Ohta, Hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals, Nat. Med. 13 (2007) 688–694]. Here, we investigated whether drinking H2-dissolved water at a saturated level (H2–water) ad libitum prevents arteriosclerosis using an apolipoprotein E knockout mouse (apoE−/−), a model of the spontaneous development of atherosclerosis. ApoE−/− mice drank H2–water ad libitum from 2 to 6 month old throughout the whole period. Atherosclerotic lesions were significantly reduced by ad libitum drinking of H2–water (p = 0.0069) as judged by Oil-Red-O staining series of sections of aorta. The oxidative stress level of aorta was decreased. Accumulation of macrophages in atherosclerotic lesions was confirmed. Thus, consumption of H2-dissolved water has the potential to prevent arteriosclerosis.


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Molecular hydrogen alleviates nephrotoxicity induced by an anti-cancer drug cisplatin without compromising anti-tumor activity in mice

Naomi Nakashima-Kamimura1, Takashi Mori3, Ikuroh Ohsawa1, 2, Sadamitsu Asoh1 and Shigeo Ohta1

Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, Volume 64, Number 4 / September, 2009, Friday, January 16, 2009

Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Institute of Development and Aging Sciences, Nippon Medical School, Kawasaki Kanagawa, 211-8533, Japan

The Center of Molecular Hydrogen Medicine, Institute of Development and Aging Sciences, Nippon Medical School, Kawasaki Kanagawa, 211-8533, Japan

Institute of Medical Science, Saitama Medical Center/University, Kawagoe Saitama, 350-8550, Japan

Received: 24 September 2008  Accepted: 30 December 2008  Published online: 16 January 2009


Purpose  Cisplatin is a widely used anti-cancer drug in the treatment of a wide range of tumors; however, its application is limited by nephrotoxicity, which is affected by oxidative stress. We have reported that molecular hydrogen (H2) acts as an efficient antioxidant (Ohsawa et al. in Nat Med 13:688–694, 2007). Here we show that hydrogen efficiently mitigates the side effects of cisplatin by reducing oxidative stress.

Methods  Mice were administered cisplatin followed by inhaling hydrogen gas (1% H2 in air). Furthermore, instead of inhaling hydrogen gas, we examined whether drinking water containing hydrogen (hydrogen water; 0.8 mM H2 in water) is applicable by examining oxidative stress, mortality, and body-weight loss. Nephrotoxicity was assessed by morphological changes, serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels.

Results  Inhalation of hydrogen gas improved mortality and body-weight loss caused by cisplatin, and alleviated nephrotoxicity. Hydrogen was detected in blood when hydrogen water was placed in the stomach of a rat. Consuming hydrogen water ad libitum also reduced oxidative stress, mortality, and body-weight loss induced by cisplatin in mice. Hydrogen water improved metamorphosis accompanying decreased apoptosis in the kidney, and nephrotoxicity as assessed by serum creatinine and BUN levels. Despite its protective effects against cisplatin-induced toxicity, hydrogen did not impair anti-tumor activity of cisplatin against cancer cell lines in vitro and tumor-bearing mice in vivo.

Conclusion  Hydrogen has potential for improving the quality of life of patients during chemotherapy by efficiently mitigating the side effects of cisplatin.

Molecular hydrogen is protective against 6-hydroxydopamine-induced nigrostriatal degeneration in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease.

Neurosci Lett. 2009 Apr 3;453(2):81-5. Epub 2009 Feb 12. Fu Y, Ito M, Fujita Y, Ito M, Ichihara M, Masuda A, Suzuki Y, Maesawa S, Kajita Y, Hirayama M, Ohsawa I, Ohta S, Ohno K.

Division of Neurogenetics, Center for Neurological Diseases and Cancer, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan.

Molecular hydrogen serves as an antioxidant that reduces hydroxyl radicals, but not the other reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. In the past year, molecular hydrogen has been reported to prevent or ameliorate eight diseases in rodents and one in human associated with oxidative stress. In Parkinson’s disease, mitochondrial dysfunction and the associated oxidative stress are major causes of dopaminergic cell loss in the substantia nigra. We examined effects of approximately 50%-saturated molecular hydrogen in drinking water before or after the stereotactic surgery on 6-hydroxydopamine-induced nigrostrital degeneration in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease. Methamphetamine-induced behavioral analysis showed that molecular hydrogen prevented both the development and progression of the nigrostrital degeneration. Tyrosine hydroxylase staining of the substantia nigra and striatum also demonstrated that pre- and post-treatment with hydrogen prevented the dopaminergic cell loss. Our studies suggest that hydrogen water is likely able to retard the development and progression of Parkinson’s disease.

Rapid Diffusion of Hydrogen Protects the Retina: Administration to the Eye of Hydrogen-Containing Saline in Retinal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury

Hideaki Oharazawa,1 Tsutomu Igarashi,2 Takashi Yokota,3 Hiroaki Fujii,4 Hisaharu Suzuki,5 Mitsuru Machide,6 Hiroshi Takahashi,7 Shigeo Ohta,8 and Ikuroh

Ohsawa9 1Department of Ophthalmology, Musashikosugi Hospital, Nippon Medical School, Kawasaki, Japan 2Department of Ophthalmology, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan 3Department of Molecular Biology, Institute of Development and Aging Sciences, Nippon Medical School, Kawasaki, Japan 4Department of Ophthalmology, Musashikosugi Hospital, Nippon Medical School, Kawasaki, Japan 5Department of Ophthalmology, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan 6The Center of Molecular Hydrogen Medicine, Institute of Development and Aging Sciences, Nippon Medical School, Kawasaki, Japan 7Department of Ophthalmology, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan 8Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Institute of Development and Aging Sciences, Nippon Medical School, Kawasaki, Japan 9The Center of Molecular Hydrogen Medicine, Institute of Development and Aging Sciences, Nippon Medical School, Kawasaki, Japan

Correspondence: Ikuroh Ohsawa, Email: iohsawa@nms.ac.jp


PURPOSE. Retinal ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury by transient elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) is known to induce neuronal damage through the generation of reactive oxygen species. Previous studies indicate that molecular hydrogen (H2) is an efficient antioxidant gas that selectively reduces the hydroxyl radical ( OH) and suppresses oxidative stress-induced injury in several organs. This study was conducted to explore the neuroprotective effect of H2-loaded eye drops on retinal I/R injury.

Electrolyzed-reduced water scavenges active oxygen species and protects DNA from oxidative damage.

Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1997 May 8;234(1):269-74.

Shirahata S, Kabayama S, Nakano M, Miura T, Kusumoto K, Gotoh M, Hayashi H, Otsubo K, Morisawa S, Katakura Y.

Institute of Cellular Regulation Technology, Graduate School of Genetic Resources Technology, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. sirahata@grt.kyushu-u.ac.jp

Active oxygen species or free radicals are considered to cause extensive oxidative damage to biological macromolecules, which brings about a variety of diseases as well as aging. The ideal scavenger for active oxygen should be ‘active hydrogen’. ‘Active hydrogen’ can be produced in reduced water near the cathode during electrolysis of water. Reduced water exhibits high pH, low dissolved oxygen (DO), extremely high dissolved molecular hydrogen (DH), and extremely negative redox potential (RP) values. Strongly electrolyzed-reduced water, as well as ascorbic acid, (+)-catechin and tannic acid, completely scavenged O.-2 produced by the hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase (HX-XOD) system in sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). The superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity of reduced water is stable at 4 degrees C for over a month and was not lost even after neutralization, repeated freezing and melting, deflation with sonication, vigorous mixing, boiling, repeated filtration, or closed autoclaving, but was lost by opened autoclaving or by closed autoclaving in the presence of tungsten trioxide which efficiently adsorbs active atomic hydrogen. Water bubbled with hydrogen gas exhibited low DO, extremely high DH and extremely low RP values, as does reduced water, but it has no SOD-like activity. These results suggest that the SOD-like activity of reduced water is not due to the dissolved molecular hydrogen but due to the dissolved atomic hydrogen (active hydrogen). Although SOD accumulated H2O2 when added to the HX-XOD system, reduced water decreased the amount of H2O2 produced by XOD. Reduced water, as well as catalase and ascorbic acid, could directly scavenge H2O2. Reduced water suppresses single-strand breakage of DNA b active oxygen species produced by the Cu(II)-catalyzed oxidation of ascorbic acid in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting that reduced water can scavenge not only O2.- and H2O2, but also 1O2 and .OH.

PMID: 9169001 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Additional comment on above article by Dr. Shirahata:

Dr.Sanetaka Shirahata

Graduate school of Genetic Resources Technology, Kyushu University, 6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan.

It has long been established that reactive oxygen species (ROS) cause many typesof damage to biomolecules and cellular structures, that, in turn result in the development of a variety of pathologic states such as diabetes, cancer and aging. Reduced water is defined as anti-oxidative water produced by reduction of water. Electrolyzed reduced water (ERW) has been demonstrated to be hydrogen-rich water and can scavenge ROS in vitro (Shirahata et al., 1997). The reduction of proton in water to active hydrogen (atomic hydrogen, hydrogen radical) that can scavenge ROS is very easily caused by a weak current, compared to oxidation of hydroxyl ion to oxygen molecule. Activation of water by magnetic field, collision, minerals etc. will also produce reduced water containing active hydrogen and/or hydrogen molecule. Several natural waters such as Hita Tenryosui water drawn from deep underground in Hita city in Japan, Nordenau water in Germany and Tlacote water in Mexico are known to alleviate various diseases. We have developed a sensitive method by which we can detect active hydrogen existing in reduced water, and have demonstrated that not only ERW but also natural reduced waters described above contain active hydrogen and scavenge ROS in cultured cells. ROS is known to cause reduction of glucose uptake by inhibiting the insulin-signaling pathway in cultured cells. Reduced water scavenged intracellular ROS and stimulated glucose uptake in the presence or absence of insulin in both rat L6 skeletal muscle cells and mouse 3T3/L1 adipocytes. This insulin-like activity of reduced water was inhibited by wortmannin that is specific inhibitor of PI-3 kinase, a key molecule in insulin signaling pathways. Reduced water protected insulin-responsive cells from sugar toxicity and improved the damaged sugar tolerance of type 2 diabetes model mice, suggesting that reduced water may improve insulin-independent diabetes mellitus. Cancer cells are generally exposed to high oxidative stress. Reduced water cause impaired tumor phenotypes of human cancer cells, such as reduced growth rate, morphological changes, reduced colony formation ability in soft agar, passage number-dependent telomere shortening, reduced binding abilities of telomere binding proteins and suppressed metastasis. Reduced water suppressed the growth of cancer cells transplanted into mice, demonstrating their anti-cancer effects in vivo. Reduced water will be applicable to not only medicine but also food industries, agriculture, and manufacturing industries.

Scientists has been learning the importance of the hydrogen atom in human health over the past 80 years.

In 1937 – Dr. Györgyi reports that Hydrogen is at the root of energy creation

The first scientist to talk about hydrogen was Dr. Szent-Györgyi who won the Nobel Prize for Vitamin C curing scurvy in 1937.

In his discovery he found that Hydrogen is the only fuel the bodyrecognizes and describes the body’s natural process of digesting carbohydrates to provide hydrogen in the making of ATP or energy for the body.

Says Dr. Györgyi, “…the fact that our body really only knows one fuel, hydrogen. The foodstuff, carbohydrate, is essentially a packet of hydrogen, a hydrogen supplier, a hydrogen donor, and the main event during its combustion is the splitting off of hydrogen. So the combustion of hydrogen is the real energy-supplying reaction; To the elucidation of reaction (6), which seems so simple, I have devoted all my energy for the last fifteen years.” – Albert Szent-Györgyi, PhD


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In 1965 — the Japan Ministry of Health reports that Hydrogen is necessary to balance and maintain digestive flora

The Nobel Prize was awarded to Dr. Peter Mitchell in 1978 for his theory of chemiosmosis.

According to this model of Dr. Peter Mitchell, Hydrogen is essential in the production of ATP in the mitochondria, the source of all energy in the cells, and therefore the body. This works through hydrogen dehydrogenase, a flavoprotein catalyzing the conversion of NAD+ to NADH by molecular hydrogen (H2); H2 + NAD+ → H+ + NADH. Molecular hydrogen, H2, is very prevalent in our hydrogen-rich water as shown by research certificate from the Shiga Institute. This is the seminal work in cellular energy production also helps explain the energy on demand available from hydrogen-rich water.

What is the bottom line of this structure and function claim? Clearly, ATP production can be supported by the increased presence of molecular hydrogen, and this explains the consistently positive reports we receive from athletes attesting to dramatic increases in energy reserves.

Come forward to today and now thanks to Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi, MD cardiac surgeon has found a way to bring hydrogen to the body that is inexpensive, portable and available to all.

Born in 1938.

Graduated from the Kobe University School of Medicine in 1968.

Studied at the University of Munich (1970-71).

Specialized in the field of Cardiovascular Medicine.

In 1985, began researching the medical benefits of water.

In 1995, simultaneously released in Japan and the U.S., his theory on the effects of hydrogen-rich water in preventing and treating illnesses.

Lecture by Hidemitsu Hayashi, MD

I have concluded that there are two kinds of water — water that produces disease and water that prevents and cures disease.

I must also make the following almost unbelievable point. From the dawn of the human race up to the present day, I think human beings have been acquainted with water that produces disease.

This is because 99.99 percent of the water that actually exist on the earth is or was, in fact, nothing but this type of water. Thus, up until now, the human race has had to depend on “water that produces disease.” As a result, since the birth of humankind, human beings have suffered from disease.

Conversely, we may look at this situation in the following way. What will happen, if up until now, we had depended on the other type of water, the “water that prevents and cures disease?” Since 1985, I have been searching for the water that prevents and cures disease. During that time there were many detours, but I believe that very recently I have finally discovered what this is. In a nutshell, it is water that contains a large amount of hydrogen gas, which I have termed “Hydrogen-rich Water.”

Why can I say this?

A detailed explanation will be provided in this guidebook, but in short, because Hydrogen Rich Water gets rid of active oxygen, which is considered to be the cause of all kinds of diseases. And that is not all. The water I am proposing has another big advantage: anyone can produce Hydrogen Rich Water easily, reliably and cheaply. I would like you, too, to check out delicious taste and wonderful qualities of Hydrogen Rich Water, “the water that prevents and cures disease.”


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CHAPTER ONE : The Genesis of Water

The birth of the earth is supposed to have come about by means of a “big bang” that occurred between 10 and 20 billion years ago. It is also believed that the first living organisms came out into existence in the water of this planet some four billion years ago. In other words, if water had not been present on the earth some four billion years ago, living organisms would not have emerged and survived on the earth. Therefore the presence of water on the earth was the great prerequisite for the genesis and survival of all living organisms.

Everyone knows that water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. The bonding of hydrogen and oxygen in a 2 to 1 ratio produces water, which is expressed with the chemical formula H2O. The fact that water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen signifies that hydrogen and oxygen attract one another. In other words, if hydrogen and oxygen did not have this attraction, water would never have come into existence. Moreover, without the genesis of water, living organisms would not have come into existence either. There is an energy that works to draw these atoms to each other (covalent bond energy), and it is thanks to this energy that water was able to come into existence.

Because water is what is generated by means of this covalent bond energy, the hydrogen in the water can not exist alone and independently in a form that is separate from the oxygen. Not only that, when water is infused with hydrogen gas taken from something like a compressed gas cylinder, or when hydrogen gas is generated by electrolysis to produce water with increased hydrogen (electrolyzed cathodic water), the hydrogen simply escapes into the air immediately because it is the lightest gas in the universe. This is why, as we learned in high school chemistry, there is hardly any hydrogen in water.

As such, the water we are familiar with is all water that contains hardly any Hydrogen gas. In short, the water that exists in nature, the tap water produced by processing it, bottled water and so forth all have one big common characteristic: they are all “water that contains hardly any hydrogen.”

Recognizing and understanding this fact from the beginning is of the utmost importance for the actualization of your good health and longevity.


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CHAPTER TWO : The Genesis of Living Organisms

As mentioned in the previous chapter, living organisms first came into existence in water some four billion years ago. This tells us that the necessary condition for the genesis and survival of living organisms must lie in water. In other words, if this condition were not found in water, living organisms would not have been able to come into existence and survive in water. In other words, we must conclude that the key to the genesis and survival of them or good health and longevity of living organisms is undoubtedly to be found in water.

In reality, what is the conventional wisdom concerning this topic? It would probably be, “The key to good health and longevity couldn’t be found in water!…” All I can say, however, is that this sort of thinking is in fact sheer nonsense. It is nothing but an irrational opinion that ignores the truth about the health and longevity of living organisms.

In my view, we cannot help but conclude that the key to the genesis and survival of living organisms, namely our own health and longevity, is to be found in water. No other way of thinking could explain the fact that the genesis and survival of living organisms in water has been repeating itself for some four billion years on a continuous basis.

Taking it back a step, this is not even a question of health and illness, because if water had not existed on the earth, and the key to health and longevity were not to be found in water, all living organisms would not have come into being to start with. Therefore, what we have to think about now are the following questions, which are the only relevant issues.

What kind of water would be water that maintains good health and cures disease?

And conversely, what kind of water would be water that is detrimental to health and produces disease?

These are questions that are most important for us to consider, rather than repeating the generally held conventional wisdom “The key to good health and longevity couldn’t be found in water”.


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CHAPTER THREE : Water That Produces Disease

As mentioned in the preface, I have concluded that water can be divided into two kinds: water that produces disease and water that prevents and cures disease. First, I shall explain about water that produces disease.

“Water that produces disease” refers to the water we drink everyday without much thought. This includes tap water, well water, rain water, water from lakes and mountain streams, underground water and spring water. In short, it is the water we usually call natural water or spring water. Even tap water is really natural water if you consider where it comes from. It is simply natural water that has undergone processing at a water purification plant, where it is infused with chlorine or ozone gas to disinfect it.

The various kinds of bottled water sold in convenience stores and supermarkets, such as natural water, spring water, mineral water, famous waters from various regions all over Japan, famous name-brand water and so forth also fall into the same category. In other words, 99.9 percent of the water we drink on a daily basis is in fact nothing more than this water that produces disease.

Why am I able to make this statement? And what on earth are the characteristics of ” water that produces disease ?”

Put simply, the most important characteristic is the fact that such water hardly contains any hydrogen; in the water found in nature, there is almost no hydrogen gas. The reason for this, as mentioned earlier, is that although water is composed of two hydrogens and one oxygen, the action of covalent energy operating between the hydrogen and oxygen makes it extremely difficult for hydrogen to exist on its own in a form that is separate from oxygen and independent of the oxygen. Furthermore, water containing abundant hydrogen does not exist in nature because even water that starts out containing abundant hydrogen loses it immediately. This means that up to 99.9 percent of the water in nature is nothing but ” hydrogen poor water.”

This hydrogen poor water is none other than the “water that produces disease.”

The reason is that hydrogen (active hydrogen) is necessary to getting rid of active oxygen, which is the cause of all kinds of diseases, and hydrogen poor water is water that is deprived of this crucial hydrogen that is essential for removing active oxygen. In other words, it is extremely ineffective in getting rid of active oxygen, and it follows that hydrogen poor water is none other than water that produces disease.


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CHAPTER FOUR : Water That Cures Disease

We have seen that water that produces disease refers to hydrogen poor water. On the other hand, water that prevents and cures disease refers to water that contains a lot of hydrogen, namely, Hydrogen Enriched Water. ( Please note that hydrogen poor and hydrogen enriched water are terms I have coined.) The basis for this, in brief, is that the abundant hydrogen found in Hydrogen Enriched Water becomes active hydrogen in the body and removes the active oxygen that is considered to be the cause of all kinds of diseases.

In recent times practically everyone has seen or heard, on television, radio, newspapers and health magazines, the expression “active oxygen is the cause of all kinds of diseases.” Active oxygen is exactly what the words include: oxygen that is active.

The action of oxygen is oxidation, which means that it burns things up or produces rust on metals such as iron and copper. Active oxygen thus means oxygen with a particularly strong oxidizing action. Expressed metaphorically, if we compare the oxygen we normally breathe to kerosene, active oxygen would correspond to gasoline. A simple explanation of the expression “active oxygen is the cause of all kinds of diseases” is that because active oxygen has a particularly strong oxidizing action (oxidative damage) on genes (DNA), it damages the genes and causes diseases.

Life is maintained in our body by the metabolism in which the oxygen we breathe in through our lungs burns up the food we take in through our mouths, and the byproduct of this process is active oxygen, which is emitted as a kind of combustion gas.

Let us describe this reaction, in which the air we take in through our lungs “oxidizes” our food, from the viewpoint of the food. What happens is that the food “reduces” the oxygen. The ordinary oxygen that is reduced by the food becomes active oxygen. We maintain our lives by breathing oxygen; however, since it is believed that around two percent of the oxygen we breathe in is transformed into active oxygen, we cannot avoid producing active oxygen as long as we are alive. Therefore to preserve our health it is necessary to suppress the active oxygen that we are constantly producing and the trump card in doing this is hydrogen enriched water.


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CHAPTER FIVE : What Is Active Oxygen

Active oxygen is something like the exhaust fumes produced by automobile engines. If we liken gasoline to food and air to oxygen, active oxygen would correspond to the exhaust fumes produced after the gasoline has combusted.

As already mentioned, it is believed that in burning up our food, around two percent of the oxygen we breathe in through our lungs becomes active oxygen. We breathe about twenty times per minute, and active oxygen is being produced in our bodies each time we breathe. Since the volume of air we breathe in with each breath is 500 cc, we are breathing in about 10,000 cc of air per minute. As twenty percent of this air, or 2,000 cc, consists of oxygen, two percent of this amount, or 40 cc, becomes active oxygen. Thus, each minute about 40 cc of active oxygen is being produced in our bodies. This amounts to 24,000 cc per hour and 57,600 cc per day of active oxygen.

Considering this moment-by-moment production of large amounts of active oxygen in our bodies, it is no wonder that we tend to fall prey to disease. We, on the other hand, have in our bodies several enzymes, such as SOD(superoxide dismutase), catalase and glutathione peroxidase, which remove this active oxygen. As we get older, however, the function of these enzymes alone becomes insufficient to dispose of the active oxygen effectively. As a result, we fall to prey to various diseases. This means thatif we could dispose of the “active oxygen” effectively, we would be able to achieve good health and longevity.

The functional mechanism of active oxygen is oxidation. In order to suppress the (particularly strong) oxidizing function of active oxygen, it follows that we require a substance that has the opposite function to oxidation. The opposite function to oxidation is reduction, and reduction originally refers to the function of hydrogen. Consequently, we can say that the originator of reduction is none other than hydrogen.


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CHAPTER SIX : What Is Active Hydrogen

It turns out that the true form of reduction is the function of hydrogen. Incidentally, various substances have been proposed as substances capable of removing active oxygen; that is, substances with reduction effect (antioxidants). Among these, the most effective one is undoubtedly active hydrogen. The other so-called antioxidant substances cannot compare to it.

As mentioned previously, active oxygen is oxygen with a particularly strong oxidizing function. What we normally call “hydrogen” refers to molecular hydrogen or H2.

In contrast, atomic hydrogen or H is specially called “active hydrogen” because it has a particularly strong reducing function. Let us look at Table 1 in the last section of this booklet.

The water around us (such as tap water) is hydrogen poor water, but if you infuse this water with hydrogen gas taken from a hydrogen gas cylinder, it can reach up to a value of 1.49 ppm (hydrogen saturated water). Meanwhile, by inserting the hydrogen producing mineral stick into the same water, you can obtain water that is abundant in hydrogen, which I call Hydrogen Enriched Water.

Now, what happens when we incorporate Hydrogen Rich Water into our everyday lives ? In a nutshell, there will be a huge decrease in our probability of getting sick (disease).

Why is it possible to make this statement? Because the thinking goes as follows:

When Hydrogen Rich Water, water rich in molecular hydrogen, enters our body, this molecular hydrogen is broken down into atomic hydrogen in the body. The active hydrogen bonds with active oxygen (thought to cause all kinds of diseases) to produce safe, nontoxic water that leaves the body in the form of urine and sweat.

In short, we may consider that when Hydrogen Rich Water enters our body, it gets rid of the active oxygen that is produced in the body from moment to moment. Therefore there is a significant decrease in our probability of getting sick.


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CHAPTER SEVEN : What Are Hydrogenases

Hydrogenases are enzymes that can reversibly split molecular hydrogen to produce atomic hydrogen. It is believed th

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