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KemiLuminescence FatBurner Plus

Obesity: Determining The Cause And Developing The Remedy

The article talks about the problem of obesity and weight gain. It states that because of the problem regarding weight, many individuals are trying to determine the right body fat for their age, weight, height, etc. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a method that is used by many too determine one’s body fat. However, there are many methods that are more accurate in determining body fat than BMI.

The number of people gaining unwanted and enormous weight around the world has become a cause of alarm for health experts around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has put the worldwide total obese people at more than 1 billion. This number is expected to rise to about 1.5 billion in less than 10 years. Obesity is one of the reasons why a lot of people suffer from many health ailments. Being obese or having too much fat than what the human body needs, can lead to many health conditions like type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, high blood pressure, arthritis, sleep apnea, and stroke.

Because of these dangers, it is important to determine the right body fat. Many health professionals use the body mass index (BMI) to determine if individuals are carrying too much fat. It is based on one’s height and waist, and estimates whether one’s weight is healthy or not and if one is overweight and obese. These health experts say that a healthy BMI for individuals is between 19 and 26. A BMI of 27 to 30 is regarded as overweight, while 30 above is classified as obese. If one’s BMI is below 19, it may lead to health problems like osteoporosis, malnutrition, liver disease, and inadequate absorption of nutrients from the intestines. BMI applies to individuals, regardless of their sex, age, frame size or muscle mass.

Many health studies show that one’s BMI may not be an accurate indication of one’s fat composition. There are some exceptions that may be applied in determining one’s BMI. Because muscle weighs more than fat, the BMI overestimates the body fat in many individuals with low body fat and a lot of muscle. In addition, BMI underestimates the body fat in elderly people.

Body fat can be determined by underwater weighing, by the use calipers and other special equipment that can used to calculate how much body fat a person possess. When special apparatus and equipments are not available many health experts believe that measuring one’s waist can an easy way of determining one’s health. For men, a waist measurement of 40 indicates a high risk for health ailments. For women, a considerable figure is 35 inches or more.

Rather than searching for a cure for obesity or a way to figure out one’s body content, the cause of obesity should be given priority. When more calories are taken than burned off, weight gain may occur. Eating too much calories than what the human body needs is one of the main cause of the rise of obesity in many societies. In addition, the busy lives of people in the 21st century made it harder for individuals to cook and prepare healthy meals. Nowadays, prepared foods and fast food deliveries have become the first option when it comes to food choices. These foods are high in fat and calories. Work schedules, long commutes, and work commitments have taken the time for physical activities. These factors have contributed to the rising number of individuals who are overweight and obese.

People should remember that there are no shortcuts to good health. People who are overweight or obese should consider in a change in lifestyles and food regimen. Doctors and other health professionals should be consulted to develop a plan that might work for certain individuals. For sure, these health experts will advise a nutritious diet and plenty of physical activities to be involved in one’s diet. Improvements in these areas may lead to improved overall health and enhanced well-being.

Obesity, an American Epidemic, a Worldwide Concern

Obesity is beginning to spread more and more to countries that have always had a relatively low rate of obesity, like China and Japan. This is one case where being in the majority is not considered a good thing.

If you are considered overweight, whether you know it or not, you are in the majority. In America, it has been recently estimated that 65% of the population is overweight with 30% being at least clinically obese. To add to this alarming statistic is the estimate that 15-20% of the nationís children are overweight. Now, obesity is beginning to spread more and more to countries that have always had a relatively low rate of obesity, like China and Japan. This is one case where being in the majority is not considered a good thing. What really matters is, how being overweight or obese affects your overall health.

According to the body mass index, you are considered overweight if your index is between 25 and 29. If your index is over 30, you are considered obese. The American collage of sports medicine defines obesity as an amount of body fat that increases the risk of disease. As a general rule, more than 25% body fat for men and more than 32% body fat for women is considered obesity.

Letís look at some of the most likely reasons that so many people are obese.

1: overeating

2: lack of exercise

3: genetic predisposition

4: psychological problems

5: too slow a metabolism

These are some of the things scientists are investigating as to the likely causes for obesity. Most of these can be overcome by lowering the fat in the diet and by exercising.

Regardless of the reasons for overweight and obesity, there is health risks associated with these conditions. According to the U.S.Surgeonís report:

A bodyweight of more than 20% over ideal constitutes a definite health hazard.

Obesity is associated with a reduced life expectancy.

Risk factors for heart disease such as high cholesterol increase.

Obesity increases stress on the body joints.

Obesity increases the risk of surgery.

The presence of diabetes is nearly 3 times higher in overweight people.

According to the experts, all of these risk factors can be improved by a reduction in weight. Some have estimated that a weight loss of 10% can improve the risk factors for heart disease by 20%. Also, the greatest health benefits are reported to occur with the first 20 pounds of weight loss, which means that even if it seems to be hard to lose weight, it is still worth doing it. If you donít lose all of the weight you want to lose, you can still improve your risk factors by losing some of the weight.

You can make losing weight a little easier if you just set a small goal at first, then when you reach that goal, set another small goal and aim for that. A good target is to try to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. It is within reason to try to lose 10% of your current bodyweight, or 20 pounds in about six months if you are overweight.


KemiLuminescence FatBurner Plus

ObesityÖ.Not a Big Deal Now!

Obesity is due to accumulation of excess fat in your body. It can lead to various problems and slow your life in a very drastic manner. But the result of using Phentermine proved to be very positive. It stimulates your nervous system suppressing your appetite and burns your calories significantly. If taken with a proper diet you can really get a new slim body.

Obesity is a common problem nowadays to the world. It not only restricted to some common countries like US or UK but it is a problem gripping the whole world and in a very dramatic manner. Obesity is a curse in this new generation. People try to escape from it, but ultimately someway or the other they canít stop themselves from confronting obesity. Physical inactivity along with improper food habit is the main cause of obesity. Well, genetic factors also come into consideration sometimes.

But what is commonly found that when people find out that obesity is embarrassing their life, they begin to torture themselves by doing various experiments like staying hungry, living only on juices or go to a gym. This kind of sudden change in oneís life leads to the worst rather than doing any benefits.

For along time from now, research was going on obesity. Though it was found that obesity cannot be cured completely, but oflate a drug named Phentermine is found to be very productive. FDA has found it to be the most effective drug to fight obesity. It is a drug which belongs to the class of anorectics that stimulates our nerverous system to inhabit the feeding centre and hence suppress our appetite. It is found that consumption of Phentermine pills along with a proper nutrition and a bit of physical exercise is very fruitful. One good thing about this drug is that it is used as a short term drug and a course can extend maximum to maximum unto 12 weeks. So within a short period of time you can get a new shape and get your self free from obesity.

Common side effects like diarrhea, impotency for a short period, insomnia as well as dizziness are said to be found in using Phentermine. So it is always better to consult a physician before including it to your daily routine and it is highly recommended for pregnant women. Generally a tablet a day is consumed before breakfast.

Do you know, how much of your work suffer due to obesity problem? In a resent survey about 40% of your work gets affected due to obesity. Along with it, your body becomes a home for various diseases. So it is always cleaver to be health conscious and try to get rid of it when you find problems due to obesity for it is not a big deal. Thanks to Phentermine.

Obesity; An Ameican Epidemic, A Worldwide Concern

If you are considered overweight, whether you know it or not, you are in the majority. In America, it has been recently estimated that 65% of the population is overweight with 30% being at least clinically obese. To add to this alarming statistic is the estimate that 15-20% of the nation’s children are overweight. Now, obesity is beginning to spread more and more to countries that have always had a relatively low rate of obesity, like China and Japan. This is one case where b…

If you are considered overweight, whether you know it or not, you are in the majority. In America, it has been recently estimated that 65% of the population is overweight with 30% being at least clinically obese. To add to this alarming statistic is the estimate that 15-20% of the nation’s children are overweight. Now, obesity is beginning to spread more and more to countries that have always had a relatively low rate of obesity, like China and Japan. This is one case where being in the majority is not considered a good thing. What really matters is, how being overweight or obese affects your overall health.

According to the body mass index, you are considered overweight if your index is between 25 and 29. If your index is over 30, you are considered obese. The American collage of sports medicine defines obesity as an amount of body fat that increases the risk of disease. As a general rule, more than 25% body fat for men and more than 32% body fat for women is considered obesity.

Let’s look at some of the most likely reasons that so many people are obese.

1: overeating

2: lack of exercise

3: genetic predisposition

4: psychological problems

5: too slow a metabolism

These are some of the things scientists are investigating as to the likely causes for obesity. Most of these can be overcome by lowering the fat in the diet and by exercising.

Regardless of the reasons for overweight and obesity, there is health risks associated with these conditions. According to the U.S.surgeon’s report:

A bodyweight of more than 20% over ideal constitutes a definite health hazard.

Obesity is associated with a reduced life expectancy.

Risk factors for heart disease such as high cholesterol increase.

Obesity increases stress on the body joints.

Obesity increases the risk of surgery.

The presence of diabetes is nearly 3 times higher in overweight people.

According to the experts, all of these risk factors can be improved by a reduction in weight. Some have estimated that a weight loss of 10% can improve the risk factors for heart disease by 20%. Also, the greatest health benefits are reported to occur with the first 20 pounds of weight loss, which means that even if it seems to be hard to lose weight, it is still worth doing it. If you don’t lose all of the weight you want to lose, you can still improve your risk factors by losing some of the weight.

You can make losing weight a little easier if you just set a small goal at first, then when you reach that goal, set another small goal and aim for that. A good target is to try to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. It is within reason to try to lose 10% of your current bodyweight, or 20 pounds in about six months if you are overweight.

KemiLuminescence FatBurner Plus

Obesity – It’s Eating Up Our Society

Obesity is the new epidemic sweeping the nation. Reported levels of obesity have soared within the last couple of years and are an all time high. Being ibese is not something that should be taken lightly and a lot of effort should be put in place to hep people who are obese loose weight, if they donít loose the weight serious consequences await them.

Obesity opens up doors for all sorts of health problems, not only that being obese cant make you feel good in general, you w…

Obesity is the new epidemic sweeping the nation. Reported levels of obesity have soared within the last couple of years and are an all time high. Being ibese is not something that should be taken lightly and a lot of effort should be put in place to hep people who are obese loose weight, if they donít loose the weight serious consequences await them.

Obesity opens up doors for all sorts of health problems, not only that being obese cant make you feel good in general, you will always be panting after walking only a short distance, you wont be able to manage stairs, finding clothes will be hard and expensive (not to mention the clothes arenít very fashionable) and basic tasks will take you longer than usual. Many people are unhappy about being obese but sit there waiting for someone else to take over and get them into shape, that has to stop and obese people need to take responsibility for their own actions.

Albeit some people are obese due to medical problems, for example glandular conditions and thyroid problems, but most of the time it is due to the fact that people are lazy, not eating properly and are shunning exercise! Obese people need to open their eyes and look in the mirror closely, they are not healthy and wonít be until they loose weight, loosing weight will be a struggle but there is plenty help available from doctors and services. If you donít loose weight then you are digging your self an early grave.

Health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and arthritis can all be cause due to obesity and sometimes you can end up bed ridden because you are to large to get out of bed. In more serious cases people die because of strokes and heart attacks caused due to being obese! These health problems are serious ones and they inhibit day to day activities. The first step for someone suffering from obesity is to go to see their doctor and they will refer them to a qualified and registered nutritionist who will then help them on their road to weight loss.

Obesity needs to be addressed and the government are taking steps to emphasize the problems that it is causing, more health articles, adverts and surveys are being done and the government are plastering their findings as far and as wide as they can, but they can only do so much the rest is up to you.

Obesity In America Today

The Americans tend to lead a fast-paced lifestyle so convenience foods and takeaways always seem like the best option. Its not. Obesity in America has risen more than anywhere else in the world but not only with adults, children are also suffering the same fate! If obesity is not tackled then all around the world will suffer, not just America.

Some people in America suffer obesity through medical problems which is not fault of their own and cannot be helped but others are …

The Americans tend to lead a fast-paced lifestyle so convenience foods and takeaways always seem like the best option. Its not. Obesity in America has risen more than anywhere else in the world but not only with adults, children are also suffering the same fate! If obesity is not tackled then all around the world will suffer, not just America.

Some people in America suffer obesity through medical problems which is not fault of their own and cannot be helped but others are just far to lazy and eat far to much. Americans are taking the lead in obesity and no one seems to be doing anything about it except the medical research teams and endocrinologists who are trying to find ways to battle the bulge. With out the help of professionals it will be very hard for any obese person to loose weight, and they definitely need the support of their friends and family.

In 2004, the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ranked obesity as the number one health threat facing America and no one seems to be taking notice and doing anything about it. Obesity not only impacts your medical health but can also lead to lower self-esteem, and cause depression and discomfort in social situations, and is significantly reducing the quality of life among adults or children in American communities. Obesity in America is a growing story and needs to be tackled immediately.

Obesity is not a simple condition of eating too much. It is now recognized that obesity is a serious, chronic disease although eating to much does add to the discomfort and problem of obesity. American eating habits are different to many places, they are mainly carbohydrate eaters and thatís where the problems lye. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. A BMI of 30, in most cases, means that an individual is about 30 pounds over their ideal weight. Calculating your BMI is the safest way to determine how overweight you are as it calculates your height to weight ratio to give you a very close estimate to what your weight should be.

Obesity in American is a serious and growing problem that is almost out of hand and needs the American people to take a look at each other and do something about it. If nothing is done then obesity is just a time bomb lurking in Americas shadows waiting to explode!

Obesity is an Increasing Health Risk

Obesity is a health risk. It may lead to a multiple of diseases in future. It is better to get out of obesity to remain away from the future diseases. Change in food habits and doing physical exercises are the cost effective and natural way of treating it.

High blood pressure, joint pains, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, heart ailments, palsy, liver ailments, menstrual abnormalities, breast cancer, female infertility, decline in libido, endometrial cancer, mental stress, blood circulation diseases like arteriosclerosis, cholelithiasis etc. These are some of the diseases which might come up with obesity. This list seems endless. But before knowing how to end obesity one must know ìwhat is obesity?î

Whom would you consider a person to be obese? A person who has BMI (Body Mass Index) of over 30 is considered to be an obese individual. But how does one become obese? In theory causes of obesity are gene, intake of fatty foods, lacking of physical activity, food habits, laziness and endocrine problems.

What are the available remedies for getting out of obesity?

Liposuction: It is a surgical process where the fat is removed by sucking out the fat from the body by inserting a needle.

Surgery: Commonly this procedure involves surgery of stomach and intestine to lower the intake of food.

Diet Pills: Majority of the diet pills are for short-term use only. These diet pills are effective only if they are used in combination with exercises and a controlled diet.

Fat burning pills: These are short-term quick fat burning pills. But the main problem with this medication is that the results are short lived. Once the medication is stopped the fats again show up.

Exercises: It is an age old technique of obesity reduction. It is a natural process so side effects are not there.

Controlled diet program: Like exercises this too is a natural process. Here a limited amount of food is taken which controls the formation of fat in the body.

Acupressure and acupuncture: Age old technique but nothing concrete has been proved yet.

Whatever be the method of getting over obesity there is no better method than natural methods like exercises and controlled diet program. And if a diet pill like Phentermine, Adipex, Acomplia is introduced the effects would be visible within a short time period.

Apart from physical aspects obesity may also let you feel dejected, out of the world and may make an individual abstain from social gatherings. If you are obese it is time to act. Whatever remedy you choose you should always consult your doctor for his view on that remedy.

KemiLuminescence FatBurner Plus

Obesity & Diabetes

Health is a big asset which requires proper care and nurturing. A fit and trim body gives inner and outer confidence whereas an obese physique makes you dull and pessimistic.

Health is a big asset which requires proper care and nurturing. A fit and trim body gives inner and outer confidence whereas an obese physique makes you dull and pessimistic. Obesity breeds other diseases and makes our existence uncomfortable and unpleasant. It also results in emotional suffering which is one of the most painful parts of obesity.

Obesity is not just a cosmetic problem. It’s a health hazard. Someone who is grossly overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely as compared to an average-weight person. This is because obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions such as diabetes and strokes.

A weight increase of 11-18 pounds doubles the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in comparison to individuals who have not gained weight. According to studies, over 80 percent of people with diabetes are overweight or obese. This may account for the newly invented word, diabesity, which signifies the close association between obesity and diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes, one of most prominent ailment found in obese people reduces body’s ability to control blood sugar. It is a major cause of early death, heart disease, stroke, and blindness. Overweight people are twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared to normal weight people. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is necessary for the body to be able to use sugar. Sugar is the basic fuel for the cells in the body, and insulin takes the sugar from the blood into the cells.

The chances of its occurrence can be reduced by losing weight and exercising more. If you have type 2 diabetes, losing weight and becoming more physically active can help control your blood sugar levels. Increasing your physical activity may also allow you to reduce the amount of diabetes medication intake. Losing a small amount of weight can also reduce your chances of developing heart disease or a stroke and make your body ailment free.

Studies show that you can improve your health by losing as little as 10 to 20 pounds. Weight reduction can decrease your chance of developing several fatal ailments like heart disease, blood pressure, and levels of blood cholesterol and triglycerides.

Obesity, Sexual Health and Other Health Effects

This article talks about the health effects of being obese. Aside from diabetes, coronary heart disease, and certain ulcers, recent medical studies reveal that obesity may also lead to low testosterone levels and hamper the sexual health of many men.

Obesity has been getting the attention of many health specialists because of the ill-effects it brings. Obesity is defined as an abnormal accumulation of body fat. Individuals who are 20 to 40 percent over one’s ideal weight is considered as mildly obese, 40 to 100 percent over the their ideal weight is considered moderately obese, and 100 percent over one’s ideal weight is considered severely obese. Body mass index, calipers, waist-hip ratio are some of the methods that are commonly used to measure body fat.

Obese individuals might be prone to health risks like cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, certain types of ulcers and diabetes, and coronary heart disease. Recent medical studies reveal that obesity may also lead to low testosterone levels and hamper the sexual health of many men. It is suggested that obesity is a significant predictor of low testosterone. These studies add that gaining ten percent in one’s appropriate Body Mass Index (BMI) may lead to decreased testosterone levels by about ten percent. Because of this, fat or over weight individuals may have up to 25 percent less total testosterone than their fit counterparts. In addition to this, obesity may lead to high blood pressure, a condition that usually brings no obvious symptoms. High blood pressure may cause the blood vessels to harden and damage the lining of the blood vessels. Because of this development, less blood which carries oxygen and nutrients flow to the penis. Decreased blood flow may cause difficulties in achieving and maintaining erections. High blood pressure may also interfere with ejaculation and reduce libido. Many medications used to treat high blood pressure may also bring similar adverse effects.

Obesity may also heighten the risk of developing several health conditions that may include the following:

arthritis and other orthopedic problems like lower back pain



adult-onset asthma

high cholesterol levels


irregular monthly periods and absence of menstruation (amenorrhea)

infertility and pregnancy complications

shortness of breath

sleep apnea and other sleeping disorders

skin disorders that develop because of bacterial breakdown from sweat and other cellular material in thick folds of skin

One of the probable causes of obesity high calories in diets coupled with inactivity. A study conducted by the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report in February, 2004 showed that Americans consumed more calories than they did 30 years ago. The study found out that from 1971 to 2004, American women increased their calorie consumption from 1542 calories per day to 1877. The men on the other hand, at the same time frame, increased their calorie intake from 2,450 to 2,618.

With the rise of calorie intake also came the decline of physical activities. However, less than 1/3 of adults engage in the appropriate amounts of exercise. In addition, 40% of adults in the United States do not participate in any physical activity while 43% of adolescents spend more than 2 hours in front of the television. It is recommended that individuals should accumulate at least 30 minutes among adults and 60 minutes among children of moderate physical activity three times a week. More are recommended to prevent weight gain or to lose weight.

Obese individuals who want to improve their sexual health and overall well-being should engage in regular exercise and healthy diets. Exercise is good for different people of all ages, sex, and weight. It is necessary to maintain overall health and enhanced well-being. Individuals who decide to include a regular program of physical activity should consult doctors and other health professionals for advice. This is important because a lot of individuals tend to workout too much or workout improperly, which may do more harm than good. Understanding healthy lifestyles and eating regimens may enable individuals to lose essential amounts of weight.

Obesity and Binge Eating

The article talks about the ill-effects of being obesity, a major health concern that affects many individuals in the United States and many parts of the world. One of the probable cause of obesity is an eating disorder called binge eating disorder.

Obesity is a condition that has become a major health concern affecting many individuals in the United States. This condition refers to the build-up of excess body fat that may impair health conditions. Obese individuals are prone to health risks like cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, sleep apnea, and many more. These health hazards have prompted many people to include a weight-loss program in their lifestyles. However many health experts advice individuals to understand the cause weight-gain is essential in preventing the additional cases of obesity.

Understanding the cause of obesity might enable overweight individuals to treat their health problems. According to clinical studies, one probable cause of obesity among Americans is an eating disorder called binge eating. It is an eating disorder whereby individuals have a strong addiction for food. The cause of this condition is still unclear but experts suggest stress, anxiety, and depression can trigger compulsive eating disorder. Individuals with this condition crave for food even though they do not need to eat that much. They end up eating too much and not realizing that they should not once they are fool. Individuals with binge eating disorder may gain weight overtime and have obesity problems. However, there are some individuals who have this condition and have normal weight.

Eating too much is one of the symptoms of binge eating disorder. Eating when not hungry or eating while being sad, angry, lonely, or bored can also be a symptom of this condition. After binging, one might feel upset, guilty, or depressed. These individuals may also feel alone because they are embarrassed of about how much they eat. Eating in secret is also a symptom of binge eating disorder.

The common treatment for binge eating disorder may include the use of medication like antidepressant pill or counseling or a combination of the two. Recent treatment for this condition includes cognitive-behavioral therapy which teaches patients to monitor their eating habits and respond properly to difficult situations. Treatment for this condition may last for extended period to fully recover. Individuals with this condition which includes depression, obesity, and other conditions that may be associated with being overweight.

Health experts advise individuals to include exercise and nutritious diet in their lifestyle to eliminate depression and anxiety. Physical activities promotes the release of endorphins. Endorphins are substances that is released by the brain and is the body’s natural pain-reliever. These substance may elevate the mood and promote a state of bliss. Many health specialists refer to this phenomenon as the runner’s high. When this state well-being is accomplished the use for antidepressant pill may not be necessary. For overweight or obese individuals, it is never too late to engage in regular exercise and healthy diets. Exercise is good for different people of all ages, sex, and weight. It is necessary to maintain improved overall health and enhanced well-being. Individuals who decide to include a regular program of physical activity should consult doctors and other health professionals for advice. This is important because a lot of individuals tend to workout too much or workout improperly, which may do more harm than good. Understanding proper workout and including a healthy diet in one’s lifestyle may lead to improved health and overall well-being and therefore eliminate mental disorders that may lead to eating disorders like binge eating.

Obesity and Poor Male Sexual Health

The article is about talks about the effects of being obese or overweight on male sexual health. These condition may lead to blood vessel blockage that may cause erectile dysfunction (ED). Recent studies show that over 80 percent of men who reported to having ED were overweight and obese.

Obesity is one of the reasons why a lot of people suffer from many health ailments. Being obese or having too much fat than what the human body needs can lead to many health conditions like type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, sleep apnea, and stroke. Moreover, obese men are at high risk of developing blood vessel blockage that may cause erectile dysfunction (ED) and hamper their sexual health.

Studies show that over 80 percent of men who reported having experienced ED were overweight or obese. These conditions may affect the achievement or sustainment of an erection because of the impact on the complex interaction of sensory information, nerves, blood vessels, and hormones. The vascular tissues of the blood needs to be filled with blood after the nerves have carried sexual stimulation messages to the brain. ED occurs when the body experiences a disruption in any of the factors that leads to an erection. One of the disruptions that may occur is the blockage of arteries that deliver blood to the tissues of the penis. Aside from excessive weight and fat in the body, other obesity-linked factors that adversely affects a person’s health include the presence of high blood pressure, high levels of trigylycerides, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or the accumulation of bad cholesterol which is also associated with low levels of high-density lipoprotein.

Because of these dangers, it is important to determine the right amount of body fat that a person can have at any given time. Many health professionals use the body mass index (BMI) to determine if individuals are carrying too much fat. It is based on one’s height and waist, and estimates whether one’s weight is healthy or not, and if one is overweight and obese. These health experts say that a healthy BMI for individuals is between 19 and 26. A BMI of 27 to 30 is regarded as overweight, while 30 above is classified as obese. If one’s BMI is below 19, it may lead to health problems like osteoporosis, malnutrition, liver disease, and inadequate absorption of nutrients from the intestines. BMI applies to individuals, regardless of their sex, age, frame size or muscle mass.

Many health and relationship specialists suggest the following steps to overcoming obesity and for improving sexual health:

Meet up with a doctor and get information regarding safe diet pills, surgeries, or diet plans available for addressing obesity.

Change or remove every food item in your diet which makes you fat.

Motivate yourself and engage in regular exercise and outdoor activities.

Talk to your partner about your performance problem and work out a plan to solve it together.

Find out simpler ways to make love. Position yourself in such a way that your partner doesn’t feel suffocated.

Give each other emotional support.

Overweight and obese men should remember that there are no shortcuts to good health. People who are overweight or obese should consider in a change in lifestyle and food regimen. Doctors and other health professionals should be consulted to develop a plan that might work for certain individuals. Men with weight problems must start and maintain an exercise program to shed of unwanted pounds and improve cardiovascular health. Improvements in these areas may lead to improved overall health, enhanced well-being, and optimum sexual health.

Obesity In Kids Linked To Sleep Deprivation

While the most popular benefit of sleep is to help kids grow taller and healthier, researchers have discovered that every additional hour per night a third-grader spends sleeping reduces the child’s chances of being overweight in sixth grade by 40 percent.

Mothers nagging kids to bed early is a common scenario. There are more significant reasons to it than to merely get rid of them and be relieved from baby-sitting. While the most popular benefit of sleep is to help kids grow taller and healthier, researchers have discovered that every additional hour per night a third-grader spends sleeping reduces the child’s chances of being overweight in sixth grade by 40 percent.

According to Dr. Julie Lumeng of the University of Michigan, kids need at least 9 hours and 45 minutes of sleep everyday. The lesser they sleep, the higher the risk of obesity in sixth grade, regardless of the child’s weight during third grade, said Lumeng who led the research.

This report will surely give a lot of parents additional reason to enforce early bedtime rules, restrict caffeine consumption as well as limit, if not totally prohibit, TV viewing in the bedroom.

Eve Van Cauter, endocrinologist of the University of Chicago, may not be involved in the new study but according to her, lack of sleep plays havoc on two hormones, the ghrelin, which is responsible for promoting hunger, and the peptin, the one that signals fullness.

These two hormones are the ìyin and yang of appetite regulation.î Based on Cauter’s experiments, sleep-deprived adults produced more ghrelin, which makes you hunger for more food, and less leptin, which keeps you from feeling full. It also explains why they are less likely to exercise and would prefer to sit on the couch and munch on cookies, especially when they get tired.

According to Dr. Stephen Sheldon, director of sleep medicine at Chicago’s Children’s Memorial Hospital, children’s sleep may be disturbed by breathing problems, some due to being overweight which has been associated with cases of sleep apnea. Others do not get enough sleep due to enlarged tonsils and adenoids.

With the help of data from an existing federal study, the research team focused on 785 children who lived in 10 cities of the United States with complete information on sleep, height and weight in the third grade and sixth grade.

Averagely, the third-graders got about 9Ω hours sleep, but some slept as little as seven hours and others as much as 12 hours. About 12 percent of the children who slept 10 to 12 hours a day were obese by sixth grade. Moreover, about 22 percent were obese in sixth grade of those who slept less than nine hours a day.

In addition, other risk factors for obesity such as the children’s body mass index in third grade were taken into account, and still found the connection between less sleep in third grade and obesity in sixth grade. Nevertheless, these findings should not give parents a false notion that getting more than enough sleep will keep their kids from getting overweight. Researchers acknowledged that some factors they did not account for such as genetics and other environmental factors.

Obesity – Not Everybody Agrees It Is An Epidemic

Obesity has become such an important topic in health and self-improvement circles that it deserves its own “News and Views” column. Here is the February, 2006 issue.

**Book claims obesity “epidemic” is a big lie

In his new book, “Fat Politics: The Real Story Behind America’s Obesity Epidemic”, writer Eric Oliver claims that the ramped up concern over obesity in the last ten years has been driven by the weight loss industry.

According to Oliver his research led him to…

Obesity has become such an important topic in health and self-improvement circles that it deserves its own “News and Views” column. Here is the February, 2006 issue.

**Book claims obesity “epidemic” is a big lie

In his new book, “Fat Politics: The Real Story Behind America’s Obesity Epidemic”, writer Eric Oliver claims that the ramped up concern over obesity in the last ten years has been driven by the weight loss industry.

According to Oliver his research led him to conclude that, “Based on the statistics most of the charges saying that obesity caused various diseases or that obesity caused thousands of deaths were simply not supported.”

The writer does not dispute that the average American adult is between 8 and 12 pounds heavier today than in 1975. But he does dispute the significance of this weight gain to average health.

He claims that pharmaceutical companies and the diet industry have funded groups like the International Obesity Task Force whose objective has been to promote the dangers of obesity. According to Oliver, “nearly every prominent obesity ‘expert’ has been financed or supported in some way by the weight-loss industry.”

One important outcome of this effort was the successful lowering of the obesity standard in 1998. As Oliver says, “Suddenly tens of millions of Americans became ‘obese’ even though they hadnít gained a pound.”

Oliver’s main contention is that “the scientific evidence is simply not there that most people who are either ‘overweight’ or ‘obese’ are in any danger directly from their weight.”

This flies directly in the face of current orthodoxy on the impact of obesity on health. Those who warn us about obesity say it greatly increases the likelihood of conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and even some cancers.

**Obesity in Children linked to lack of exercise facilities

In a study published in the February issue of Pediatrics, researcher Penny Gordon-Larsen of the University of North Carolina’s School of Public Health and Medicine looked at the correlation between overweight and availability of exercise facilities.

The researchers gathered statistics on the number of physical-activity facilities, the rate of overweight children, and the average physical activity levels for each area. Facilities included were schools, public recreation facilities, parks and YMCAs, as well as dance studios and private gyms.

Not surprisingly, the study concluded that “more disadvantaged communities have a great deficiency in terms of the number and types of exercise facilities available.”

**Link between “food insecurity” and obesity challenged

In another study conducted by researchers at Tulane University, the link between “food insecurity status” and obesity has been challenged.

Prior studies suggested that people not sure where their next meal was coming from might overeat when they got food, or possibly eat less-nutritious, higher calorie foods.

But in the study of nearly 17,0000 kindergarten children, kids in “food insecure houselholds” were found to be 20% less likely to be overweight.

The researchers concluded that some risk factors did contribute to overweight. These were low physical activity, watching TV more than two hours a day, high birth weight, being from a low-income family, and being either black or Latino.

Obesity: enemy of the heart

Obesity is a problem that has reached epidemic levels throughout the world and in particular, has experienced a rapid growth among children and adolescents.

According to the American Heart Association (PCA), one third of children and adolescents and 66 percent of the adult population is overweight or obese. If the trend continues, there will be a reduction in life expectancy of our children, making it the first generation to live less than their parents.

Obesity in simple form is an excess of body fat. The body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference measures are most commonly used. The BMI is the ratio of weight in kilograms to height in meters measure. The normal BMI is between 18 and 24.9 kg/m2. Overweight is any measure between 25-29.9 kg/m2, and obesity a BMI greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2. The waist circumference should be <40cm in men and <35cm in women. Obesity is associated with the development of hypertension, stroke, blockage of the coronary arteries, diabetes, failure and heart rhythm disturbances. In young people, obesity is associated with the development of adult conditions such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes and cholesterol.

It is difficult to associate obesity a factor, as it develops a complex relationship that involves lifestyle, the environment and genetics. However, there is a causal relationship between poor nutrition and unhealthy lifestyles. The sedentary lifestyle, produced by busy lifestyles, overexposure to television, computers and video games, along with the excessive consumption of calories, breaks the balance needed to maintain a healthy weight.

Education is extremely important, particularly since early age, to establish good eating habits and healthy lifestyles.

To bring the message and awareness generation of young people about the importance of prevention, the American Heart Association created the Alliance for a Healthier Generation in conjunction with the foundation of former President William Bill Clinton.

On the Island, the association established partnership with the Government of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Form.This government initiative and whose guidelines are based on those of the Heart Association, offers a real alternative for the prevention of obesity through education and offering physical activity programs, among other things.

Obesity, together with other factors such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipedemias and smoking is a risk factor crucial to the development of cardiovascular diseases. However, contrary to other factors, obesity (next to smoking), is the most changeable of all.

By developing or modifying good nutritional habits and increasing physical activity can have a healthier life.


KemiLuminescence FatBurner Plus

Weight loss vs. Fat loss ñ Yes There Is a Difference!

To lose weight properly (burning fat) you must increase your

metabolism (weight training) and your need for oxygen (aerobics)

while eating enough calories each day (nutritious diet) to

give you energy and maintain the protein in your muscles because

protein helps build muscles, which indirectly burns fat.

In order to lose weight, your body must burn more calories than it takes in, but keep in mind that your body needs calories for energy and when you exercise; your body needs even more calories. Before I talk about energy, the first thing you must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Just because you lose weight, does not mean you lose fat, and just because you lose fat, does not mean you lose weight. When people talk about losing weight, what the really want to do is lose the excess fat on their body and obtain an attractive figure.

When you eat, the body uses most of the calories for energy. If you eat more calories than the body uses, it will get stored as fat. If you do not consume enough calories per day you will lose weight, but you will also lose energy. When you do not consume enough energy (calories) for your body, it will start using up your energy stores to make up for the energy deficiency. Unfortunately, the energy stores used is not your stored fat, but instead itís protein and carbohydrates (carbs) that will supply most of the energy (stored fat makes up a very small percentage). Your body will take the protein and carbohydrates from your muscle cells; causing your muscle mass to reduce (say goodby to that toned attractive look) which forces your metabolism to decrease (a low metabolism = slow or no fat burning). When this happens your body requires less energy to maintain its new lower body weight (remember the body weight is lower because you loss muscle), which is why your body conserves energy by slowing down the metabolism. In other words, the body has adapted to the new lower energy (calorie) intake which means that you will no longer continue to lose weight.

Keep in mind that the weight you had lost in the first place was mostly water weight and you will eventually gain it back in the form of fat, not muscle (in order to get your muscle mass back to the way it was before, you have to work on rebuilding it). When carbohydrates and protein that are already in your body are used as the energy source, your body will lose water weight because both carbohydrates and protein hold water in the cells. In essence, you are dehydrating yourself to lose weight. So yes the scale will go down, but approximately 75% (if not more) of it is water instead of fat. And just so you know, exercising while consuming a small calorie intake just makes the situation worse. This is because when you exercise, you start burning off more energy and the more you workout, the more energy your body needs. I already told you above where the energy comes from, and if you do not give your body the energy it needs, it will just feed on your muscles even quicker now that you are exercising. So eat more food! In addition to this, when you cut down too much on your calorie intake, your body will start storing calories because it doesnít know when you will eat again. The calories that are stored will be stored as fat. So in other words, when your body is storing energy, itís basically storing more fat.

To summarize my point: Not eating enough calories results in muscle loss, dehydration, slower fat burning, and your body will always adapt to a lower calorie intake.

Bottom Line: if you canít maintain that lower calorie intake for the rest of your life, you will gain your weight back when you get tired of starving yourself!

To lose weight properly (burning fat) you must increase your metabolism (weight training) and your need for oxygen (aerobics) while eating enough calories each day (nutritious diet) to give you energy and maintain the protein in your muscles because protein helps build muscles, which indirectly burns fat. This brings up another good point: When you build muscle your weight will increase because your muscles are made up of mostly water, but your body fat percentage will decrease because building muscles increase your metabolism (in other words, muscles way more than fat, but take up less space than fat). So keep in mind that losing body fat canít be measured by a scale; use a measuring tape and also look at yourself in the mirror, and then you will see the true results. One of the best ways to know if you are losing more body fat than water is by using a body fat analyzer.

Make sure that you focus on fat loss not weight loss. Your goal should be to lose weight by burning fat, not losing water from your muscles. Remember this when you choose your weight loss program.

Weight Loss At Work: Non-Food Rewards

Food seems to be the perennial favorite for any kind of work reward because it is universally accepted. Some of us (we hard core dieters) may pass on the sweet stuff but usually find something allowable. In a world where two thirds of us are overweight or obese, is there nothing else available as a gift that cuts across all individual interests? Five specific non-food rewards are suggested.

The e-mail comes out at noon. “To celebrate your hard work this week, there is cake and ice cream in the big kitchen at 3 today. Be there!”

The universal reward for hard work always seems to be food: cake and ice cream, a catered lunch for in-service training sessions, pizza for the overtime crew, bagels and cream cheese to brighten up a bleak Monday morning.

Food seems to be the perennial favorite for any kind of work reward because it is universally accepted. Some of us (we hard core dieters) may pass on the sweet stuff but usually find something allowable. In a world where two thirds of us are overweight or obese, is there nothing else available as a gift that cuts across all individual interests?

Recently, we had a whole week at my company devoted to employee appreciation. The primary rewards were, of course, food but other things were added: a company baseball cap, a hiking water container, a lunch bag, and a handwritten note of thanks to every employee from their supervisor. The cap was a bust for those of us with any modicum of fashion sense; the insulated flask and bag were food related, and the handwritten notes were superfluous – good supervisors show their appreciation of hard work constantly while a handwritten note from a harsh supervisor, no matter the “thanks” stated, means diddly squat to a resentful employee.

The HAS to be something else, doesn’t there? We human beings have few things totally in common and eating is the primary universal. Other common bodily activities such as urination and defecation are not easily translatable into some kind of reward system. We are all involved in physical activity, to some degree, but that is often more a chore than a delight.

When it comes to our other senses, we all differ so much that one person’s pleasure is another person’s pain: music, perfume, pictures, or massages are differential tastes rather than general givens.

Money is almost always acceptable but the small amounts that would be individually generated to replace a free dessert or snack would be so minimal that their reward value would be insignificant.

So what can those of us on a permanent diet, and alarmed about our coworkers’ increased girth, suggest?

How about plants? Small individual pots or a larger department shrub would save our waistlines while adding to the health and esthetics of our environment. I calculate, just within my call center, that if a plant had been given to each department, instead of an edible goodie, for celebrations over the past 5 years, that I would now be working in a lush rain forest of exotic plants where the stale re-processed air conditioned air would be purer, more humid, and a thousand times fresher. Morale booster and health benefits in one fell swoop!

How about the gift of time? In our overly busy pressured lives, who would not be immensely grateful for a free hour here or there. Rotate it through each department, letting one or two people leave early on a Friday afternoon. That would means something and would carry no cost so upper management should be ecstatic.

Instead of a handwritten note, how about getting Supervisors to perform their subordinates work duties for an hour or so, once in a while? Can you imagine the morale boost for an employee to get off the telephone, or the machine, or the computer, and shoot the breeze with friends for an hour while their duties are performed by their supervisors? And if mistakes are made – so much the better. It creates a sense of equality and inter-relationship between workers and supervisors that is generally lacking in a corporate environment.

How about free “Get out of jail” cards for every line worker? Each person gets one free card and additional cards can be given by supervisors for outstanding work, ensuring that the better workers have more cards. The cards can then be used as excuses for small transgressions – coming in a little late, leaving early, making minor mistakes. With the use of the card, a worker avoids verbal coaching, warnings, or being put on report. And let employees use their cards for coworkers who may need them – think of the teambuilding that would accomplish!

Flexibility of hours, assignments, and days, is another area where workers will universally respond: not to money, or food, but to accommodation of individual needs. Give each employee a wish card and then allow them to use it to get something they need.

What does all of this accomplish? It allows for employee rewards without fats and carbohydrates. Now isn’t that worthwhile?

P. S. I’m recommending this to my company. I’ll let you know if they buy it!


Weight Loss Attitudes

Once youíve achieved your desired weight, you return to your old eating habits and levels of activity, the weight will return. Plain and simple.

Quick-fix diets face this kind of problem. They donít offer long-term changes which sometimes cause the downfall of the program.

Stay realistic

Avoid feeling dissatisfaction with what you have accomplished. Enjoy your life and be satisfied with the healthy weight you can achieve. Initially, weight loss is gradual compared…

Once youíve achieved your desired weight, you return to your old eating habits and levels of activity, the weight will return. Plain and simple.

Quick-fix diets face this kind of problem. They donít offer long-term changes which sometimes cause the downfall of the program.

Stay realistic

Avoid feeling dissatisfaction with what you have accomplished. Enjoy your life and be satisfied with the healthy weight you can achieve. Initially, weight loss is gradual compared to those who return to their previous weight.

Have self-discipline

People who watch their weight show flexibility in their self-control. Most of the time, they make healthy choices but does not avoid eating food.

Eat healthily

Learn proper choice, preparation and enjoyment of a balanced diet. Skill in cooking low-fat diet, understanding labels of food and being able to judge portion sizes food labels and having the ability to judge portion sizes contribute to a balanced diet.

Eating regular meals, tasting them and planning ahead is also a part of this.

How to eat like a successful slimmer

ï Maintain a balanced, lower fat diet in addition to fruits and vegetables.

ï Don’t stay away from any foods, eat portion sizes and minimize the amount of certain foods.

ï Eat three regular meals a day at regular times (starting with breakfast), and lesser snacks.

ï Dine out occasionally, but lessen fast food.

ï Sit down to eat your meals, enjoy them and pay attention to what you’re eating.

Stay active

Getting regular exercise is one of the factors that determine long-term success. It does not only burn unwanted calories and increase metabolism but also increases self-esteem and fights stress.

According to research, walking alone for 30 minutes daily plus some additional activities during the week can be enough.

Have ongoing support

The right kind of support during and after weight loss is vital. It is not an easy task and maintaining them is not easy as well.

Self-monitoring, being conscious and taking down notes is a way of supporting yourself.

Learn to deal with stress

Food is a quick and effective method of handling stress for some people. Evaluate the stresses in your life and your response to these stresses.

Discover new ways to handle your stress. Regular exercise, breathing techniques and removing negative self-talk that fuels anxiety.

Be like a successful slimmer

ï Regularly inspect your weight (once or twice a week) or use another indicator.

ï Avoid guilt-feeling when you overeat or about certain foods.

ï Handle stress and solve problems. Ask for assistance and support from your family, friends, a club, website or health professionals.

Weight Loss Products : A Great Alternative to Normal Diets

Fat has become a real problem this days. Now, when looks are almost everything, everyone wants to have an enviable body. There are a lot of methods and myths that can help in loosing some extra pounds, so choosing the best could be very hard.

Fat has become a real problem this days. Now, when looks are almost everything, everyone wants to have an enviable body. There are a lot of methods and myths that can help in loosing some extra pounds, so choosing the best could be very hard. One of the best weight loss methods is controlling your appetite. But this appetite control method is not so easy for everyone. And that’s where the weight loss pills and fad diets come to ease up the weight loss process.

First of all when you try to control your appetite you will surely feel hungry almost all the time. There are numerous methods to reduce hunger like trying to avoid carbohydrates, exposing yourself to natural sun light or drinking large quantities of water.

But i can tell you from my experience that you can do anything and you won’t loose the hunger feeling. But you can try other weight loss alternatives like diet pills. Don’t consider this diet pills like a substitute for a normal weight loss diet.

Weight loss pills are some kind of appetite suppressant that works well with a good weight loss diet and weight loss exercises. If you follow exactly the prescription and the indications this weight loss products can do miracles to your body.

Another good alternative for weight loss are fad diets. Fad diets are some weight loss plans that are supposed to bring you really amazing results. There are many good fad diets like the Atkins Diet, the three phases programmed South Beach Diet, the Sugar Busters. The Atkins Diet it’s based on avoiding any kind of carbohydrates. It is recommended in this weight loss diet to eat less than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day.

The South Beach Diet it’s based on choosing the right carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

The Sugar Busters weight loss diet is some kind of nutritional lifestyle that will teach you what to eat and when to eat. Exercises are also recommended in this fad diet. It’s based on avoiding sugar and grain products.

In conclusion, if you have a powerful will and you c

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