
What Is the Best Beach Chair from BeachMall


The BeachMall Deluxe 5 pos Lay Flat Aluminum Beach Chair is built for comfort, and it has plenty of features that recommend it in this respect.

The model is made of high quality materials that will help it withstand sun and usage for a long time.

Additional storage pockets are available, so you always have everything you need right at your fingertips.

The fabric is designed to dry rapidly, so there will be no unpleasant sensations if you slump in your beach chair right after a dip in the ocean.


As most of the BeachMall Deluxe beach chair reviews can tell you, this is one of the most popular models you can find right now. However, there are certain things you need to know about it that customers have noticed so far. One such mention is that the fabric feels too thin, so for heavier people’s peace of mind, maybe a model made of thicker fabric may be a good choice. Another mention worth writing down is that the cup holder cannot support really large bottles, and this may be something you want to remember when you go shopping for a beach chair.

Click here and see what customers said about this product on Amazon.com!

Benefits explained

All the reviews written by customers have one thing in common: they praise this model for its superior comfort. The headrest is cushioned, so you do not feel the metal underneath, and you can recline it as you see fit, even to a flat position.

Any product, no matter how great, always depends on the quality of the materials used. Basically, if a beach chair is made of poor quality products, it will not last for a long time. It is not the case with the BeachMall Deluxe 5 pos Lay Flat Aluminum Beach Chair, which is made from the best materials available. The frame is made of anodized aluminum, which ensures great weather resistance, while maintaining the chair very light. The arm rests are made of wood, painted with marine grade coating, so that it does not become dry after prolonged exposure to the sun.

If you are looking for the best beach chair with storage pouch, this is one model to consider. Everyone loves having enough room for their belongings, and this beach chair provides exactly that. One cup holder is provided, along with an additional storage pouch where you can hold your phone and other indispensable items.

The seat is made of 600 Denier Polyester fabric that has the main quality to get dry very fast. This means that you will not feel the seat remaining wet under you, even if you did not care about toweling right after getting out of the water.


This is the best beach chair from BeachMall you can purchase at the moment. If you want a good quality beach chair that will accompany you on your trips to the pool or on vacations to the seaside, there is hardly a better option you can find. Because of its high quality and additional features, this comfortable beach chair is a highly recommended choice.

Click to enter Amazon.com and see why this product is considered the best one in 2015!

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