
توصيات تدوال الفوركس يوم الاثنين 09/09/2013 :

يورو / دولار EUR/USD: الاتجاه صاعد

1.3275 - 1.3225 :المقاومة

1.3021 - 1.3103 :الدعم

دولار/ين : USD/JPS: الاتجاه هابط

100.20 - 100.8 :المقاومة

99.37 - 98.7 :الدعم

الذهب / gold : الاتجاه صاعد

المقاومة : 1399 - 1426

الدعم : 1381 - 1373

النفط / Oil : اتجاه صاعد

المقاومة : 110.9 - 112.25

الدعم : 108.6 - 107.1

توصيات سوق الفوركس تداول العملات و النفط و الذهب 2013

التقرير اليومي باللغة العربية 06/09/2013:

حل اليوم المنتظر من قبل مستثمري العالم، لتزخم أجندته بكم كبير من البيانات ومؤشرات كبرى القطاعات فيها، فيما اتجهت األنظار الى

مبينة السياسة المتبعة خالل الفترة قرارات البنو ك المركزية الكبرى بشأن أسعار الفائدة، وبعض التصريحات التي صدرت من صناع القر ار،


افتتح االقتصاد الياباني أسواق األمس، مع اإلعالن عن قر ار البنك المركزي الياباني بشأن أسعار الفائدة، حيث قرر البنك تثبيت سياسته

أسعار الفائدة عند المنطقة الصفرية بين %0.0 و %0..0، لدعم ثالث االقتصاديات العالمية.

أشار البنك الى أنه سيعمل على تعديل سياسته النقدية عند الحاجة، في غضون ذلك لم يقم البنك بأضفاء أي تحفيز نقدي جديد، في حين

ذكر البنك بأن حالة عدم االستقرار و المخاطر ما زالت تحيط اقتصاد اليابان.

ننتقل الى منطقة اليورو والتي أعلنت يوم أمس عن بيانات قراءة الطلبات المصانع في المانيا خالل تموز، حيث سجلت القراءة الفعلية ت ارجعا

الى %7.2، مقارنة بالقراءة السابقة التي اشارت الى %8.3، وبأسوأ من التوقعات التي كانت عند بنسبة %0...

قام البنك المركزي األوروبي يوم أمس باإلعالن عن قراره بشأن أسعار الفائدة المرجعية، حيث قرر البنك تثبيت سعر الفائدة عند مستوياته

%0.0، في حين تحدث المحافظ البنك المركزي األوروبي السيد ماريو دراغي في المؤتمر الصحفي الذي عقب قرار الفائدة ليشير من خالله

الى ان منطقة اليورو بدأت تتحسن و انها نمت خالل الربع الثاني بعد تراجع دام ستة أرباع، كما ذكر دراغي الى أن مستويات التحسن في

مستويات الثقة تدعم التحسن الحاصل في اإلقتصاد األوروبي، وبالتالي فإن سعر الفائدة المرجعي سيبقى متدني لفترة مطولة من الوقت، في

حين أن معدالت البطالة ستبقى عالية، و ستبقى المخاطر المتعلقة بالنمو سلبية على منطقة اليورو .

اما اإلقتصاد الملكي فقد أعلن هو اآلخر عن قرار البنك المركزي بشأن أسعار الفائدة، حيث قرر البنك تثبيت سعر الفائدة عند مستويات

%0.00، باإلضافة الى تثبيت برنامج شراء األصول عند مستويات 820 مليار جنيه.

بداية عن صدر قراءة طلبات اإلعانة لألسبوع المنتهي في .8 أب، حيث أظهرت القراءة أخي ار الى أكبر اإلقتصادات العالمية والذي أعلن

ا إلى 878 األف طلب، مقارنة بالقراءة السابقة والتي سجلت ارتفاعا بمقدار 887 ألف طلب، والتي و بأفضل من التوقعات التي أشارت انخفاض

الى 880 األف طلب .

صدر تقرير معهد التزويد الخدمي األمريكي خالل شهر تموز، حيث سجلت القراءة ارتفاعا الى 03.5، مقارنة بالقراءة السابقة والتي كانت

عند 05.0، وبأفضل من التوقعات التي أشارت الى 00.0.

اليورو/دولار :

هبط زوج اليورو مقابل الدوالر األمريكي يوم أمس بشك ل حاد، لتالمس تداوالته من جديد مستويات الدعم عند 8.00..، دون أن يحقق كس ا

للمستويات المذكورة، حيث عاد الزوج ليرتفع بشكل بسيط، مع ظهور اشارات تشبع في البيع، ما يدعم توقعات اجراء تصحيح صاعد خالل

تداوالت اليوم اللحظية.

ستعلن منطقة اليورو خالل اليوم عن بيانات مؤشر الصادرات، باإلضافة الى تقرير الميزان التجاري خالل شهر تموز.

مستويات الدعم و المقاومة الرئيسية التداول اليومي:

1.3275 - 1.3225 :المقاومة

1.3021 - 1.3103 :الدعم

دولار/ين :

المست تداوالت زوج الدوالر مقابل الين الياباني الصاعدة يوم أمس، مستو يات 11101.، لتشكل المستويات المذكورة حاج ا

استئناف االتجاه الصاعد، حيث نتوقع خالل هذه اليوم بعض حركات التصحيح الهابط المنتظرة، بشرط الثبات دون مستويات المقاومة


مستويات التداول لهذا اليوم:

100.20 - 100.8 :المقاومة

99.37 - 98.7 :الدعم

الذهب : gold

تحركت تداوالت سعر المعدن الثمين يوم أمس بشك ل حاد نحو األسفل، وتالمس مستويات الدعم 955111.، في حين يظهر من خالل

مستويي آرون وستوكاستيك، تقاطعات ايجابية، تدفعنا لتوقع اجراء تصحيح صاعد، بشرط ثبات التداوالت فوق مستويات الدعم المذكورة1

ينتظر اكبر اقتصادات العالم أن يتم اإلعالن عن بيانات معدل البطالة خالل شهر آب، وتقرير معدل الدخل الشهري بالساعة خالل نفس


مستويات التداول لهذا اليوم:

المقاومة : 1399 - 1426

الدعم : 1381 - 1373

توصيات سوق الفوركس تداول العملات و النفط و الذهب 2013

مصطلحات تدوال الفوركس فوركس :

forex glossary :

Account: Record of all transactions.

Account Balance: Amount of money in an account.

Aggressive trading: The riskier alternative among trading scenarios.

Alerts: A notification, often received by email or SMS, of a market event such as a

stock or currency reaching a target price.

Appreciation: A currency is said to appreciate when price rises in response to

market demand; an increase in the value of an asset.

Arbitrage: Taking advantage of countervailing prices in different markets by the

purchase or sale of an instrument and the simultaneous taking of an equal and

opposite position in a related market to profit from small price differentials.

Ask Price: The price, or rate, that a willing seller is prepared to sell at.

Aussie: The Australian Dollar

Available Margin: The amount of funds that is available in an account to execute new

transaction(s) and/or to increase an exposure. The Available Margin acts as

collateral against losses, therefore when the Available Margin hits zero or below,

this results in a margin call (among most brokers). The Available Margin is derived

from subtracting the Used Margin requirements from the Equity. The Available Margin

is also known as Usable Margin or Free Margin. Available Margin = Total Equity –

Used Margin


Back Office: The departments and processes related to the settlement of financial

transactions (i.e. written confirmation and settlement of trades, record keeping).

Balance of Payments: A record of a nation's claims of transactions with the rest of

the world over a particular time period. These include merchandise, services and

capital flows.

Balance of Trade: The value of a country's exports minus its imports.

Bar Chart: A type of chart which consists of four significant points: the high and

the low prices, which form the vertical bar, the opening price, which is marked with

a little horizontal line to the left of the bar, and the closing price, which is

marked with a little horizontal line to the right of the bar.

Base Currency: The currency in which an investor or issuer maintains its book of

accounts; the currency that other currencies are quoted against. In the Forex

market, the US Dollar is often considered the `base` currency for quotes, meaning

that quotes are expressed as a unit of $1 USD per the other currency quoted in the


Basis Point: One hundredth of a percent.

Bear: An investor who believes that prices/the market will decline.

Bear Market: A market distinguished by a prolonged period of declining prices

accompanied with widespread pessimism.

Bearish: Believing that a particular security, sector, or the overall market is

about to fall.

Opposite of bullish.

"Bear" is a trader who believes the market will fall. There are many ways to measure

a Bear Market.

Many class the markets to be bearish if prices of major indices have declined more

than 20%

Bearish Engulfing: A chart pattern that consists of a small white candlestick with

short shadows or tails followed by a large black candlestick that eclipses or

"engulfs" the small white one.

Bearish Harami: A reversal pattern characterized by a large candlestick followed by

a much smaller candlestick.

The second candle is located within the range of the prior candle's body, and is

always smaller than the previous body.

Such a pattern is an indication that the previous upward trend is coming to an end.

Bearish Reversal: A formation of either one or numerous candlesticks, indicating

that the prior downtrend is about to end.

BID: The price that a buyer is prepared to purchase at; the price offered for a


Bid Price: The price at which an investor, trader or institution is willing to sell

the security.

Big Figure: Dealer phrase referring to the first few digits of an exchange rate.

These digits rarely change in normal market fluctuations, and therefore are omitted

in dealer quotes, especially in times of high market activity. For example, a

USD/Yen rate might be 107.30/107.35, but would be quoted verbally without the first

three digits i.e. "30/35".

Bollinger Bands: A technical indictor forming an envelope around the trading price.

The envelope is calculated using standard deviations and shows price volatility.

Bonds: Bonds are tradable instruments (debt securities) which are issued by a

borrower to raise capital. They pay either fixed or floating interest, known as the

coupon. As interest rates fall, bond prices rise and vice versa.

Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944: An agreement that established fixed foreign

exchange rates for major currencies, provided for central bank intervention in the

currency markets, and pegged the price of gold at US $35 per ounce. The agreement

lasted until 1971, when President Nixon overturned the Bretton Woods agreement and

established a floating exchange rate for the major currencies.

Broken: when a price breaks thru a certain critical level

Broker: An individual, or firm that acts as an intermediary, putting together buyers

and sellers usually for a fee or commission. In contrast, a `dealer` commits capital

and takes one side of a position, hoping to earn a spread (profit) by closing out

the position in a subsequent trade with another party.

Buba: Bundesbank, Central Bank of Germany

Bull: An investor who believes that prices/the market will rise.

Bull Market: A market distinguished by a prolonged period of rising prices.

(Opposite of bear market)

Bullish: Bullish refers to having a positive outlook on a particular security or an


A situation where groups of financial securities are rising.

Bull markets are accompanied by high confidence and market rallies.

Bullish Engulfing: A chart pattern that forms when a small black candlestick is

followed by

a large white candlestick that completely eclipses or "engulfs" the previous day's


The shadows or tails of the small candlestick are short, which enables the body of

the large candlestick to cover the entire candlestick from the previous day.

Bullish Harami: A candlestick chart pattern in which a large candlestick is followed

by a smaller candlestick whose body is located within the vertical range of the

larger body.

In terms of candlestick colors, the bullish harami is a downtrend of negative-

colored (black) candlesticks engulfing a small positive (white) candlestick, giving

a sign of a reversal of the downward trend.

Bullish Reversal: A formation of either one or numerous candlesticks, indicating

that the prior uptrend is about to end.


Cable: Trader jargon for the British Pound Sterling referring to the Sterling/US

Dollar exchange rate. Term began due to the fact that the rate was originally

transmitted via a transatlantic cable starting in the mid 1800`s.

Candlestick Chart: A candlestick chart is a style of bar-chart used primarily to

describe price movements of a security (finance), derivative, or currency over time.

Candlestick charts provide a quick visual picture of the relationship between

opening and closing prices and their relative strengths or weaknesses, especially

for extended periods. The body, which looks like a candle, represents the difference

between opening and closing prices.

Candlestick design: A candle stick pattern.

The rectangle represents the body of the candle and indicates the difference between

the opening and closing price.

The end of the two shadows represents the high and low of the candle.

Capital Markets: Markets for medium to long term investment (usually over 1 year).

These tradable instruments are more international than the 'money market' (i.e.

Government Bonds and Eurobonds).

Central Bank: A government or quasi-governmental organization that manages a

country`s monetary policy and prints a nation's currency. For example, the US

central bank is the Federal Reserve. Other central banks include the ECB, BOE, and


Chart report: A chart is a collection of historical price action that is represented


Chartist: An individual who uses charts and graphs and interprets historical data to

find trends and predict future movements. Also referred to as Technical Trader.

Clearing: The process of settling a trade.

Closed Position: Exposures in Foreign Currencies that no longer exist. The process

to close a position is to sell or buy a certain amount of currency to offset an

equal amount of the open position. This will 'square' the position.

Closing price: The final price at which a security is traded on a given trading day.

The closing price represents the most up-to-date valuation of a security until

trading commences again on the next trading day.

Closing Prices: The price of the last transaction for a given security at the end of

a given trading session. Also known as the 'close'.

Commission: A transaction fee charged by a broker.

Commodities: Plural of commodity.

Commodity: A basic good, such as food, grains, and metals, which is interchangeable


Confirmation: A document exchanged by counterparts to a transaction that confirms

the terms of said transaction.

Conservative: To be cautious or risk averse in an investment strategy. Preservation

of capital...

Consolidation: A period of indecisiveness where the price moves within a trading


Contract: The standard unit of trading.

Counter Party: The participant, either a bank or customer, with whom the financial

transaction is made.

Cross Rate: An exchange rate between two currencies. The cross rate is said to be

non-standard in the country where the currency pair is quoted. For example, in the

US, a GBP/CHF quote would be considered a cross rate, whereas in the UK or

Switzerland it would be one of the primary currency pairs traded.

Currency: Any form of money issued by a government or central bank and used as legal

tender and a basis for trade.

Currency Depreciation: When the value of a particular currency falls substantially.

Currency Pair: The two currencies that make up a foreign exchange rate. For Example,


Currency Risk: The risk of incurring losses resulting from an adverse change in

exchange rates.


Dark Cloud Cover: A chart pattern where a black candlestick follows a long white

candlestick. This will indicate the possibility of an upcoming bearish trend.

Day Trading: Opening and closing the same position or positions within the same

trading session.

Dealer: An individual that acts as a principal to a transaction and is the

responsible for the company's risk by reviewing the customer margin, the trading

rates, the deal size, etc.

Deficit: A negative balance.

Delivery: An actual delivery where both sides transfer possession of the currencies


Deposit: Funding the account.

Depreciation: A decline in the value of a currency due to market forces.

Derivative: A contract that changes in value in relation to the price movements of a

related or underlying security, future or other physical instrument. An Option is

the most common derivative instrument.

Devaluation: The deliberate downward adjustment of a currency's value, normally by

official announcement.


ECB - European Central Bank: The Central Bank for the European Monetary Union.

Economic Indicator: A statistic that indicates about the economic situation and that

is issued by the government or a non-government institution (i.e. Gross Domestic

Product (GDP), Employment Rates, Trade Deficits, Industrial Production, and Business


EMU - European Monetary Union: A monetary union is an arrangement where several

countries have agreed to share a single currency amongst them. The European Economic

and Monetary Union (EMU) consists of three stages coordinating economic policy,

achieving economic convergence (that is, their economic cycles are broadly in step)

and culminating with the adoption of the euro, the EU's single currency.

End Of Day (Mark-to-Market): Traders account for their positions in two ways:

accrual or mark-to-market. An accrual system accounts only for cash flows when they

occur, hence, it only shows a profit or loss when realized. The mark-to-market

method values the trader`s book at the end of each working day using the closing

market rates or revaluation rates. Any profit or loss is booked and the trader will

start the next day with a net position.

Euro: The currency of the European Monetary Union (EMU).

Execution Date: The date on which a trade occurs.

Exit point: The price at which an investor closes his open position. The exit point

is usually decided as part of a premeditated trading strategy meant to mitigate

investment risk and take the emotion out of trade decisions.

Exposure Closing: Executing a deal or deals that results in balancing the exposure

in a specific currency or of the entire exposure, so there is no risk to the

trader's investment regardless to the exchange rate.

Exposure Coverage: The percentage of exposure that is covered by funds. Exposure

coverage is calculated by dividing your Total Equity by your Net Exposure.

Exposure Coverage = Total Equity / Net Exposure


Fed - Federal Reserve: The Central Bank for the United States.

Fixed Exchange Rate (Representative Rate): An official exchange rate set by monetary

authorities for one or more currencies.

Flat (Square, Balanced): To be neither long nor short is the same as to be flat or

square. One would have a flat book if he has no positions or if all the positions

cancel each other out (=Exposure is closed).

Floating Profit/Loss: "Open P/L". See "Unrealized Profit/Loss"

FOMC - Federal Open Market Committee: The Federal Reserve (the U.S. central bank)

committee for monetary issues.

Forex - Foreign Exchange: The simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of

another in an over-the-counter market. Most major FX is quoted against the US


Forward: A Forex deal which its value date is more than Spot (2 business days). The

rate of a Forward deal is different from the rate of Spot deal, as it considers the

interest rate differences. Forward Rate = Spot Rate + Forward Pips.

Forward Points: The pips added to or subtracted from the current exchange rate to

calculate a forward price.

Forward transaction: See "Forward"

FRA - Forward Rate Agreements: FRA`s are transactions that allow one to borrow/lend

at a stated interest rate over a specific time period in the future.

Front and Back Office: Front office is a business term that refers to a company's

departments that come in contact with clients, including the marketing, sales, and

service departments. In our case, also the trading room. A back office is a part of

most corporations where tasks dedicated to running the company itself take place.

Fundamental Analysis: Analysis of economic and political information with the

objective of determining future movements in a financial market.

Futures Contract: In finance, a futures contract is a standardized contract between

two parties to buy or sell a specified asset of standardized quantity and quality at

a specified future date at a price agreed today (the futures price). The contracts

are traded on a futures exchange. Futures contracts are not "direct" securities like

stocks, bonds, rights or warranties. They are still securities, however, though they

are a type of derivative contract.


G5: The five leading industrial countries, being US, Germany, Japan, France, UK.

G7: The seven leading industrial countries, being US, Germany, Japan, France, UK,

Canada, Italy.

GDP - Gross Domestic Product: Total value of a country's output, income or

expenditure produced within the country's physical borders.

GNP - Gross National Product: GDP + income earned from investment or work abroad.

GTC - Good-Till-Cancelled: An Order which is given to a Dealer to buy or sell one

asset against the other at a specific price. The Order will remain intact until

executed or cancelled.


Hedge: A position or combination of positions that reduces the risk of the trader's

primary position.

Hedge Fund: An aggressively managed portfolio of investments that uses advanced

investment strategies such as leveraged, long, short and derivative positions in

both domestic and international markets with the goal of generating high returns

(either in an absolute sense or over a specified market benchmark).

Hedging: A type of transaction that limits investment risk with the use of

derivatives, such as options and futures contracts. Hedging transactions purchase

opposite positions in the market in order to ensure a certain amount of gain or loss

on a trade. They are employed by portfolio managers to reduce portfolio risk and

volatility or lock in profits.

High/Low: Usually the highest traded price and the lowest traded price for the

underlying instrument for the current trading day.


IMF - International Monetary Fund: The IMF is an international organization of most

of the UN member countries. It was established to promote international monetary

cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements; to foster

economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial

assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment.

Inflation: An economic condition where there is an increase in the price of consumer

goods, thereby eroding purchasing power.

Initial Margin: The initial deposit of collateral required to enter into a position

as a guarantee on future performance.

Interbank Market: A market in which financial institutions can trade. The term

refers to short term money or foreign exchange markets that are only accessible to

banks or financial institutions. There is no physical market place; the transactions

take place over communication networks such as Bloomberg or Reuters.

Interbank Rates: The Foreign Exchange rates at which large international banks quote

other large international banks.

Intervention: Action by a central bank to affect the value of its currency by

entering the market. Concerted intervention refers to action by a number of central

banks to control exchange rates.

IRS - Interest Rate Swaps: An exchange of two debt obligations that have different

payment streams. The transaction usually exchanges two parallel loans; one fixed the

other floating.


Kiwi: The New-Zealand Dollar.


Leading Indicators: Economic variables that are considered to predict future

economic activity (i.e. Unemployment, Consumer Price Index, Producer Price Index,

Retail Sales, Personal Income, Prime Rate, Discount Rate, and Federal Funds Rate).

Leverage: Also called margin. The ratio of the amount used in a transaction to the

required security deposit.

Libor - London Interbank Offered Rate: The London Inter-Bank Offered Rate. Large

international banks use LIBOR when borrowing from another bank.

Limit Order: An order with restrictions on the maximum price to be paid or the

minimum price to be received. As an example, if the current price of USD/YEN is

117.00/05, then a limit order to buy USD would be at a price below 117. (ie 116.50)

Liquidation: The closing of an existing position through the execution of an

offsetting transaction.

Liquidity: The ability of a market to accept large transaction with minimal to no

impact on price stability.

Long: In finance, a long position in an asset, such as a stock or a bond, or

equivalently to be long in a security, means the holder of the position owns (buys)

the asset and will profit if the price appreciates.

Long Position: A position that appreciates in value if market prices increase. When

the base currency in the pair is bought, the position is said to be long.

Loonie: The Canadian Dollar.

Lot: A unit to measure the amount of the deal. The value of the deal always

corresponds to an integer number of lots.


Margin: The ratio between the available funds that an investor has, to his exposure.

Margin Call: A broker's demand on an investor to deposit additional money or

securities so that the margin account is brought up to the minimum maintenance


Margin Utilization: The percentage of the available margin utilized. Margin

Utilization is calculated by dividing your Used Margin by your Total Equity. The

higher the value is, the higher the risk is and the chance that the transactions

will be closed due to insufficient funds. Margin Utilization = Used Margin / Total


Market Maker: A market maker is a company, or an individual, that quotes both a buy

and a sell price in a financial instrument or commodity, hoping to make a profit on

the bid-offer spread, or turn.

Market Order: An order to buy/sell at the best price available when the order

reaches the market.

Market Volatility: volatility refers to the amount of uncertainty or risk about the

size of changes in a security's value. A higher volatility means that a security's

value can potentially be spread out over a larger range of values. This means that

the price of the security can change dramatically over a short time period in either

direction. A lower volatility means that a security's value does not fluctuate

dramatically, but changes in value at a steady pace over a period of time.

Money Markets: Refers to investments that are short-term (i.e. under one year) and

whose participants include banks and other financial institutions. Examples include

Deposits, Certificates of Deposit, Repurchase Agreements, Overnight Index Swaps and

Commercial Paper. Short-term investments are safe and highly liquid.

Money Supply: Money supply figures and M1 specifically, once were the most important

release to watch in the Treasury market, as the Fed directly targeted M1 growth in

the early 1980s. The focus on money supply has long since been abandoned, however.

To the extent that money supply is still monitored by the market, M2 is the favored

monetary aggregate. The Fed still targets both M2 and M3 in a rhetorical sense, but

these targets mean little when it comes to policy decisions. If the Fed misses its

target, it is more likely to change the target than it is to change policy. In 2000,

the Fed finally abandoned the targets altogether, thereby removing any remaining

emphasis on this one-time star release.

MPC - Monetary Policy Committee: A committee of the central Bank of England that is

responsible for the monetary policy decisions.


OCO - One Cancels the Other: A set of 2 Limit orders, where the execution of one of

them automatically cancels the other one.

Offer Price: ASK price - the price, or rate, that a seller (usually the Market

Maker) is willing to sell at and the investor to buy at.

Open order: An order that will be executed when a market moves to its designated

price. Normally associated with Good 'til Cancelled Orders.

Open Position: An active trade with corresponding unrealized P&L, which has not been

offset by an equal and opposite deal.

Options: A derivative financial instrument that establishes a contract between two

parties concerning the buying (CALL) or selling (PUT) of an asset at a reference

price during a specified time frame. The price of an option derives from the value

of an underlying asset (commonly a stock, a bond, a currency or a futures contract)

plus a premium based on the time remaining until the expiration of the option.

Order: An order is an instruction, from a client to a broker to trade. An order can

be placed at a specific price or at the market price. Also, it can be good until

filled or until close of business.

Overnight Position: A trade that remains open until the next business day.

Over-The-Counter (OTC): Refers to trading that is not done over a formal exchange.

Traditional Forex is traded over the counter, meaning traders entered into Forex

transactions with one another over telephones or electronic devices. Counter refers

to counterparty, in that with Forex one trades with counterparty instead of through

an exchange. In online Forex trading, the counterparty is the market maker.


P&L: Profit and Loss

Pip: The smallest upward or downward price movements quoted in Forex. In EUR/USD, a

movement of 0.0001 is one pip (for example, from 140.005 to 140.004 euro). In

USD/JPY, a movement of 0.01 is one pip (for example, from 116.32 to 116.31 yen).

Pip-spreads: Spreads play a significant factor in profitable Forex trading. When we

compare to the average spread to the average daily movement many interesting issues

arise. Namely, some pairs are more advantageous to trade than others. Secondly,

retail spreads are much harder to overcome in short-term trading than some may

anticipate. Third, a "larger" spread does not necessarily mean the pair is not as

good for day trading when compared to some lower spread alternatives. Same goes for

a "smaller" spread - it does not mean it is better to trade than a larger spread


Points, Pips: The term used in currency market to represent the smallest incremental

move an exchange rate can make. Depending on context, normally one basis point

(0.0001 in the case of EUR/USD, GBD/USD, USD/CHF and .01 in the case of USD/JPY).

Position: A binding commitment to buy or sell a given amount of financial

instruments, such as securities, currencies or commodities, for a given price.

It can refer to the amount of a currency either bought or sold by an investor.

Premium: In the Option markets, this is the payment for buying or selling an option.

In the Margin Trading markets, it is the amount of points added to the spot price to

determine a forward or futures price.

Price Manipulation: The act of artificially inflating or deflating the price of a


Profit/Loss (P/L): The actual "realized" gain or loss resulting from trading

activities on Closed Positions, plus the theoretical "unrealized" gain or loss on

Open Positions that have been Mark-to-Market.


Quote: An indicative market price on a security at any given time.

Quoted currency: The second currency of two in a currency pair. For the EUR/USD, USD

is the quoted currency. The exchange rate quoted is how many units of the second

currency you will receive for one unit of the base currency.


Rally: A recovery in price after a period of decline.

Range: The difference between the highest and lowest price of an asset during a

given trading session.

Rate: The price of one currency in terms of another.

Repo - Re-purchase: This type of trade involves the sale and later re-purchase of an

instrument, at a specified time and date. Occurs in the short-term money market.

Resistance: A term used in technical analysis indicating a specific price level at

which a currency will have the inability to cross above. Recurring failure for the

price to move above that point produces a pattern that can usually be shaped by a

straight line.

Retail Investor: Individual investors who buy and sell securities for their personal

account, and not for another company or organization.

Risk Management: Risk management is the identification, assessment, and

prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of

resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of

unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities. Risks can come

from uncertainty in financial markets. The strategies to manage risk include

transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative

effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular


Roll-Over: Process whereby the settlement of a deal is rolled forward to another

value date. The cost of this process is based on the interest rate differential of

the two currencies.

Risk/Reward ratio: A ratio used by many investors to compare the expected returns of

an investment to the amount of risk undertaken to capture these returns. This ratio

is calculated mathematically by dividing the amount of profit the trader expects to

have made when the position is closed (i.e. the reward) by the amount he or she

stands to lose if price moves in the unexpected direction (i.e. the risk).


Settlement: The process by which a trade is entered into the books and records of

the counterparts to a transaction. The settlement of currency traders may or may not

involve the actual physical exchange of one currency for another.

Short: To go `short` is to have sold an instrument without actually owning it, and

to hold a short position with expectations that the price will decline so it can be

bought back in the future at a profit.

Short Position: An investment position that benefits from a decline in market price.

When the base currency in the pair is sold, the position is said to be short.

Spot: A transaction that occurs immediately, but the funds will usually change hands

within two business days after deal is struck.

Spot Price: The current market price. Settlement of spot transactions usually occurs

within two business days.

Spread: The difference between the bid and offer (ask) prices; used to measure

market liquidity. Narrower spreads usually signify high liquidity.

Stop Loss Order: An order to buy/sell at an agreed price which is inferior in

compare to the market price. One could also have a pre-arranged stop order, whereby

an open position is automatically liquidated when a specified price is reached or


Support Levels A technique used in technical analysis that indicates a specific

price ceiling and floor at which a given exchange rate will automatically correct

itself. Opposite of resistance.

Swap: A currency swap is the simultaneous sell and buy of the same amount of a given



Technical Analysis: An effort to forecast prices by analyzing market data, i.e.

historical price trends and averages, volumes, open interest, etc.

Tick: Every quote - any change in price, up or down.

Tomorrow Next (Tom/Next): Simultaneous buying and selling of a currency for delivery

the following day.

Trading plan: A systematic method for screening and evaluating stocks, determining

the amount of risk that is or should be taken, and formulating short and long-term

investment objectives. A successful trading plan will also involve details like the

type of trading system to be used. Most plans require the use of various types of

technical analysis tools.

Trading Station: An application that allows online trading.

Two Way Price Both the bid and ask rate is quoted for a Forex transaction.


Unrealized Profit/Loss (Open P/L): The mark-to-market Profit or Loss that occur from

an Open Position, according to the relevant market rate in case of liquidation.

US Prime Rate: The interest rate at which US banks will lend to their prime

corporate customers.

Used Margin: The amount of funds that is set aside to keep the transactions open.

The Used Margin acts as collateral for your net exposure per instrument, and is

essentially locked away until such exposure is closed. Once transactions are

executed, the required Used Margin is deducted from the Available Margin until such

exposure is closed. The Used Margin is also known as Required Margin.

The Used Margin calculation is according to the Margin Requirements and its

calculation is available within the trading platform.


Value Date: The date on which counterparts to a financial transaction agree to

settle their respective obligations, i.e., exchanging payments. For spot currency

transactions, the value date is normally two business days forward. Also known as

maturity date.

Volatility: A statistical measure of a market or a security's price movements over

time and is calculated by using standard deviation. Associated with high volatility

is a high degree of risk.

Volume: The number, or value, of securities traded during a specific period

مصطلحات تدوال الفوركس فوركس

جدول المؤشرات و البيانات الاقتصادية الاسبوعية الاساسية واجازات التداول العالمية

تزوّد بالتحديثات اليومية للاحداث الاقتصادية الاساسية واجازات التداول العالمية خلال الاسبوع القادم.

لعرض جدول البيانات الاقتصادية كاملاً اضغط هنا.

وقت عملة حدث تقدير سابق

الإثنين, حزيران 17

00:00 NZD وست المستهلك 110.8

01:50 JPY مؤشر النشاط الصناعي الثلاثي (شهريا) 0.2% -1.3%

10:00 EUR الميزان التجاري الإيطالي مع الاتحاد الأوروبي 0.61B

14:30 CAD مشتريات الأجانب للسندات 4.59B 1.19B

14:30 USD مؤشر الأمباير ستايت للصناعات التحويليه -0.5 -1.4

الثلاثاء, حزيران 18

03:30 AUD محضر اجتماع السياسة النقدية

06:30 JPY الإنتاج الصناعي (شهريا) 1.7% 1.7%

06:30 JPY استغلال القدرات (شهريا) -0.8%

10:30 GBP مؤشر أسعار المستهلك الأساسي (باستثناء الغذاء والطاقة) (السنوي) 2.1% 2.0%

10:30 GBP مؤشر أسعار المستهلك (السنوي) 2.6% 2.4%

10:30 GBP مؤشر أسعار المنتجين (الدخل) (شهريا) 0.1% -2.3%

10:30 GBP مؤشر أسعار المستهلك (شهريا) 0.1% 0.2%

10:30 GBP مؤشر أسعار المنتجين (الدخل) (السنوي) 2.5% -0.1%

11:00 EUR مؤشر الثقة ZEW في الاقتصاد الألماني 38.1 36.4

11:00 EUR مؤشر الثقة في الاقتصاد الصادر عن مؤسسة (ZEW) الألمانية 29.4 27.6

14:30 USD تصاريح البناء 0.975M 1.005M

14:30 USD مؤشر أسعار المستهلك الأساسي (باستثناء الغذاء والطاقة) (شهريا) 0.2% 0.1%

14:30 USD مؤشر أسعار المستهلك (شهريا) 0.2% -0.4%

14:30 USD المنازل المبدؤ بناؤها 0.950M 0.853M

14:30 USD مؤشر أسعار المستهلك (السنوي) 1.4% 1.1%

14:30 USD مؤشر أسعار المستهلك الأساسي (باستثناء الغذاء والطاقة) (السنوي) 1.7% 1.7%

14:30 USD تصاريح البناء (شهريا) -2.8% 12.9%

14:30 USD المشاريع الجديدة، حجم التغير (شهريا) 11.4% -16.5%

الأربعاء, حزيران 19

00:45 NZD الحساب الجاري -0.60B -3.26B

01:50 JPY الميزان التجاري المعدّل موسميًا -0.89T -0.76T

01:50 JPY الصادرات (السنوي) 6.5B 1.1B

01:50 JPY الواردات (السنوي) 10.8B 5.5B

10:30 GBP محضر اجتماع لجنة السياسة النقدية

11:30 EUR المزادات الالمانية ذات العشر سنوات Bund 1.410%

14:30 CAD مبيعات الجملة (شهريا) 1.0% 0.3%

20:00 USD إعلان البنك المركزي عن البيان الخاص بسعر الفائدة 0.25% 0.25%

20:00 USD تقرير لجنة السوق المفتوح الفدرالي

20:30 USD تصريحات

الخميس, حزيران 20

00:45 NZD الإنتاج المحلي الإجمالي (فصلي) 0.6% 1.5%

03:45 CNY مؤشر اتش.اس.بي.سي لمديري مشتريات قطاع الخدمات في الصينP 49.40 49.20

09:00 EUR للصناعه الفرنسيه تأمين الرهن العامP 47.0 46.4

09:30 EUR المؤشر الألماني لمديري المشتريات بالقطاع الصناعي P 49.8 49.4

09:30 CHF إعلان البنك المركزي عن البيان الخاص بسعر الفائدة 0.00% 0.00%

09:30 CHF خطاب توماس جوردان رئيس SNB

10:00 EUR مؤشر مديري المشتريات بالقطاع الصناعي P 48.6 48.3

10:30 GBP مبيعات التجزئة (شهريا) 0.8% -1.3%

10:30 GBP مبيعات التجزئة (السنوي) 0.2% 0.5%

10:30 GBP مؤشر مبيعات التجزئة الأساسي (شهريا) 0.9% -1.4%

10:30 GBP مؤشر مبيعات التجزئة الأساسي (السنوي) 0.5% 0.2%

10:50 EUR المزادات لاسبانية ذات العشر سنوات Obligacion 4.517%

12:00 GBP طلبيات الاتجاهات الصناعية الصادر عن الاتحاد البريطاني للصناعة (CBI) -15 -20

14:30 USD معدلات الشكاوى من البطالة 340K 334K

14:30 USD تداعيات البطالة المستمرة 2,960K 2,973K

16:00 USD مبيعات المنازل الموجودة 5.00M 4.97M

16:00 USD مؤشر الصناعات التحويلية فيلادلفيا -2.0 -5.2

16:00 USD مبيعات المنازل الحالية (شهريا) 0.6% 0.6%

16:00 USD مؤشر فدرالي فيلادلفيا لأوضاع العمل 32.3

16:00 USD مؤشر فدرالي فيلادلفيا للتشغيل -8.7

الجمعة, حزيران 21

08:35 JPY محافظ بنك اليابان كورودا يتحدث

14:30 CAD مؤشر أسعار المستهلك الأساسي (باستثناء الغذاء والطاقة) (شهريا) 0.3% 0.1%

14:30 CAD مبيعات التجزئة الأساسية باستثناء السيارات (شهريا) 0.0% -0.2%

14:30 CAD مؤشر أسعار المستهلك (شهريا) 0.4% -0.2%

14:30 CAD مبيعات التجزئة (شهريا) 0.2% 0.0%

14:30 CAD مؤشر أسعار المستهلك (السنوي) 1.0% 0.4%

14:30 CAD مؤشر أسعار المستهلكين الأساسي (السنوي) 1.0% 1.1%

جدول المؤشرات و البيانات الاقتصادية الاسبوعية الاساسية

واجازات التداول العالمية

توصيات , التدوال , تدوال, سوق, العملات, الفوركس, فوركس, forex, يورو, دولار, ين, الذهب, النفط, البترول, oil, gold, eur,

usd, 09/09/2013, 2013, 09/09, الاسبوع, القادم, الاثنين, اغلاق, الجمعة, التقرير, التحليل, اليومي, الاسبوعي, توصية, شراء,

بيع, ذهب, بترول, نفط , اتجاه, صاعد, زوج, العملة, زوج اليورو مقابل الدولار, اليورو, الدولار, مقابل, الين, الامريكي, الياباني, سوريا,

الحرب, حرب, الضربة, العسكرية, قمة, القمة, امريكا, usa,2013, مصطلحات تدوال الفوركس, مصطلحات تدوال الفوركس فوركس forex

glossary, مصطلحات فوركس, مقابل, الذهب, البترول, التداول, التقرير اليومي, اليورو/دولار, الفوركس, النفط, تجارة العملات, eur,

eur/usd, euro, توصيات الفوركس, forex, forex glossary, gold, دولار, يورو, يورو/دولار, oil, زوج العملة, زوج

يورو مقابل دولار, سوق تداول العملات,

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