
Hi all,

New to this forum and looking for feedback from the 3D printing community.

I am a postgraduate business student looking to understand what the barriers are, as perceived by enthusiasts and businesses, in the 3D printing revolution speeding up. The digital age has permitted all sorts of creative industries such as art and music to thrive from new technologies but the rise of 3D printing and potentially bio-printing seems to have not yet caught the public imagination quite as strongly. In addition I also have a business plan concept I am seeking feedback on.

Part 1 - Current Factors

Some challenges in enabling 3D printing to become more mainstream that seem to be commonly recognized from reviewing news and forums discussions include, but are not limited to:

Cost of equipment

Interface software

Interface equipment

How easy to learn 3D production skills

Common standards between systems

Materials acquisition and disposal processes

Availability of design templates

Intellectual Property issues

- Any thoughts on how much you as an individual or community view these challenges - Is this list comprehensive? What matters most? What enablers are needed to help propagate the user led design revolution into the mainstream? .

Part 2 - Convergent Technologies

As part of one of my classes I have to create a business plan. My thoughts are towards a hypothetical business plan that uses current technology such as Oculus Rift or modified Google Glass to allow for a virtual environment, potentially with a game type physics engine sandbox allowing 3D interactions such as falling objects, fluid dynamics and wind tunnel type testing with a virtual product prior to production.

- Is this something that would help engage and promote the 3D printing community? Would you be interested in it personally? Why, what is attractive in this idea that isn't yet available?

I really appreciate any feedback you as individuals and a community can provide. It really helps me to understand current thoughts within the market and determine what business model/market focuses need to be addressed.

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