
The world is, in general, online. The online domain is more often than not the first place the consumer, and other businesses, will check for information and content pertaining to their interests and needs. The widespread adoption rates of smartphone and tablets has made an online marketing plan a necessity for businesses and forms the basis of today’s blog where we will look at some must-have features for media publishing platforms within these plans. It is vital to reshape the digital marketing plan you use to incorporate new elements which are currently becoming more relevant for the target market based on its particular characteristics, needs and wants and use the digital tools available to respond proactively.

So where do you start?

First thing is first, it may seem obvious but it is still worth mention that you will need a plan, you will have to sit down and ask yourself some questions before moving forward, questions such as;

• What channels are you interested in?

• What is your budget?

• What are your goals? Revenue? Leads? More web traffic?

• What KPIs targets do you need to reach? Increased revenue? Margin? ROI? ROAS? Cost-per-Acquisition? Click-through-Rate?

• Who is your target market?

Image below courtesy of Endeavorms.

Establish your marketing plan

To fail to plan is to plan to fail as the saying goes and nowhere is this more pertinent than the online world; you should have a solid foundation in place that will include;

• Researching your target audience

• Planning your course of action

• Assessing your progress periodically

• Making the necessary changes based on results

In order for your digital marketing strategy to reach and then resonate with the consumer you will have to utilize particular channels such as;

Responsive design

It is estimated that by the end of 2012 there was 2.1 billion mobile web active mobile-broadband subscriptions in the world. That is 29.5 percent of the global population accessing the web from their mobile phones. It is further estimated that by 2014 mobile internet will surpass desktop internet usage. Your content simply has to be responsive to remain relevant and ultimately be noticed in the modern world.

Read more on Cross Platform Content Marketing Initiatives for 2014 here.

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• Content marketing

Content marketing is now the most important and effective way of reaching out and connecting with the consumer. It is how you will be noticed, how you will be found, the driving force behind engagement and interaction with the consumer.

• Social

Social media is no longer restricted solely to Facebook and Twitter. Platforms such as Pinterest, Google + and Instagram are more popular than ever and an integral part of many consumers daily lives. In 2013, as many as 93% of marketers said that they used social media for their businesses. Businesses have to establish and maintain a presence on social media sites to maintain contact with the consumer and to continue to build their brand.

Read more on The Ultimate Social Media Marketing Guide for Digital Publishers here and creating Facebook App here.

• Video

The fact that video sharing will command 55% of all web traffic by 2016, alluded to the forecast that the demand for video will triple by the same date and that mobile video traffic will also see an increase eighteen fold by 2016 since 2011 all points towards the recent surge in video sharing being one of the hottest facets of content marketing this year.

Read more about How to Use Mobile Video Content to Reach your Target Audience here.

• Analytics

Avail of the real time stat engine within the 3D Issue software to get live feedback on how your readers are engaging with your content.

Read more on How to Analyze Your Flipbook’s Engagement Metrics here.

In today’s digitally enhanced world it is essential for your business to have a digital marketing plan, todays blog has only scraped the surface of what is a vast and considerable marketplace. What is abundantly clear is that any business, both new and old has to have a strategy in place to take advantage of this gargantuan realm.

By Charlie Gallagher

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