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The past two days (Feb. 9th-10th 2017) immigration authorities have been making a series of arrests in at least 6 states across the country. Immigration lawyers and advocates confirmed that they are arresting a currently unknown number of undocumented immigrants. These raids are targeting people freely - meaning those who once would have been dubbed “low risk/low priority” such as those without criminal records are being arrested.

The Department of Homeland Security, which oversees ICE, has confirmed that home and workplace raids have occurred in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and other cities they refuse to identify. But we know from the arrest of Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos that Arizona has been targeted and immigration lawyers and activists have also documented raids over the past 48 hours in:

Vista, Pomona, California

Compton, California

Austin, Texas

Dallas, Texas

Pflugerville, Texas

Alexandria, Virginia

Annandale, Virginia

Charlotte, North Carolina

Burlington, North Carolina

Plant City, Florida

The Hudson Valley region of New York

Wichita, Kansas

There have also been reports from immigration activists and lawyers that ICE has checkpoints targeting immigrants for ID checks and they’ve been setting up in neighborhoods, often in unmarked cars. Federal immigration officials are currently declining to say how many are currently detained from recent raids. ICE is also declining to give out any information regarding the number of people being detained. Immigration activists and lawyers can confirm that some who have been taken in are being detained while some were deported immediately. (x) (x) (x) (x)

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