Event Date
1 October, 2016
Vivanta by Taj 41/3, Mahatma Gandhi Road Bangalore, Karnataka 560 001
Email ID
Bangalore MBA Conference, India
Now that you’ve decided an MBA is the next step to reaching your future goals, it’s time for you to find the right school and program to earn your degree. Doing your preliminary research online to gather basic information on various programs is a great start to finding your perfect-fit school, but meeting in-person with an actual representative from the school will allow you to better conduct an in-depth analysis of program details, make a personal connection to your school of interest, and have a firm grasp on your top-choice business schools. All of this can be done by attending an MBA conference hosted by The MBA Tour. Bangalore MBA Conference also offer a variety of unique 1:1 and group MeetUps, admissions panels, school presentations, and GMAT strategy sessions.
Interaction with Admissions Directors
Why is in-person interaction so important for MBA admissions? Hear from admissions directors participating in our Asia Tour about why it’s important to make a memorable impression.
MeetUp Sessions (unique to The MBA Tour!)
Get invited to 1:1 and small group meetings with business schools at the event. Invitations are sent within 2 weeks of the event. During registration, make sure to select schools that you are interested in.
The MBA Fair gives candidates a chance to personally meet and speak with school representatives and alumni after the panel and school presentations. The fair is an open floor forum to facilitate interaction between students and representatives, where personal and specific questions are encouraged and answered. This opportunity allows candidates to make a great impression on school reps and learn more about how a program appeals to him/herself.
MBA Panels & Presentations cover valuable business school admissions topics and answer a wide range of MBA applicant questions. The panels consist of professionals with their expertise spanning the application process, GMAT strategy, and building your candidate story.
School Presentations highlight unique program features in a 25-minute session given by admissions directors. These presentations are ideal for candidates to learn detailed information, easily compare different programs, and prepare for speaking one on one with representatives during the MBA Fair.
Business Schools:
Carnegie Mellon University
College of William & Mary
Dartmouth College
ESSEC Business School
Fordham University
George Washington University
GLOBIS University
HEC Montréal
Hult International Business School
IE Business School
Indiana University
Ivey Business School
McGill University
Portland State University
Syracuse University
Temple University
University of Calgary
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Denver
University of San Francisco
University of Toronto
York University – Schulich School of Business
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