
Designing and Implementing Cloud Data Platform Solutions 70-473 exam is for aspirants who are occupied with approving their abilities in planning and actualizing data platform solutions. Candidate for this exam will have significant work involvement in on-premises and cloud-based stage arrangements.

Competitors ought to know the elements and abilities of the Microsoft information stage to have the capacity to recognize tradeoffs and to settle on choices for planning open and hybrid cloud arrangements. Competitors who take this exam are relied upon to have the capacity to characterize the suitable foundation and stage answers for meet the required utilitarian, operational, and arrangement prerequisites through the arrangement lifecycle.

The topics of exam are:

Outline and execute database answers for Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Database (20–25%) which includes: plan a crossover SQL Server arrangement, plan Geo/DR topology, outline information stockpiling engineering, plan a security design, plan an information stack procedure, actualize SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines (VMs), arrange SQL Server in an Azure VM, design firewall controls, arrange and upgrade stockpiling, move an on-premises database to Microsoft Azure, design and advance VM sizes by workload, plan a SQL Database arrangement, plan design engineering, outline Geo/DR topology, plan a security engineering, outline an information stack procedure, decide the proper administration level, execute SQL Database, arrange SQL Database, design firewall rules, arrange dynamic geo-replication, move an on-premises database to SQL Database, arrange for scale and execution, plan and execute information warehousing on Azure, plan an information warehousing arrangement on Azure, outline an information stack methodology and topology, design SQL Data Warehouse and move an on-premises database to SQL Data Warehouse.

Oversee database administration frameworks (DBMS) security (25–30%) and includes: Plan and actualize SQL Server Database security, design firewalls; oversee logins, clients, and parts; appoint consents; arrange evaluation; design straightforward database encryption and execute Azure SQL Database security.

Plan for high accessibility, calamity recuperation, and versatility (25–30%) includes: plan and actualize high accessibility arrangements, outline a high accessibility arrangement topology, execute high accessibility arrangements between on-premises and Azure, plan cloud-based reinforcement arrangements, actualize reinforcement and recuperation techniques, plan and execute adaptable arrangements, plan a scale-out arrangement, execute multi-ace situations with database replication, actualize versatile scale for SQL Database, outline and actualize SQL Database information recuperation, outline a reinforcement answer for SQL Database, actualize self-benefit reestablishment and duplicate databases.

Screen and oversee database usage on Azure (25–30%) includes: screen and investigate SQL Server VMs on Azure, screen database and example action, screen utilizing dynamic administration views and element administration capacities, screen execution and versatility, screen and investigate SQL Database, screen and investigate SQL Database, screen database action, screen utilizing DMVs and DMFs, screen execution and adaptability and mechanize and oversee database usage on Azure.

For more info: https://www.certifyguide.co.uk/exam/70-473/

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