
Religious Right activists have compared yesterday (26-06-15)  gay marriage ruling to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and Pearl Harbor, warning of imminent divine judgment and civil war.

“No matter what, the Court’s ruling does not upend millenia of truth,” former Rep. Michele Bachmann said. “Many Americans will choose to follow God’s ways rather than this Court and they should suffer no penalty for doing so. The Court has flung open the gate to lawsuits from those pushing the gay agenda against those who disagree with same sex marriage.”

Rep. Louie Gohmert said God will withdraw his protection from America:

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, reacted with guns blzaing, calling the ruling a “civilization-changing decision that destroys our nation’s heritage of Biblical marriage. May God forgive our Supreme Court majority for its arrogance and its self-apotheosis.”

Invoking biblical history, he warned, “Both Moses and Jesus stated that it was God’s law that ‘a man will leave his father and mother and a woman will leave her home and the two will come together as one.’ That defined marriage … The Supreme Court ruling is heartbreaking for the turmoil it will mean for our nation’s future.”

Gohmert indicated two justices should have recused themselves, observing, “It is clear beyond any doubt that Justices Kagan and Ginsberg have held exceedingly strong opinions that same-sex marriages were constitutional by virtue of their having performed them.”

He further warned, “[I]f Moses, Jesus, and contributors to the Bible were correct, God’s hand of protection will be withdrawn as future actions from external and internal forces will soon make clear. I will do all I can to prevent such harm, but I am gravely fearful that the stage has now been set.”

On American Family Radio, Crane Durham said that America is now under “tyranny” as a result of the court’s decision.

One caller said that he is prepared to “abandon ship” and flee America for a nation like Costa Rica or the Philippines, while another caller said that God is about to punish all of the people, such as President Obama and Hillary Clinton, who are celebrating the court’s ruling.

Conservative author Carl Gallups told WorldNetDaily that the Supreme Court’s ruling invites God to wrath upon America:

“This is the most monumental ruling of any court, by any nation in the history of the world,” Gallups said. “The spiritual and world-reaching ramifications will be prolific and devastating.”

“This ruling may prove to be the final death-knell of divine judgment upon our once great nation. For God’s word clearly declares, ‘What God has joined together, let not man put asunder’ (Mark 10:9). Man (The U.S. Supreme Court) has now spit upon God’s word and ‘put asunder’ what God declared as the standard for marriage – one man and one woman joined before God for life.”

Though he has been preaching for 30 years that this day would soon be upon the nation, and received much ridicule and lambasting for doing so, Gallups said he is “deeply saddened that it is now here – among our children and grandchildren.”

“These are the beginnings of the very last days,” he added. “I know I will be further mocked for uttering these words, but I unapologetically come from a biblical world view. I know what the Word of God says — I know what Jesus Himself said.”


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