
Summer vacation is flying by and the Novotny kids are enjoying each and every free day of fun – we are only one month into our Summer break but I know many of your families ended your school year several weeks ahead of my family, so you may already be planning and preparing to return to school in the next couple of weeks.

Are your kids excited about returning to school?  have you accomplished all the memories you had planned on this Summer?  Are you looking for those last minute summer fun ideas?

Today, I have 8 Fun Back To School count  down ideas that will help to end your Summer break filled with lost of fun memories.

Back To School Bucket List

Do you still have items on your to do this summer list – Create a Back To School Bucket list and fill it with all the things you and your kids still want and need to do.  You can use this free printable from My Computer Is My Canvas and create your own bucket list to check off.

Click Here to get your FREE Back To School bucket list printable from My Computer Is My Canvas.



Count Down Bags

Kids love surprises so countdown to a new school year with a daily surprise in a bag.  This surprise might be a back to school supply, a fun activity or a yummy treat it’s up to you

Click here for FREE printable and how to instructions from One Tough Mother.




10 Day Countdown

Get your kids excited about the first day of school with a daily countdown for 10 days with this free printable from Happy Home Fairy. Click here to print your Free countdown.

Sweet Countdown

Make counting down the days till School begins sweet with this simple lunch bag countdown from it is what it is blog. Click here for complete instructions.




Chain Countdown

Help your kids begin the countdown to back to school with a simple to make chain countdown. Celebrations has easy step by step how to instructions. Click here to go there now.

Do you have a FUN way to countdown that last summer days before school begins again?


12 Days of Summer Countdown

Countdown the last 12 days of Summer with a fun activity countdown.

Ask your children what 12 activities they would like to do prior to going back

to school. Then make a schedule placing each activity on your calendar and begin your 12 days of Back To School count down.

(I found a table top pocket chart at Target in the dollar spot section ,

then used envelopes I found at the Dollar Tree in their School supply

section as well as crayon cut outs from Target dollar spot to write each

activity on)

This was the Novotny Kids list from last summer

12 Days of SUMMER

Day 1 – Back To school Supply Shopping and Friend Sleepover

Day 2 – Outdoor Movie in the City park

Day 3 – Lemonade Stand to raise money for Jump Rope for Heart

Day 4 – ZOO visit

Day 5 – Bowling Fun

Day 6 – Seattle Science Center

Day 7 – Neighborhood Porch Breakfast / Beach Day with Big Brother

Day 8 – Final Summer Camping Trip

Day 9 – Putt Putt Golf

Day 10 – Hiking

Day 11 – Swimming

Day 12 – Homemade Snow cones







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ABC Count Down

My girlfriend Valerie each summer counts down the days til school with an ABC countdown that she begins 26 days prior to the first day of school and uses an ABC pocket calendar to put her daily activity cards in so her kids can read what they will be doing.

They  celebrating with letter of the day activity. Such as

A = Apples so make an apple recipe

B= Bowling so take the kids bowling

C = Cookies and Cribbage.

The daily ideas can be simple or extravagant you can also include in things like Back to School shopping, visit the teacher day etc.

More ABC Countdown Fun

Another fellow mom blogger from Dixie Delights create a free ABC countdown  filled with ideas  from Krispy Kreme doughnuts to tie dying t-shirts.

Click here to see her fun  ABC countdown.

How do you countdown to a New School Year?

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