Elder Scrolls Online when it released had something that was quite rare at the time for me, it had that formula that kept me coming back for more. More dungeons, more quest… Just wanting more and more, and what helped this was the fact that my friends online played too.
We loved going in and doing the dungeons together and then challenging ourselves with the Veteran stuff. This kind of wore off for me as I think it was an over exposure to the game and not enjoying anything else at the same time. (Batman had come out round about the same time and I hadn’t had chance to enjoy it)
In some ways, this wasn’t a bad thing, I sometimes find it hard to continually play one game and not mix it up with others and enjoy a variety. The only problem there was from this though was the fact that when the DLC had come out, I wasn’t excited for it, I didn’t have that enthusiasm towards the game that I once had.
Once installed and I got into it again though, I released why I had spent all those hours playing with friends.
The Imperial City DLC will appeal to those who love the PvP side of things. The Imperial City after all is based in the centre of Cyrodil.
There are 6 districts to explore within Imperial City and you of course have your bases for each of the factions within the game. The expansion costs around £15 mark and comes with a wealth of content from new team dungeons and a massive public dungeon to a whole range of PvP/PvE stuff.
I would say that the expansion pack is worth the money for the amount of stuff you are getting to see and do, however there is one element to the DLC which I felt was rather lacking, and that comes in the shape of the Story extras, which is trying to resolve Molag Bals Planemead story arc… However, I felt this was very lacking and quite weak. Seriously, how many times are we meant to go after this guy? I’ve already shown him through the main story that im the almighty and shouldn’t mess with!
Imperial City is more of a team effort, as I stated earlier with the PvP/PvE stuff, and there isn’t really anything that you can do from a solo gamers perspective. I decided to put this to the test… The count was at 3 seconds before I was dead when entering the city alone.
Walking into a bunch of Veteran 16s when I’m a lowly Veteran 2 isn’t the best method of attack, especially when I’m alone!
Imperial City DLC isn’t something that should be shot down for being pretty much solely team orientated, however added bonuses of being able to play single player quests would have been nice. The idea of having to wait for friends to come on the play something isn’t really that appealing as being a working adult and having a job to pay for bills etc, I sometimes can’t plan ahead with people to play with or there not able to commit because of the real world. So in that sense the DLC can be a bit of a let-down.
In terms of the design of the city, it is simply unreal. You look at it from the outside before going in and just think… “It’s not that big, I’ll be OK” – Then you enter…. You come out from the sewers and look around there is just impressive architecture all around… Masses of buildings with enemies roaming the streets at every corner, and more than likely several enemies, which you just don’t really want to fight yet…
There is at least over 20 hours of new content for people to play in ESO with this new expansion and I think for those that maybe looking for something new to play within the game, this is going to be for you.
The dungeons, the stories, the quests – Such a massive game has just got even bigger, and I would say I’ve spent over 150 hours on the main game already, and this expansion will only make that go considerably higher.
I’m going to give Imperial City an 8 – Mainly because for the price you’re paying you are getting such an enormous amount of content, and I know that there are other games with DLC for around the same price that wouldn’t even touch the replay ability option on this.
However, I will say this. Be prepared for a challenge.
The post Imperial City – The Elder Scrolls Online – Review appeared first on 24-7gamer.com.