

“The moon is another world inhabited with humans”. Can you believe it? Yes, this is the truth!

The “people” do not live above or on the ground as we do on earth but down below under the surface. They live in an enormous inner space naturally formed as a labyrinth of gigantic caves below the surface crust. The surface crust forms the roof of the caves and varies in thickness from a lower limit around three feet up to a maximum reaching a hundred feet. In spite of the many manned missions to the moon, nobody was able to discover the fact that the moon was the closest world to earth with a wide variety of life forms, including people in very many ways similar to us. These people have been living sub-terra or underground in the moon for millions of years. They also arrived at their present form after going through an evolutionary process similar to what took place on earth. Their social structure and behavioral traits are unimaginably different from those of the people on earth.

The moon’s internal geological structure is very strange and unique. It has vast areas of hollow underground caves. This is because the moon passed through boiling and molten states before it cooled down to its stable present day temperature. Some caves are miles and miles in length and breath. These caves exist at varying depths below the moon’s surface. Almost all the caves are internally connected to each other and it is possible to trace many paths through interconnected caves to fully ‘circumnavigate’ the moon without ever stepping out on to its outer surface. The tops of the caves that form the crust of the moon’s surface are supported on massive vertical rock pillars that rise out of the bottom surface. These vertical support structures are very hard and rocklike and naturally contoured in shell like formations endowing them with heavy load bearing capabilities. To visualize the interior of these caves a comparable earth structure would be the NFL football domes. They would compare in size with some of the smaller caves but none of the caves in the moon are formed in a particular shape, pattern, length, breadth or height, and are quite irregular in shape. Surface terrain is also to a large extent irregular and variable.

Many surface crusts are made of a material known as lunar regolith. Lunar regolith transforms into translucent forms through a process called agglutination when the regolith is subjected to high heat. In many places, parts of the moon’s surface consist of translucent material embedded in the moon’s outer crust. These surfaces allow a substantial degree of sunlight to penetrate into the caves. Most of this glass like surface material has been naturally formed, millions of years ago. Amongst the translucent surface areas, there are also many areas of near clear-glass transparency. Due to refraction of the sunlight that penetrates into the caves, massive rainbow like color beams frequently appear in very many places inside the caves. Due to the vastness and the complexity of the spectrum of rainbow colors intermingling with each other, there is a stunningly beautiful visual effect inside the caves. The glow from the moon’s outer surface when seen from inside the caves, gives a further dimension of beauty for the visual enjoyment of the people of the moon.

The sunlight that penetrates through the transparent crust helps the growth of vegetation in the caves to a substantial extent. However sunlight is not the main light source in the caves. The types of vegetation found in the moon are markedly different from the ones on earth. The plants commonly seen in the caves are quite short and look very much like the miniature trees, bushes and shrubs grown using Japanese “Bonsai” techniques.

Though the moon has no atmosphere on the outside, the caves are filled with ‘air’ well suited to supporting the respiratory needs of life forms. Surprisingly, 90% percent of the moon’s internal atmosphere comprises oxygen which exceeds the corresponding oxygen proportion in the earth’s atmosphere.

The people of the Moon are well aware of the barren, austere conditions and the life threatening dangers on the moon’s surface. As very orderly and self-disciplined citizens or as their brains have been programmed to do so, the people of the moon always keep away from those egresses and never attempt to go out to explore the outer surface.

Similar to the great lakes in North America, there are massive lakes in the hollow underground cave system. However unlike the great lakes, the caves roofs over the lakes of the moon are supported by the natural array of vertical pillars protruding through the waters like a massive cluster of Mangrove roots. The underside of the roof above the lakes and also the vertical pillars protruding through the waters are ‘coated’ by a gel like material. This gel shows many of the signs of being a living substance. It also emits light and carries out the function of ‘cleaning’ the moon’s atmosphere by absorbing impurities which it assimilates as a nutrient. It rejects some part of the absorbed impurities as balls of waste exited into the lakes. The waste in turn is eaten by the fish or absorbed by plants in the lakes. The reflection of the softly glowing gel on the water enhances the lighting in the area of the lakes. At all places in the moon, the water in the lakes is clean, not salty and is suited for use directly for drinking. The waters of these lakes are however subject to massive tidal effects. These are due to the fluctuation of the resultant of the gravitational tugs of the earth and the sun as the earth spinning on its own axis and carrying the moon in orbit in turn orbits the sun. Because of the low moon gravity, the tidal effects are checked weakly and the water levels rise and fall by hundreds of feet. The tides force the water to spread hundreds of miles along the vast underground areas thus wetting the dry areas of the caves in a cyclic pattern. Because of these vast latitudinal and longitudinal fluctuations of water spread, there are artificial water stream formations all over the geological-structure of the moon. The streams of water flow over the cave surfaces and create huge waterfalls at some places. These waterfalls last for many days and appear and disappear in a cyclic pattern, following the tides.

The temperatures around the equatorial and mid latitude surface at daytime and in the night are around 225oF and minus 298oF respectively. As the moon day is approximately 28 earth days, heating and cooling of the moon’s surfaces affects the inside cave temperature significantly. The temperature difference in the opposite side of the moon makes the air in the cave move from one area to the other creating complex wind movements. When high speed wind flows across the vertical rock structures, it makes gurgling sounds in the caves, resulting in eerie or weird echo effects. The blowing wind helps to mitigate the high humidity conditions.

As is the case on the earth, the moon is also a habitat for mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects and other life forms. As direct sunlight does not fall into the caves in significant quantities, the eyes of all creatures including those of the humans are naturally evolved to possess the common attributes of nocturnal animals. Similar to the situation on the earth, the animals in tropical areas and in very cold areas of the moon have their own evolutionary traits adapted to the specific environment.

The evolutionary process has produced many light producing creatures in the caves. These creatures are commonly found on lakes, on land and in the mountainous areas of the caves. Bioluminescent organisms in the moon are not at all similar to those on earth. They are much more efficient light producers. People living in the moon have found ways to promote the growth of bioluminescent organisms on a mass scale. Though not very significant in terms of contribution, these organisms are part of the light sources. The moon people have been using fire for thousands of years for cooking and lighting. Man-made lamps and torches are used for illuminating the dwellings and public areas as an additional light source.

The lakes are the main supporting source sustaining life in the moon. The lakes support an array of living organisms including fish of various varieties and some small sized aquatic mammals also, like on the earth. Only a limited range of water plants grow in the lakes and these are all found in all the lakes in the moon. The most abundant water plant variety resembles seaweeds, but is very much thicker and stronger than the earth’s variety. These water plants which grow very rapidly and proliferate in vast quantities are the primary source of food and nutrient for the moon people.

Nitrogen rich minerals which are an essential component of nutrition of all moon organisms and also help in growth of the plants are recycled in the lakes by the cyclic tidal action that occurs. The moon people, process the water plants manually to make their food, various types of fabrics, building materials, fuel, construction materials etc. Trial and error procedures and intelligent projections over thousands of years have resulted in the development of techniques for utilization of these materials for a wide range of uses. A type of Algae very similar to the blue green alga grows in abundance in the lakes. Strangely, the principal mechanism of the growth of the moon’s algae is not photosynthesis, but the aquatic organisms living in the lakes.

The Social Behavior of Moon People

The social structure of moon people is very vastly different to that of the people on the earth. They are extremely friendly and socially predisposed to live a form of community life. Though different personalities exist, conflicts are extremely rare. They always have non-confrontational solutions to situations where seemingly opposing requirements arise and naturally respond to each other in such a manner as to leave no room for conflict. Moon people do not seem to possess anything other than a few personal effects.

Dating back to ancient days, they have a calendar, a written language and their own type of art and music. All aspects of the lives of moon people are governed by commonsense rules made known to them by the elders. These rules have been taught to them verbally for generations and are typically introduced during their childhood. Most governing principles have been in place for centuries without appreciable change. These guidelines have worked very well and are secular in nature and are not written down in any document as such. Forms of written books on various subjects exist at the academic facilities, but there are no books on rules for people to follow or for reference. It seems as if they have been brain washed with all these ideas and behavioral patterns from their birth.

The children are nurtured in community based centers. The children from the level of infants are raised in these institutional centers. These are the day care centers, preschools, primary, secondary, high schools, colleges and research institutions in the moon; all in one single locality. Children at these centers treat all adults with utmost respect regarding them as mentors and as no different from their parents.

A more or less common sense approach is followed by the moon people in their day to day affairs. This helps to keep the harmony and close bonding of the community that they treasure very much. They always act on the principle of carrying out “What needs to be done?” at a particular moment and engage themselves promptly on such tasks rather than wait for someone to give directions. In instances, where guidance is necessary, it is the elders who provide it. Conflicts never arise amongst the elders who are well recognized community leaders living like ordinary people.The leaders respect each other’s seniority on the basis of their age or their knowledge on a particular subject.

There has never been any clash amongst the moon people. Words such as fight and war do not exist in their vocabulary. Their lack of diversity is symbolized by the fact that they have only one style of clothing. Their dress is of very simple style covering the full body including the head, with face kept open. These clothes closely resemble the ceremonial Jedi robes seen in the Star Wars movies. Men, women and all children wear the same type of clothing. The color is desert sand brown. The entire population talks the same language. Men and women do not have hair on the head from birth. But the men have beards, but no mustaches. They walk in a swinging style, resembling chimpanzees walking upright.

The entire cave dwelling system is made up of a very large number of cities. Neither money nor other form of currency is used among the moon people. There is no need to use money due to the way the community is structured to operate. Neither food nor other commonly used or consumable items belong to anyone specifically but to all the people, as was also set out in the well-known speech by the Native American or Red Indian Chief “Seattle” of America.

Food supplies come directly from various water plants that grow in the lakes in abundance. The moon people consume a mix of raw food as well as cooked food. The flowers, seeds, leaves, stems and the bulbs of the water plants are their staple diet. These foods contain all the proteins and other necessary ingredients necessary for healthy living.

Though a moon day is equivalent to 28 earth days, surprisingly, the biological day cycle of the moon people is 24 earth hours. This shows that their biological clock has nothing to do with the sun rise and sun set in the moon. Perhaps the 24 hour period of time may be a unique biological ‘interval of renewal’ that nature has given to all human species. Usually moon people sleep about eight hours a day at “any time of convenience” and remain active during most of the remaining hours. The “time of convenience” varies for each individual. As a result of not having a particular day or night time, there are always people awake and active all of the time. Therefore, all community based activities take place all the time and continuously without stoppage. There are no holiday systems practiced in the moon. Every day is a working day and every hour is an active hour. Every hour is also a sleeping hour to whoever desires to consider it that way.

Births and deaths are considered natural events in life and hence emotional situations at the levels experienced on the earth are unknown in the moon. Burial of bodies takes place a few hours after death. The persons, who happen to be the companions of the dead person at the time of death, get the assistance of others in the vicinity to wrap the dead body in fabric as in mummified bodies and prepare for its burial in an assigned area. There are no eulogies. The moon people believe that all persons are equal and hence have no notion of high or low status in this regard, other than for the special respect that they have for elders. No special burial ceremonies exist even for elders. It is the common belief that all dead persons go to heaven instantaneously after death. Because of this ages old belief, the people are generally happy for the dead ones rather than sad.

Unlike on earth, no behavioral differences are found amongst people in the various localities. As a normal practice the vast majority of people do not reside at a fixed location. Living in a particular locality is not the habitual practice and around 90% of the adults are on the move all the time in groups of thousands. This is very similar in occurrence to the migrations of herds of animals in the African continent but in the moon, migration is an ever ongoing event that never ends. The actual reason for this habitual behavior is not known. Coming down from the distant past, the resident time at any one place is fixed at an interval of fourteen earth days. After stay at one place for fourteen days, the journey continues on to the next destination. The period of walking to the next destination also lasts another fourteen earth days thus equaling the number of days of stay at a place. As a result of this particular walking and staying pattern, most of the city centers have naturally got established at equal distances apart. The cities are approximately 150 miles apart. As the moon people walk in similar fashion to how Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, walking seems to be a pretty easy and fun activity. Once they are in a city, the members of a group have the option of deciding on their next destination city. The adjacent cities are situated in seven radiating directions from each city. For thousands of years the groups have ritualistically dispersed in seven directions for some reason not actually known. Selecting the next city, and therefore the new direction to continue the journey are individual choices. Because of this unique ancient habitual selection of traveling along the seven directions all city centers were situated at the corners of a heptagonal interwoven spherical grid configuration. By about the 6th to 8th days into their intercity traveling, each group meets others traveling in the opposite direction. When this happens they greet each other, pass gestures like “high fives”, share their food, chit chat, nudge and push each other gently to have a little bit of fun and to reinforce their togetherness.

All the cities conduct ceremonial functions to welcome incoming visitors and to bid farewell to the outgoing visitors. As everybody either leaves a city or reaches a new city on a particular fixed day, these ceremonies are held at predetermined venues. As the logistics stand, this ceremonial function repeats on every fourteenth day in every city center. The day long ceremonies create good meeting opportunities for the people.

As a startup event in the agenda of the ceremony, all adult participants consume a cocktail made of mushrooms. The recipe of this cocktail has been coming down from the ancient days and is the same in all the cities. The moon people love it! The hallucinatory agents in the cocktail probably transport the minds of the people into a different realm and help them socialize, perform dances and enhance their inner bonding. Speculating on this further, the cocktail drink may be the core impetus driving their propensity for intercity traveling. The ‘travelers’ are assured of the reward of a dream making cocktail once every fourteen days at all the cities. Some people may be unconsciously addicted to this! No one took this special drink or any form of alcohol on the other days.

The ceremonies generally included playing of games, beating of drums, singing, dancing, storytelling, dining and chit chat. The whole community actively took part in the ceremonies. The dances they performed seemed like a huge network of dance groups changing from one array to another every few seconds, following very thoughtfully choreographed rhythmic patterns. This was done very skillfully and with many flourishes. The people were in physical contact with each other during the entire dancing act. Vivid dancing patterns were accompanied by appropriate sound effects. The songs that were sung and the dances that were performed were the same at every city center of the moon where these parties were held. These have not changed over the many thousands of years past, just like the seasonal Christmas songs played on the radio every year.

On the day following the ceremony, the people who were due to leave the city commenced their new journeys. Those who arrived at a particular city got engaged in the chores that formed their site duties. Those who travel carry only the bare essential items including the food they need for the next 14 days of travel. As a means of avoiding monotony and making it interesting, walking patterns of the ‘travelers’ were of diverse, rhythmic styles and were almost always accompanied by appropriate sound effects. The specific aspect of “Fourteen days” travel and “Fourteen days” residence is not a hard and fast rule of any kind, but it is the practice that had come down from the past thousands of years. It might have something to do with half-moon day or the intervals of tidal waves that were experienced. The post ceremonial arrangements were so arranged that every person who reached a city understood what community functions they would need to be engaged in from the very next day. During their stay they attended to regular community work such as cooking, cleaning, farming, field work, gathering food from lakes, attending to various community based construction works, teaching children, day care work, etc. Nobody gave them directions as to what to do. But they sought out exactly what work was there to be done for the next fourteen days.

When moon people moved from one city to another, the moving group always mixed with others who had arrived there from the other six directions. At every new occasion, they always merged into new groups without seeking to stay with their original group. The mixing up of groups was a continuous process that took place at every city center. As a result of mixing into groups and splitting their journeys into seven directions at each city center, after a few years, it was always difficult to find another person from one’s original group. This was not applicable at the individual level to a couple of a male and female as such couples always stayed together. By constantly moving from one area to another, the people were exposed to almost the entire vast area of their habitat during their life time and also made them have the opportunity to intermingle with the entire noon population of around 2 million persons. The average life span of moon people is over 100 earth years and this might be due to the type of food they ate, the ritualistic walking habit they perform for more than half their life time and perhaps the greatest influence might be the lives free from conflict and stress that they lead.

When once a man and woman get together, their bond is maintained permanently. If a child is born, the mother stays with the baby for three months. During this time the baby is usually breast fed by the mother or sometimes by other mothers. Children including infants are brought up in the community centers. Hence children do not develop social bonding to their parents. In fact nobody knows who their parents are. The moon people laid a very strong emphasis on educating the children and the children are kept in the community education system until they reach 16 years of age. The children learn academic subjects as well as all domestic practical work required for community activities. There are also chores that have to be carried out during non-study time. From a very early age, children are assigned specific responsibilities. The chores are selected suitably by community leaders with due regard to the age of the child. The children select their own names during the school period according to their sole independent choice. However the first part of the name carries the name of the city. For instance children from the city of “Vaaadi” would have names like Vaaadi Tukuuu, Vaaadi Bekiii, Vaaadi Zukooo, etc., – short names but pronounced with a long dragging accent. Written records of births or any other type of identification mechanism does not exist.

The elders collectively believed that the people could well get along without modernity. The moon people value simplicity over comfort, convenience and leisure. Their lifestyle was based on a deliberate balance of avoiding a pleasure world while maintaining self-sufficiency. The networks of elders who have the responsibility to take decisions are not rulers of any kind.

The moon people had a unique system of beliefs. They presumed that all the memories that they remember are borne by an external soul associated with their physical body. So, they believed the soul was a separate entity from the body and that this soul could transmigrate. They identified the soul as their “Self”. They did not have a concept of God, unlike the comparative situation with many religions on earth. However they firmly believed that the soul would instantly “Teleport” to a heaven immediately upon a person’s death. They also believed that they would have youthful physical bodies when they took up their abode in heaven. They were convinced that heaven was an extremely beautiful place of pleasure with very many fun things to do and look around and enjoy. They believed that once they were in heaven, they would not age, fall ill, feel pain or have sorrowful feelings of any kind.

They believed that heaven was a community based place without a leader, or elders, and that it had a social structure identical to the one they enjoyed in the moon. They did not have a concept of “Hell” and probably did not have a word meaning “sin” or any word with a meaning even slightly resembling it. Words such as sin, cruelty, evil, jealousy, anger, crime, fight, aggression, war, etc., were totally unknown to the moon people.

From ancient times, through the transparent areas of the moon’s crust the people of the moon had seen a beautiful planet like object in the sky. This was our earth. They believed that it was heaven (meaning “pleasure place” in their language)… the place that they will be born in after their death. This heaven was visible only from certain cities of the moon. The entire moon population was aware of this heaven from their school education and also from reports by people who had seen it. Like certain religious pilgrimages on earth, part of the purpose of the “moon people’s continuous movement habit” was to observe this heaven during their lifetime. Most people had seen the heaven when they arrived at cities from which it was visible. However, it should be understood that the primary purpose of the movement habit was not to satisfy a need to see the heaven. The primary purpose of the habitual journeying was really not known. Whenever the moon people approached a place from where they could see this beautiful heaven in space for the first time, they had the background knowledge that getting to heaven was an event that would take place at the end of their lifetimes. They were therefore very excited and overwhelmed by it. However, when they actually got to look at the object which was heaven they would glare at it for long hours without blinking as it was so utterly beautiful and enjoyable to look at – like a glowing blue colored gem hanging by itself. Just looking at it gave them a sense of deep fulfillment.

There have been prominent philosophers, artists, poets, scientists and other scholars in the moon. They have contributed a wealth of benefits to the moon community by spreading their knowledge and ideas. The old generations have kept the harmony of the moon community intact. The elders in the moon at present have been somewhat perturbed in the recent past with the present generation of children, who seek to express their reasoning as to how they wish to move forward into the future. The elders have observed trends of some individuals tending to deviate from the traditional social system and attempting to adopt different living styles. But up to now the elders have been able to address such situations and have managed to keep the traditional systems intact.

After the moon scientists developed electrical magnets and electromagnetic waves they did not know what to do with their new discovery. But as things happened in the earth’s history, sometimes accidents lead to discoveries. As an accidental discovery, the scientists in the moon found that when electromagnetic instruments were energized, they caused a physical disturbance of nearby dust particles. The leading scientist who had invented the system directed the waves towards the moon’s surface with the idea of checking the effect on the moon dust lying on the transparent area of the moon’s crust. The moon dust covering thin transparent surfaces was seen to be getting cleared. Though it did not yield perfect transparency of the moon’s crust, this was a big success. By experimenting further on this they realized that electromagnetic waves could help them to clear the dust on top of the transparent sections of the moon’s surface. Upon the discovery of a mechanism for removing the dust on the moon’s surface, the elders of the city gave their blessings to proceed further with these experiments. In the city of Daaadi the ceremony that was conducted every 14 days, acquired an additional feature now. This was the demonstration of their new equipment that cleared the dust on the surface crust of the moon. The scientist who invented it demonstrated the capability of his invention to the amazement and delight of all the people. They could now see more of outer space. Some people repeatedly viewed this demonstration while others did not show much interest.

Can the people on the earth ever trace their radio signals or find that there are people on the moon?

Source by Shelton Ranasinghe

The post People Who Are Living on the Moon appeared first on 23on.com.

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