The food security scheme, among the biggest welfare schemes of the government, will now be mandatorily linked to Aadhaar. The move came into force from Wednesday across the country except in Assam, Meghalaya and Jammu and Kashmir. The food ministry said proof of Aadhaar is required where government is providing any subsidy from the Consolidated Fund of India.
However, those who have not yet got such cards can get them by November end. Till that time they will be allowed to get subsidised grains by submitting Aadhaar application slip with another identity proof.
The food ministry said Aadhaar Act provides that the central state governments while making the expenditure from CFI for any subsidy, may require such individual to furnish proof of possession of Aadhaar number or undergo authentication. It said subsidised foodgrains under PDS and cash transfer of food subsidy under food security scheme involves recurring expenditure from the CFI.
Beneficiaries under NFS Act desirous of availing subsidies under NFSA need to produce ration card and either Aadhaar enrollment ID slip or copy of his her request made for Aadhaar enrollment along with any of eight documents such as voter ID card, PAN card, passport, driving licence, Kisan photo passbook etc.
Beneficiaries can also make their request for Aadhaar card enrollment by giving their name, address, mobile number with ration card number and other details to their fair price shop owners.