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Revision as of 20:43, 12 June 2014

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*'''Luke Skywalker:''' If you don't know who this is, you probably shouldn't be playing the game. Pilot Skill 8. Can change one focus result to an evade when defending. Pairs well with R2-D2 and/or a shield upgrade.

*'''Luke Skywalker:''' If you don't know who this is, you probably shouldn't be playing the game. Pilot Skill 8. Can change one focus result to an evade when defending. Pairs well with R2-D2 and/or a shield upgrade.

*'''Wes Janson:''' Running at Pilot Skill 8 makes Wes the highest skilled pilot in the Rebel Transport box. His card text strips the tokens from the defender after he attacks them. Same price as Wedge and will draw just as much fire.

*'''Wes Janson:''' Running at Pilot Skill 8 makes Wes the highest skilled pilot in the Rebel Transport box. His card text strips the tokens from the defender after he attacks them. Same price as Wedge and will draw just as much fire.

*'''Wedge Antilles:''' hops on one transparisteel leg. One of the four level 9 pilots currently in the game. Reduces the
's evade dice by one. Super deadly but everyone knows that so don't be surprised if your opponent targets Wedge first.


*'''Wedge Antilles:''' hops on one transparisteel leg. One of the four level 9 pilots currently in the game. Reduces the
's evade dice by one. Super deadly but everyone knows that so don't be surprised if your opponent targets Wedge first.

*'''Jek Porkins'''  From the rebel transport pack, you know him, you love him it's the legendary fat fuck who died like a bitch at Yavin IV.  Jek eats stress tokens like a [[fa/tg/uy]] goes through cheetos
, but
be careful when doing so as you do run the risk of blowing yourself up in spectacular failure.  Pair him with R5-D8 (y-wing expansion) to push him harder and keep him k-turning all game long.


*'''Jek Porkins'''  From the rebel transport pack, you know him, you love him it's the legendary fat fuck who died like a bitch at Yavin IV.  Jek eats stress tokens like a [[fa/tg/uy]] goes through cheetos
. But
be careful when doing so as
because everytime you do this you roll an attack die, so
you do run the risk of blowing yourself up in spectacular failure.  Pair him with R5-D8 (y-wing expansion) to push him harder and keep him k-turning all game long.

==== Y-Wing ====

==== Y-Wing ====

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*If you don't plan to give them a missile (and you somehow get your hands on a copy of rebel aces) the Chardaan Refit can let you get that little extra edge for squeezing the most out of your squad.

*If you don't plan to give them a missile (and you somehow get your hands on a copy of rebel aces) the Chardaan Refit can let you get that little extra edge for squeezing the most out of your squad.

*As the speediest little shit around you need to get around your opponents and avoid being in their line of fire if you want to avoid death from a stiff breeze.  Boost around like a madman to get the upper hand.  Hell, take a stealth device if you can.

*As the speediest little shit around you need to get around your opponents and avoid being in their line of fire if you want to avoid death from a stiff breeze.  Boost around like a madman to get the upper hand.  Hell, take a stealth device if you can.

*Rebel Aces adds
free title that can used by anybody with Pilot Skill over 1 (so anybody but the prototype pilot) add two Elite Traits, but no duplicate upgrades on the same ship.


*Rebel Aces adds
some interesting exclusives. A
free title that can used by anybody with Pilot Skill over 1 (so anybody but the prototype pilot) add two Elite Traits, but no duplicate upgrades on the same ship
. The other is modification called Chardaan Refit that actually lows the ship cost by 2



*'''Prototype Pilot:''' Pilot Skill 1. Nothing special, but pretty cheap.

*'''Prototype Pilot:''' Pilot Skill 1. Nothing special, but pretty cheap.

*'''Green Squadron Pilot:''' Pilot Skill 3. Can take an Elite Pilot Talent.

*'''Green Squadron Pilot:''' Pilot Skill 3. Can take an Elite Pilot Talent.

*'''Arvel Crynyd:''' Guy who ran his ship into the Executor's bridge in Return of the Jedi. Pilot Skill 6. Can still attack ships, even when their bases are touching (both [[Fluff|flavorful]] and [[crunchy]], a delightful combination).

*'''Arvel Crynyd:''' Guy who ran his ship into the Executor's bridge in Return of the Jedi. Pilot Skill 6. Can still attack ships, even when their bases are touching (both [[Fluff|flavorful]] and [[crunchy]], a delightful combination).

*'''Jake Farrell:''' ''(unreleased)'' Green Squadron pilot who flew at Endor, helped with the design of the A-wing and flew it's predecessor craft at Yavin. "Jake the Snake" can be a slippery bastard.  Give him push the limit and he can do ''three actions'' in one round on his lonesome (focus, boost/barrel roll, and then push the limit to do a third action).  If you have someone who can give focus tokens he can pull off some crazy shit.


*'''Jake Farrell:''' ''(unreleased)'' Green Squadron pilot who flew at Endor, helped with the design of the A-wing and flew it's predecessor craft at Yavin. "Jake the Snake" can be a slippery bastard
, after being give a focus token or preforming the focus actions he do a free boost or barrel roll
.  Give him push the limit and he can do ''three actions'' in one round on his lonesome (focus, boost/barrel roll, and then push the limit to do a third action).  If you have someone who can give focus tokens he can pull off some crazy shit.

*'''Tycho Celchu:''' Rogue Squadron pilot. Pilot skill 8. Can perform actions even when he is stressed. Giving him Push the Limit is a must, and then enjoy piling up six, seven, eight stress token on your ship in the game.

*'''Tycho Celchu:''' Rogue Squadron pilot. Pilot skill 8. Can perform actions even when he is stressed. Giving him Push the Limit is a must, and then enjoy piling up six, seven, eight stress token on your ship in the game.

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*'''Dagger Squadron Pilot:''' Blue Squadron but add 2. You get the idea.

*'''Dagger Squadron Pilot:''' Blue Squadron but add 2. You get the idea.

*'''Ibtisam:''' Female Mon-Calamari (you know like Admiral Ackbar) <s>pilot that no one has ever heard of before</s> Rogue Squadron pilot (went down like a punk at Endor), and even few can pronounce correctly. Pilot Skill 6. When she is stressed she can re-roll one die, both attack AND defense.

*'''Ibtisam:''' Female Mon-Calamari (you know like Admiral Ackbar) <s>pilot that no one has ever heard of before</s> Rogue Squadron pilot (went down like a punk at Endor), and even few can pronounce correctly. Pilot Skill 6. When she is stressed she can re-roll one die, both attack AND defense.


*'''Keyan Farlander''' Pilot released in Rebel Aces. When attacking, you can remove a stress token to ''ALL'' focus results to hits.

*'''Ten Numb:''' Pilot Skill 8. Opponent can't cancel one critical hit done by him with defense dice. Pair him with an Auto-Blaster and at range one EVERYTHING GETS THROUGH. Mauls TIE fighters but is super points hungry.

*'''Ten Numb:''' Pilot Skill 8. Opponent can't cancel one critical hit done by him with defense dice. Pair him with an Auto-Blaster and at range one EVERYTHING GETS THROUGH. Mauls TIE fighters but is super points hungry.

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====CR90 Corvette====

====CR90 Corvette====

The blockade runner the Rebels tried escaping in at the start of the original movie. It didn't look too impressive there, but when not overshadowed by a Star Destroyer you see how big this thing really is compared to your tiny fighters. Another huge ship, but it can actually attack (still waiting on the huge battleships the Rebels had in Return of the Jedi). Because of that, it has separate cards for its front and back, both of which take a ton of damage (the fore, the front, possessing better shields though), but the fore is where the attack stat and is the aft, the back, is where the energy comes from. Like the transport, it can be upgraded to carry crew members and cargo, along with the new teams and hardpoints introduced in its expansion, and both ends of the ship have their own slots. For basic shooting, it has an attack of four and omnidirectional firing arc. It requires the use of attachment the usual measurement stick when shooting because it has range of 3-5, which is reason to add on some quad laser cannons to the hardpoints in case anything gets that close. But be warned, this whole package is expensive, even with no upgrades it costs more than Han Solo.


The blockade runner the Rebels tried escaping in at the start of the original movie. It didn't look too impressive there, but when not overshadowed by a Star Destroyer you see how big this thing really is compared to your tiny fighters. Another huge ship, but it can actually attack (still waiting on the huge battleships the Rebels had in Return of the Jedi). Because of that, it has separate cards for its front and back, both of which take a ton of damage (the fore, the front, possessing better shields though), but the fore is where the attack stat and is the aft, the back, is where the energy comes from. Like the transport, it can be upgraded to carry crew members and cargo, along with the new teams and hardpoints introduced in its expansion, and both ends of the ship have their own slots. For basic shooting, it has an attack of four and omnidirectional firing arc. It requires the use of attachment the usual measurement stick when shooting because it has range of 3-5, which is reason to add on some quad laser cannons to the hardpoints in case anything gets that close
, the turbo laser is only good some circumstances since it doubles the defense of anything you fire at
. But be warned, this whole package is expensive, even with no upgrades it costs more than Han Solo.

There aren't any other pilots for it right now, so you're stuck with basic pilot skill of four. Instead the ship stands out for have a few different titles it can take. Note all these apply to the fore.

There aren't any other pilots for it right now, so you're stuck with basic pilot skill of four. Instead the ship stands out for have a few different titles it can take. Note all these apply to the fore.

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* Dodonna's Pride: 4 points, when you preform the coordinate action you can give two nearby ships a free action.

* Dodonna's Pride: 4 points, when you preform the coordinate action you can give two nearby ships a free action.

* Tantive IV: 4 points, you get an extra crew member and team upgrade slot.

* Tantive IV: 4 points, you get an extra crew member and team upgrade slot.



==== Z-95 Headhunter ====


The X-Wing's predecessor, and a rather unimpressive ship, but it's cheap, costing a much as a TIE fighter so you get what you pay for. Use it as a cheap missile platform.



==== E-Wing ====


The ship the Rebels intended to replace the iconic X-Wing, and aside from having a weaker hull (though it has an extra shield), it's superior in every respect aside from attack (which is the same). So it's faster (around the same as a TIE fighter), more survivable, can add system upgrade, in addition to being able to take any upgrades that the X-Wing can. Downside it's a step in price as well, and it only has a few pilots for it, so don't expect to replace the X-Wing in this game.

=== Empire ===

=== Empire ===

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==== TIE Advanced ====

==== TIE Advanced ====

A shielded TIE Fighter than can use missiles and adds more actions it can take.
This gives you a better combination of a durability and speed than the anything the Rebels get, so as you might expect, it
's a big step in cost above the standard Tie. It still suffers though from low attack values and is the ship most sorely in need of a boost.


A shielded TIE Fighter than can use missiles and adds more actions it can take.
's a big step in cost above the standard Tie. It still suffers though from low attack values and is the ship most sorely in need of a boost.

*Take vader or just don't take it.

*Take vader or just don't take it.

*Minor note: Vader pilots the Advanced x1, his personalized fighter that we saw at Yavin, while the other pilots fly the TIE Advanced ([http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/TIE/Advanced_starfighter a separate ship entirely])

*Minor note: Vader pilots the Advanced x1, his personalized fighter that we saw at Yavin, while the other pilots fly the TIE Advanced ([http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/TIE/Advanced_starfighter a separate ship entirely])

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*'''"Fel's Wrath":''' When the number of damage cards assigned to you equals or exceeds your hull value, you are not destroyed until the end of the round. AKA, if Wedge kills you, you still get to shoot.

*'''"Fel's Wrath":''' When the number of damage cards assigned to you equals or exceeds your hull value, you are not destroyed until the end of the round. AKA, if Wedge kills you, you still get to shoot.

*'''Lieutenant Lorrir":'''When performing a barrel roll action, you may receive 1 stress token to use the 1 left bank or right bank template instead of the 1 forward template.

*'''Lieutenant Lorrir":'''When performing a barrel roll action, you may receive 1 stress token to use the 1 left bank or right bank template instead of the 1 forward template.


*'''Kir Kanos''': Lets you spend an evade token when shooting at Range 2-3 and add a hit to your results. Doesn't get any upgrades unless you add the Royal Guard TIE.


*'''Tetran Cowall''': If you preform a koiogran, you can treat the move as a speed 1, 3, or 5 rather than using the usual distance.


*'''Turr Phennir''': After attacking, you can do a free boost or barrel roll.


*'''Carnor Jax''': A royal guard pilot. If an enemy is within range 1, they can't preform a focus or evade action, nor do they get to spend tokens gained from those actions.


*'''Sontir Fel''': One of the rare pilots with a skill of 9. When he receives a stress token, he gets a free focus token. Combine with push the limit to get extra focus.

==== Lambda Shuttle ====

==== Lambda Shuttle ====

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*Of note: the shuttle has a unique maneuver in that it can come to a full stop, that's right zero movement.  If you can pilot yourself correctly (anyone that manages to flank nimble fighters in a lumbering shuttle deserves a pat on the back) you can really use this to your advantage and keep an important target firmly in your firing arc.  Pair with a heavy laser canon and become an unrelenting buzzsaw that [[Rip and tear|rips and tears]] with the best of them.

*Of note: the shuttle has a unique maneuver in that it can come to a full stop, that's right zero movement.  If you can pilot yourself correctly (anyone that manages to flank nimble fighters in a lumbering shuttle deserves a pat on the back) you can really use this to your advantage and keep an important target firmly in your firing arc.  Pair with a heavy laser canon and become an unrelenting buzzsaw that [[Rip and tear|rips and tears]] with the best of them.

*The shuttle is quite arguably under-costed for just how damn tanky it is.  The standard 100 points format can let you comfortably run 4 shuttles and kit them out to make them dead killy.  Laugh as you never fucking die.

*The shuttle is quite arguably under-costed for just how damn tanky it is.  The standard 100 points format can let you comfortably run 4 shuttles and kit them out to make them dead killy.  Laugh as you never fucking die.




*'''Omnicron Group Pilot''': Basic unamed pilot with a skill of 2, nothing special.


*'''Captain Yorr''': Darth Vader's shuttle pilot. If a friendly ship in range 1-2 has would gain a stress token, and this ship has less than you two, he can take it instead.


*'''Colonel Jendon''': Lets you give a blue target lock icon to friendly ship at range 1.


*'''Captain Kagi''': If an enemy would a target lock, it needs to lock onto this ship.

==== TIE Bomber ====

==== TIE Bomber ====

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*'''Major Rhymer'''  pretty much a total nobody in lore.  The obligatory pricey and high pilot skill character.  If you have some plan that is dependent on pulling off a killing shot with advanced proton torpedoes, he's okay.  Beyond some gimmicks his talent just is not all that great for what you pay.

*'''Major Rhymer'''  pretty much a total nobody in lore.  The obligatory pricey and high pilot skill character.  If you have some plan that is dependent on pulling off a killing shot with advanced proton torpedoes, he's okay.  Beyond some gimmicks his talent just is not all that great for what you pay.




The famous OP ship from
the Tie Fighter game
and its
not as good
. While
it still
has good
all round (though less firepower than the Tie Phantom for some reason
but still above average)
, and
for its speed is the more durable ship in the game
, it's
shields aren't
strong as they were in that game
, but
oh well. While
equip torpedoes in
it can only use missiles and cannons (the pack included a ion cannon for that so it can at least carry an ion cannon like it could in the game)


While not gamebreaker it was in
the Tie Fighter game,
and while
can't do everything better than everything else like it could
got impressive
with 3s in attack, defense, hull
, and
shields. In terms of straight line movements
, it's as
fast the A-Wing, and it has better selection of short turns than it and the Interceptor
, but it
's not as good at sharp turns. It can't
equip torpedoes
the video
it can only use missiles and cannons (the pack included a ion cannon for that so it can at least carry an ion cannon like it could in the game)
. As you might expect, however, these things aren't cheap, even the basic pilots cost more than Darth Vader in an Advanced.

====TIE Phantom====

====TIE Phantom====

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