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== Why Play The Mechanicum? ==

== Why Play The Mechanicum? ==

New Mechanicum Taghmata Army list fixes alot of things for Ordo Reductor and Legio Cybernetica. Legio Cybernetica and Ordo Reductor have specialized units but have access to the taghmata as a whole. All the Knights are available to use besides the newest GW ones. We're able to use any Superheavy that doesn't have a heresy equivalent within Ordo Reductor lists and the Ordinatus will probably have you shot if you actually use it against anyone.

You've seen the models, right? For the first time since Rogue Trader, the followers of the Machine God can finally take to the field en masse! You can embody the grimdark universe of Warhammer 40,000
with your exotic Martian death-rays, terrifying Battle Automata and horrific Cybernetic monstrosities.


You've seen the models, right? For the first time since Rogue Trader, the followers of the Machine God can finally take to the field en masse! You can embody the grimdark universe of Warhammer
30,000 with your exotic Martian death-rays, terrifying Battle Automata and horrific Cybernetic monstrosities.

Also? Robots.

Also? Robots.

The Mechanicum is a curious
as it consists
several lists (currently two) representing different Ordos
and one for
Taghmata (
vanilla). Each list is fairly small, with limited unit choices, but a large amount of flexibility within many of these units. Each new Horus Heresy source book from Forge World would seem to be adding new units or lists to create an ever-expanding range to choose from. Be warned; This is a slippery slope that may result in the loss of financial security, family & friends and house & home...


At the beginning the
used to be divided between the three ordos
the Mechanicum; the footsloggin MCs of the Legio Cybernetica
the more complete
Taghmata (vanilla)
and the extremely limited Ordo Reductor. This led to question why would anyone ever use Reductor when the Taghmata list [[Fail|had better siege]] engines. The most recent update, however, fixes this problem by making you pick Taghmata as a base and then you can specialize into Reductor or Cybernetica as if they were Rites of War, with their advantages and limitations



Each list is fairly small, with limited unit choices, but a large amount of flexibility within many of these units. Each new Horus Heresy source book from Forge World would seem to be adding new units or lists to create an ever-expanding range to choose from
. Furthermore, all the Knights are available to use, beside the newest GW ones, along with any Superheavy that doesn't have a heresy equivalent within Ordo Reductor lists and the Ordinatus will probably have you shot if you actually use it against anyone
. Be warned; This is a slippery slope that may result in the loss of financial security, family & friends and house & home...

Also, '' '''BIG''' Robots''!

Also, '' '''BIG''' Robots''!

Unusually for Forge World, the Mechanicum is one of the cheapest armies to get in to. It's possible to start an army with a single Magos, and a pair of Castellax or small Thallax Cohorts.(Adesecularis if you really want to break the
!)The army lists, whilst capable of standing alone, are intended to be used as allies for the Legion army list. As a starting point for a new army, this is ideal, as you need even less to get have something you can field. The Mechanicum units provide you with some unique possibilities for conversions, too
Take a cursory glance around
or a painting forum and you'll find some damn fine examples. Of course, if this is not your thing, Forge World's own models are more than capable of satisfying any model fanatic.


Unusually for Forge World, the Mechanicum is one of the cheapest armies to get in to. It's possible to start an army with a single Magos, and a pair of Castellax or small Thallax Cohorts.(Adesecularis if you really want to break the
The army lists, whilst capable of standing alone, are intended to be used as allies for the Legion army list. As a starting point for a new army, this is ideal, as you need even less to get have something you can field. The Mechanicum units provide you with some unique possibilities for conversions, too
Take a cursory glance around
or a painting forum and you'll find some damn fine examples. Of course, if this is not your thing, Forge World's own models are more than capable of satisfying any model fanatic.


Gameplay wise, you are universally hard as nails. There are only 3 models with 1 wound, 1 of which has a 3+ save, another T5, another dirt cheap and full of upgrades, all of which can benefit immensely from FNP. However with a handful of exceptions your models are somewhat pricey, a number are a steal for how effective they are but never the less when all you can do is choose between a variety of pretty expensive choices (with one, very notable exception), which you will almost certainly dump more points on top. Tough as you are, this is primarily a crutch for the vast the majority of your army is short range, though you hardly lack in long range if you wanna dollop in some points here and there.



There are now 3 distinct lists to choose from.


Ordo Reductor - Tanks. Tanks. And more Tanks. You have 4 Heavy supports, Access to Imperial Superheavies (That haven't got Horus Heresy Equivalents) and Ordo Reductor Artillery Batteries and Minotaur Batteries (Yeah the superheavy got down graded to just heavy tank for Mechanicum). Can have some truly stupid combinations.


Taghmata Ommnissiah - The main army that uses pretty much everything but is the baseline for all Mechanicum. You have access to pretty much everything and have no restrictions so unless you tailor your army to a specific theme/Style, You'll basically be using this mostly.


Legio Cybernetica - Wanting to field armies of Sexbots while slurping the tears of your enemies? This is one of your Rites of war for Mechanicum. Your basic Troops are Castellax. Yeah deal with that. Unfortunately anything with Cybernetic Cortex can't score anymore but still T7 with Mauler Bolt Cannons. 24" Cybertheurgy and Cortex Controller range is a great boon and makes it hell of alot easier to manage your robots and every robot gets +1 Initiative while not much means you strike at the same time as Marines.


Restrictions are you have to have at least 2 Units of Castellax that are 2 units strong,something in the fast attack and Heavy support using a Cybernetica Cortex (So Vorax and Thanatars) and a Magos Dominus/Archmagos Dominus but he can now join Castellax/Vorax (Although can't be used to tank shots more on this later).


Another draw back is if all cortex controllers are destroyed at the end of the battle the opponent gains D3 Victory Points. (In Heresy Games that's rather substantial)



Gameplay wise, you are universally '''hard as nails'''. There are only 3 models with 1 wound, 1 of which has a 3+ save, another T5, another dirt cheap and full of upgrades, all of which can benefit immensely from FNP. However with a handful of exceptions your models are somewhat pricey, a number are a steal for how effective they are but never the less when all you can do is choose between a variety of pretty expensive choices (with one, very notable exception), which you will almost certainly dump even more points on top. Tough as you are, this is primarily a crutch for the vast the majority of your army is short range, though you hardly lack in long range if you wanna dollop in some points here and there. Along with the usual slow speed and short range of your models, it will be a pain in the mechadentrite to deal with those <s>30 eldar jetbikes</s> You shouldn't be going against 40k armies in the first place, what's this ''fun'' you speak of?

It should also be noted that the Ad Mech is getting two new army books in 40k: [[Warhammer 40,000/Tactics/Skitarii (7E)|Skitarii]], and [[Warhammer 40,000/Tactics/Cult Mechanicus(7E)|Cult Mechanicus]]

It should also be noted that the Ad Mech is getting two new army books in 40k: [[Warhammer 40,000/Tactics/Skitarii (7E)|Skitarii]], and [[Warhammer 40,000/Tactics/Cult Mechanicus(7E)|Cult Mechanicus]]

Another thing that should be noted is that the Mechanicum have Characters (not Independant Characters) that may or may not be able to join units depending on what you and your gaming group agrees on, see discussion page for more detail, but currently there's no official answer on whetehr they can or can't.

==Special Rules==

==Special Rules==

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