Reasons it sucks to be an Ork:
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# You're part of [[Squad broken]].
# You're part of [[Squad broken]].
# <strike>You haven't had a new codex since 4th edition. And it's starting to show.</strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> SHUT IT UA GIT, WE'ZE DA ORKS AND YOU'Z A BUNCH O PANSY GITS! B'SIDES, WE IZ GOING TA GET NEW CODEX DIS 6TH ED! </span>
# <strike>You haven't had a new codex since 4th edition. And it's starting to show.</strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> SHUT IT UA GIT, WE'ZE DA ORKS AND YOU'Z A BUNCH O PANSY GITS! B'SIDES, WE IZ GOING TA GET NEW CODEX DIS 6TH ED! </span>
# <strike>There is a slight chance that [[Matt Ward|Mattard]] is going to write 6th edition codex. If so, in the next codex you'll read something like this: "The Orks insatiable thirst for violence is, really, just a way of coping with the angst they feel that no matter what they do, they will never be Ultramarines."</strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> WHO KEEPS LETTIN' DEZ' HUMIES IN 'ERE! WE'Z BLOODY INFESTED! GET DA BURNAZ!</span> (Also [[Matt Ward|Mattard]] is apparently too busy with pestering Forge world for more Space marine resin collections to be converted into plastic for the main product line to be bothered with our humble bumbling green skins.)<span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> Tipakill 'umie bee'ayevyor dat is. Alwayz ignorin' da orky fingz in loif an' only payin' attenshon to uvver zoggin worfles 'umie fings. Downroight shaymfol dat is. The only reely orky 'umie iz dat Kaptan Yarik; Gork - or eh, iz it Mork? - bles 'iz 'eart. (trust us greenskin matt ward ignoring you is a good thing)
# <strike>There is a slight chance that [[Matt Ward|Mattard]] is going to write 6th edition codex. If so, in the next codex you'll read something like this: "The Orks insatiable thirst for violence is, really, just a way of coping with the angst they feel that no matter what they do, they will never be Ultramarines."</strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> WHO KEEPS LETTIN' DEZ' HUMIES IN 'ERE! WE'Z BLOODY INFESTED! GET DA BURNAZ!</span> (Also [[Matt Ward|Mattard]] is apparently too busy with pestering Forge world for more Space marine resin collections to be converted into plastic for the main product line to be bothered with our humble bumbling green skins.)<span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> Tipakill 'umie bee'ayevyor dat is. Alwayz ignorin' da orky fingz in loif an' only payin' attenshon to uvver zoggin worfles 'umie fings. Downroight shaymfol dat is. The only reely orky 'umie iz dat Kaptan Yarik; Gork - or eh, iz it Mork? - bles 'iz 'eart.
(trust us greenskin matt ward ignoring you is a good thing)
# Orks do not draw psychic power from the [[Warp]], [[Derp|but still take Perils of the Warp]]. Which every weirdboy is still frothing mad at.
# Orks do not draw psychic power from the [[Warp]], [[Derp|but still take Perils of the Warp]]. Which every weirdboy is still frothing mad at.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>'f dere ain't any Stormboyz, yer army k'n get krumped by da Blu Gitz real easy like. No not DEM blue gits The udda ones wif da nice dakka and puny stompas.</span>
# <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>'f dere ain't any Stormboyz, yer army k'n get krumped by da Blu Gitz real easy like. No not DEM blue gits The udda ones wif da nice dakka and puny stompas.</span>