
‎Horus Heresy:

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When Horus learned of Magnus' attempt, he was quietly amused. The Emperor ordered Horus to have Russ bring Magnus back to Terra to stand trial for what he had done, and Horus, being a [[Eldrad|dick]], quietly altered Russ' orders to lay waste to Prospero and slaughter the Thousand Sons. As Magnus was already a declared double heretic and he hated Magnus even before this, Russ took to this like a [[Furry]] to [[Ironclaw]]. Accompanying the Space Wolves were a full contingent of Adeptus Custodes, millions of Imperial Army troops, and the elite Imperial anti-psyker unit, the Sisters of Silence (think a unit full of [[Culexus|Culexus Assassin]]s and you get the general idea).


When Horus learned of Magnus' attempt, he was quietly amused. The Emperor ordered Horus to have Russ bring Magnus back to Terra to stand trial for what he had done, and Horus, being a [[Eldrad|dick]], quietly altered Russ' orders to lay waste to Prospero and slaughter the Thousand Sons. As Magnus was already a declared double heretic and he hated Magnus even before this, Russ took to this like a [[Furry]] to [[Ironclaw]]. Accompanying the Space Wolves were a full contingent of Adeptus Custodes, millions of Imperial Army troops, and the elite Imperial anti-psyker unit, the Sisters of Silence (think a unit full of [[Culexus|Culexus Assassin]]s and you get the general idea).



Magnus, sensing this, and realizing that this had been [[Just as planned]] and that Tzeentch had done this intending to completely destroy both the Thousand Sons and the Space Wolves decided to dick with the Lord of all Fate: He decided to accept the destruction of everything that he had worked for, so that Tzeentch's ultimate goal would only be half-fulfilled. Tzeentch was richly amused by this. As Prospero burned, Tzeentch and Magnus engaged in act after act of dickery and counter-dickery, with Magnus finally pushed into a towering rage and taking to the battlefield at his capital, crushing his enemies with volleys of MIND BULLETS before he engaged Leman Russ in close-combat. The two fought fiercely, when Magnus managed to Falcon pawnch Russ so hard it shattered his breastplate ''and punctured one of his hearts''. Russ was still in the battle (mostly because he had back up in the form of two fucking massive wolves) and after getting lucky and taking out
eye, performed a back breaker on him and ended the fight. Tzeentch was greatly amused by all how this panned out - it's rare that anyone, let alone a mortal man, could try to out-manipulate the architect of fate himself. He thus made Magnus an offer: Become Tzeentch's servant, and preserve what was left of his legion and homeworld, or watch what was left of both burn as he lay dying.


Magnus, sensing this, and realizing that this had been [[Just as planned]] and that Tzeentch had done this intending to completely destroy both the Thousand Sons and the Space Wolves decided to dick with the Lord of all Fate: He decided to accept the destruction of everything that he had worked for, so that Tzeentch's ultimate goal would only be half-fulfilled. Tzeentch was richly amused by this. As Prospero burned, Tzeentch and Magnus engaged in act after act of dickery and counter-dickery, with Magnus finally pushed into a towering rage and taking to the battlefield at his capital, crushing his enemies with volleys of MIND BULLETS before he engaged Leman Russ in close-combat. The two fought fiercely, when Magnus managed to Falcon pawnch Russ so hard it shattered his breastplate ''and punctured one of his hearts''. Russ was still in the battle (mostly because he had back up in the form of two fucking massive wolves) and after getting lucky and taking out
eye, performed a back breaker on him and ended the fight. Tzeentch was greatly amused by all how this panned out - it's rare that anyone, let alone a mortal man, could try to out-manipulate the architect of fate himself. He thus made Magnus an offer: Become Tzeentch's servant, and preserve what was left of his legion and homeworld, or watch what was left of both burn as he lay dying.




...For Magnus, it never really was a choice. The response of Magnus' new patron was immediate - for once, Tzeentch was true to his word. The City of Light was transported into the Eye of Terror to a new Daemon World. Prospero was destroyed that day, but Magnus and his Legion survived. By the time the Thousand Sons were seen next, they had joined up with Horus' force of Traitor Legions on their way to lay siege to Terra (not actually confirmed), and Magnus the Red had become the most powerful of all Tzeentch's daemonic servants. [[Just as planned|Magnus had never served Tzeentch willingly, but now had no choice - exactly as Tzeentch had planned from the very beginning]].


...For Magnus, it never really was a choice. The response of Magnus' new patron was immediate - for once, Tzeentch was true to his word. The City of Light was transported into the Eye of Terror to a new Daemon World. Prospero was destroyed that day, but Magnus and his Legion survived. By the time the Thousand Sons were seen next, they had joined up with Horus' force of Traitor Legions on their way to lay siege to Terra (not actually confirmed), and Magnus the Red had become the most powerful of all Tzeentch's daemonic servants. [[Just as planned|Magnus had never served Tzeentch willingly, but now had no choice - exactly as Tzeentch had planned from the very beginning]].

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