The above video is 4:04 minutes long.
Watch the full interview below or listen to the full episode on your iPhone HERE.
Guy: When it comes to disease and sickness, we are big believers in prevention is the cure. I think the short video above summarises the wellness strategies excellently! Whether you are in tip top shape or your health does need some attention, there’s something in the video for everyone to gain from.
Phillip Day is an author, investigative journalist and international speaker . His work revolves around uncovering the most effective treatments available today when it comes to chronic diseases and cancer.
Some of books include – Cancer: Why We’re Still Dying to Know the Truth, Health Wars & Simple Changes: 100 Ways to a Happier & Healthier Life
“If you go into any supermarket these days, what you want to do is stop at the door & have a good look at what’s in front of you. What you’ll see is just rows and rows of shelves packed with highly processed, commercial material palmed off as food stuff.”
― Phillip Day, Author & Investigative Journalist
Phillip Day Full Interview; Cancer, Vitamin D & Disease Prevention Strategies
Questions we ask in this episode:
Is the medical system broken where disease is concerned?
Prescription drugs, do you think that they are the best method of curing any underlying problem?
What is cancer and how can we avoid it?
Is chemotherapy and radiation the most effective treatment for cancer?
Is cancer hereditary?
And much much more…
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Full Transcript
Hey this is Guy Lawrence from 180 Nutrition and welcome to today’s health sessions. We have another cracker of a guest here today and his name is Phillip Day. If you’re unfamiliar with his work, in a nutshell, he is an author, investigative journalist and international speaker and he mainly … Mainly, his work revolves around uncovering the most effective treatments available today when it comes to chronic diseases in a nutshell and distributing that information to as many people as possible and he’s been doing it for many, many years.
He has a wealth of knowledge, top guy as well and I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing him along with Stu today. We delved mainly into the topic of cancer. He’s very well researched on it including what is cancer, what can we do about it? Is it hereditary? Looking at hospital treatments as well, we even go into other things like metabolic diseases as well, prescription drugs and the medical system itself. This is the podcast I will listen to many times I think.
I got a lot out of it and I think it’s a very important podcast too, so if you are aware of people that might [inaudible 00:01:05] might be suffering or they might have cancer and they are looking to expand their knowledge and awareness on the information that’s out there, this podcast would be a great one to share with them because I think Phillip really articulates it really well, the information he shares with us today. Now, we did film this at night because Phillip was in the UK.
If you’re wondering why Stu is looking a little bit dark on screen, that’s why but I actually thought it did his complexion justice so you’re not going to be disappointed on this and much there, sorry Stu, apologies in advance. Anyway, you’re going to love today’s podcast and if you do, please leave us a review on iTunes. It takes 2 minutes, it’s going to help increase our rankings and it’s going to help increase awareness to podcasts that I feel are super important just like this one.
If you are benefiting from the podcast, if you enjoy them, please just take 2 minutes out of your day, go over to iTunes onto 180 Nutrition [00:02:00] and just leave an honest review. That will be much appreciated and yeah, help us keep getting this word out there because we feel it’s super important. Anyway, this is a cracker of a podcast, let’s go over to Phillip Day. Hi, this is Guy Lawrence. I’m joined with Stuart Cooke as always. Hey, Stu?
Stu:Hello mate.
Guy:Our awesome guest today is Phillip Day. Phillip, welcome to the show.
Phillip:Thank you guys, it’s good to be here.
Guy:Yeah, really appreciate it, very much looking forward to today’s topic. It’s one we’ve been very excited about and getting stuck into. Yeah, looking forward to you sharing your experience and wisdom over the years of what you’ve researched. Before we get into it, would you mind just sharing a little bit about your journey and where it all started for you and what led you down this path in the first place?
Phillip:Well, I was being groomed for big business. I went through a fabulous educational system in the UK and shortly after I left and came out into the big wide world, I had a terrible year when we lost 6 members of our family to cancer. 5 of them died of the chemical treatments, 4 of them committed an insane act posthumously [inaudible 00:03:12] large amounts of their estate to the cancer charities who gave that money back to the drug companies who killed them.
That focused me and I thought, “Hang on, we’re pulling literally millions and millions of pounds into the cancer research fraternity and yet, we don’t have the answer to cancer?” That got me on a bit of a quest and I came at this purely as a private citizen. I have no medical training at all. I came at this from a research standpoint and with the cancer industry, which is the first one I tackled and it’s like everything else. The [defew 00:03:45], degus, it smells.
Bit by bit, I began to piece together what the leading clinics in the world were doing which were getting the results that we all so badly desired, and why the mainline cancer industry or the mainline [00:04:00] oncological system was failing so abysmally. That changed my life basically and I haven’t really turned back since.
Guy:Yeah, and how long has that journey been for you Phillip?
Phillip:30 years.
Phillip:I’m going to have to go to my old job one day I think.
Stu:Don’t do it.
Phillip:No, it’s been fascinating. I mean you know what? Guy, probably you’ve been in this as well, I’d introduce you two to the facets of human nature which are absolutely fascinating and it’s not just in cancer. I’ve done 14 books on health and probably half a dozen books on other subjects, but it all comes back to the frailty of the human condition and cognitive dissilience and all these lovely little buzz words that perhaps we can touch on as we go through it.
Guy:Yeah, and I’m not sure if you’re aware as Phillip because I worked in the fitness industry for a long time and 180 actually came about from … I was doing weight training programs for people with cancer and it was a charity. That was when I first heard of your work, so this would be back in probably 2008 and 2009. It was a real eye-opener for me back then and just changed the way everything thought. I met Stu and then we set up this company and started being vocal ourselves out here about different aspects of it but yeah. It’s been an interesting journey.
Phillip:I love the idea of 180, it’s great and you know, one of the fascinating things that you come up against straight away is … And it doesn’t matter what you’re talking about whether it’s vaccinations or mental health or anything like that. What you come up with is, “Hang on a minute. If the authorities have got it so badly wrong, what else have they got wrong?”
This is where you start to come up against this real … People cannot accept that we’ve got a problem with what we’re being told about illnesses and we can go onto Zika and look at the latest, what I call, World Health Organization boutique disease for 2016, have a look at that [00:06:00]. Yeah, it’s the same thing and there’s a tremendous amount of resistance among well-meaning, well-trusting members of the public.
Often, they’ll say to me, “Well, you have no medical training. How can you possibly say this?” It’s like well, it’s about research. My job is to research what’s pouring out of science circles, this has been my job for 30 years; interviewing doctors. I love the way that doctors write books and make films. There’s been several great films come out of Australia actually in the last few years featuring doctors speaking; in spite of the Darth Vader brigade, sometimes pay them a visit.
This is how we can get to understand the terrain when we’re dealing with cancer, heart disease and all the rest of it. One of the most fascinating things I come at with the subject from a historical perspective is what we’re dying from today is nowhere close to what we were dying from 165 years ago. We can talk about that.
Stu:Yeah, but you know what? That was actually one of my first questions because we rant about health all the time and because of what Guy and myself do, we seem to be the targets of all these awkward questions. Our friends … And it’s only last week I was having a debate about this and I said, “Well look, we’re doing so much better now than we used to and we’ve got all this technology and genetics is playing a big part and we’ve got these wonderful medicines and instrumentation and, and we’re living much longer lives, but I’m not too sure about that.”
I wondered whether you could just talk to us a little bit about perhaps where we were 200 years ago to where we are now.
Phillip:Great question. One of the first things, just in recent weeks, we’ve lost David Bowie, we’ve lost Celine Dion’s husband, we’ve lost Terry Wogan. Is he known down there at all?
Guy:I didn’t realize we lost Terry Wogan.
Stu:We did [crosstalk 00:07:55].
Phillip:Lemmy from Motörhead, King Hussein of Jordan [00:08:00] a few years back. The point I’m making is that these are people with not inconsiderable resources, that they could bring to Bayer to buy the best possible treatments and we couldn’t save them. My question is barely a week goes by that you don’t see some upbeat report appearing in the political papers about some great new cancer cure that’s out there and this pill is going to revolutionize everything. We’re still losing the David Bowies and the Terry Wogans, why?
Why is this and why is it that cancer was not even really on our radar 150 years ago? If you go back and look at the medical journals of the 1800s, say, the 1840s, heart disease is virtually unknown, cancer is not even on the radar. I’ll tell you what was really killing people back then, whooping cough, and you get a great insight. If you look into what was killing people in the 1840s in London for instance, in fact, I’ve got a list that I’ll just pull up for you and read out.
Here’s what was killing people. Number 1, whooping cough, number 2, typhoid fever, number 3, scarlet fever, number 4, the flu, number 5, cholera, number 6, measles, 7, smallpox and on down. Now, if you look at the first one, whooping cough, what’s interesting is if you ask this question. Do we still die of whooping cough?
Guy:Yeah. No.
Phillip:If you look into it, 1 or 2 deaths a year maybe at the most. I mean if you investigate those deaths, and I do, what you come up with is a child or even an adult with a short immune system, an immune system so poor that it cannot even fight off the most basic infections. Whooping cough was killing 10,000 a month in the London boroughs in the 1840s. Is it killing 10,000 a month in the city boroughs?
Hardly, you don’t hear about it. You’ll hear about it now and then when it suits them to push a whooping cough vaccine on people. Do people die from the measles? Again, you don’t hear about as often, maybe 1 or 2 if you really dig deep. Perhaps a fairer example would be to look at [00:10:00] flu. Which demographic, guys, does flu hit lethally? That is the elderly, right?
Stu:Elderly, yeah.
Phillip:Okay. Why is it hitting the elderly and it’s not hitting 30 year old businessmen?
Guy:Yeah, immune systems.
Stu:Immune system, I would imagine.
Phillip:Quite right. Now, what we see, when you start digging into the history of these conditions, you know there’s a fascinating thing. You notice that these diseases like whooping cough and scarlatina and diphtheria and these had all declined in their mortality by 90% plus before they ever thought about introducing a vaccine for them. Whatever was responsible for reducing the catastrophic mortality of these diseases came into play from the 1850s onwards.
Not until the end of World War 1 did we start seeing the first shots coming out, certainly, on these major diseases. The measles shot is very recent of course in the scheme of things, so it’s clear that these vaccines did not reduce the mortality of these diseases. Something else did. We know what that is. The only problem is the medical science behind it doesn’t like the idea. What it was, was cleaning up our environment, cleaning up the food system, piping the sewage, clearing the horse defecations off the street, making sure that there was a proper sewage system put in all our towns and cities.
This sounds boring but this is what did it, and after that, I’m not making this up, you go and look at the science and you see the grass just tumble in terms of mortality which is great news. Unfortunately, they’re not teaching them that in medical school.
Guy:Yeah, and we definitely live in a sterile world now. In your view, is the medical system broken where disease is concerned? What are your thoughts on that?
Phillip:That’s a fabulous question. My answer for that is we’ve made some fantastic advances in medicine. I’ll give you some examples. God forbid you get smashed up on the coast road [00:12:00], they’re very good at putting you back together again. I mean I used to ride motorcycles and I used to fall off of them and I wanted those guys. If I broke a leg or an arm or whatever else, I wanted those guys.
A&E, trauma medicine, brilliant, infant survivability at birth, brilliant. I’m doing a 5 novel series on the Battle of Hastings right now and if you go back and look at infant mortality in the 11th century, it was abysmal, I mean absolutely appalling. Today, it’s brilliant. You see these premature births and we’re able to save these babies, so clearly, infant survivability at birth is brilliant. Prosthesis, brilliant, God forbid you cut your leg over the lawnmower, they are pretty good at putting that back on.
You might die of MRSA and in the process, especially if you’re in Maidstone, my local town, the MRSA capital of the solar system but at least you’ll die with both legs on. We’ve made some … It’s very obvious, we’ve made some very good advances now. To address your question Guy, when you look at disease, this is where we have failed appallingly.
There are some very interesting reasons for this, not least of which is if you study Alzheimer’s. First question is if you ask the question, “Why did they call it Alzheimer’s?” It was named in 1906 after some venerable Austrian neuropsychologist, Dr. Alois Alzheimer. They named it then because it had come onto the radar and had to be addressed. Why didn’t they call that Shakespeare’s disease? Because it wasn’t around in the 1600s.
Why did they not name that thing King Canute’s disease? Because it wasn’t around in the 11th century, you get the idea? They named it Alzheimer’s because like cancer and heart disease, as we started to see these filth and dirt diseases like typhus and cholera and diphtheria, as we saw the mortalities reducing on those, so we see from this little latter part of the 1800s, we start to see a bunch of new diseases coming out, heart disease which [00:14:00] if you tried to find that in the medical records of the 1800s, was a foot load of mild curiosity in those days.
Now, it’s surging ahead to become the leading killer, cancer of course, diabetes, arthritis and you start seeing the catalog of diseases with which we are familiar with today coming forward. Now, the point was you don’t need to be a scholar to realize that something pretty fundamental occurred in the late 1800s when we began commercializing the production of our food, industrial and producing it.
You have to strip the food down because if … At that time in the British Empire was at its zenith, it was shunting food out to the colonies. You can’t put fresh food onto a ship and have it in the hold there for 6 weeks because it will rot. You have to strip it down, take the enzymes out of it; you’ve got to process the food so it will last. The processing of the food supply and the introduction of chemicals into our environment, I mean we’re dealing with 80,000 chemicals now. I think I lost count-
Guy:That’s scary, yeah.
Phillip:… Which was foreign to the biological experience of the human organism. If you go back to the 16 and 1700s, these chemicals weren’t there. Now, our [inaudible 00:15:16] having to deal with them, so we see a whole new program of diseases coming out at the start of the 20th century. Once you understand that historical background, something happens. First of all, you realize that we’re not really eating real food anymore.
If you go into any supermarket these days, what you want to do is you want to stop at the door and have a good look at what’s in front of you. What you’ll see is just rows and rows of shelves packed with highly processed, commercial material palmed off [inaudible 00:15:46] food stuffs. There’s a very good check and balance to what I’m saying and that is if you look at your pasture livestock, they don’t die of human diseases if you notice that.
Cows, horses [00:16:00] don’t really die of … We used to farm cows and sheep, didn’t die of human diseases. Wild animals don’t die of human diseases. Rarely do you chase a rabbit down a country lane in your headlights and it rolls into the ditch with a mayocardial infarction.
Guy:I do wonder about people’s pets though. I’ve seen this day and some of them-
Phillip:I was coming onto that.
Guy:All right, yeah.
Phillip:When you look at the dogs and cats, they’re getting the full gamut of human diseases because we’re feeding them what’s coming out of the supermarket, cooked, ground up, [inaudible 00:16:32], canned open in aluminum and then we take them off to the vet and, of course, they are part of that same alloparthical drug-based, surgey-based medical system that we are.
That’s how … I call it broad strokes of what we came across when myself and my team first started looking into why these diseases were so prevalent, why it is we’ve got 18 cultures today still existent who don’t get these problems. When you look at it, there’s still in an agrarian situation, they don’t have fast food restaurants on every corner; they’re farming their own foods. We haven’t civilized them yet to any great degree.
Guy:Westernized them, yeah.
Stu:That was interesting, you were talking about we are what we eat essentially. That took me back to the days when we were first exposed to you through Food Matters. There was a young lady on Food Matters as well called Kris Carr and she laid a phrase on me that resonates and I still … I live through it each day and it is … What is that phrase, it’s completely gone?
It is, “Prevention is the cure,” and that leads me to think that with prevention being the cure, if we disregard that and rely on doctor’s prescription drugs, do you think that is the best method of curing an underlying problem these days [00:18:00]?
Phillip:That’s a great, very, very important question to ask. The simple fact is that the diseases we’re dealing with today are mostly metabolic which simply means that they’re wedded to our experience or our interaction with our food environment, water supplies, chemicals and all the rest of it. What tends to happen, if you look at how drugs are supposed to work with diseases, clearly what’s going on, and they don’t make any secret of it, they talk about, “Well, these, these, this medication or this treatment is going to relieve your symptoms.”
Well, that’s not the same thing as curing the disease. You can hit the pub a bit hard on a Friday night, wake up Saturday morning with a hangover, which is the process of dehydration, and then you can go and get some paracetamol which will deaden the nervous system. That will treat the system, so of course, the public as well, paracetamol cures hangovers. Now, actually, not drinking alcohol cures hangovers or drinking plenty of water is what’s going to do the job.
You see the public want the quick fix, so we have a system which is using drugs to switch off symptoms in the mistake and belief that this is the same thing as actually curing the underlying problem. I’ll give you several other examples to back this up. You’ve got the cancer industry fixated on the tumor. That whole thing is Stuart, God forbid you get cancer, I’m your oncologist, I’m going to go in there and I’m going to take the tumor out and then no more cancer.
Now, does it work that way? The answer is no, it doesn’t. We know those tumors can and do grow back and the reason is you never corrected the underlying immune system problem which allowed that to proliferate in the first place. Cancer is not like you swallowed a bolt Stuart and then you went down to the local x-ray unit and they x-rayed you and the doctor says, “Well, Stuart, we can see the bolt there so we’re going to get in there very quick and we’re going to take the bolt out and then there’s no more bolt problem ever.”
Just [inaudible 00:19:58] the bolt and you’ll be fine [00:20:00]. No, cancer is not like that. We know these tumors can and do grow back and the reason they grow back is that the medical system did nothing to boost the immune system which is the cure for cancer. The great news is we’ve had the cure for cancer for over 80 years, we just don’t like the idea.
Guy:What about the people that say, “Oh, it’s hereditary. You know, if cancer has been running in my family, my genes have got it.” What are your thoughts on that Phillip because I hear that often?
Phillip:They used to say the same thing about scurvy. They used to think that scurvy was hereditary and, “John went to sea, got scurvy and died, his son Frank went to sea, got scurvy and died, his son Paul went to sea, got scurvy and died. Oh, scurvy is genetic.” Know, they’re all doing the same thing, and by the way, if cancer were genetic, then cancer would have been a consistent medical scourge down through history and it hasn’t, it hasn’t been.
I mean it’s always been around but it’s been around to such a small degree. I mean when we were doing the research on the Hastings novel, I had to read over 500 technical journals and information books on that period. You got into the medical thing of what they’re reading, of what they were dying from and all the rest of it; the average they survived to was 35. I mean if you made 40, you were doing great.
They were dying in battle, they were doing from filth, dirt diseases, the old Dark Age diseases that we got rid of towards the end of the Victorian era. Very few of them ever had anything approaching cancer. The physicians of the day were aware of cancer but it was not a problem for them, but it certainly is today. When you start shining the light and approaching this with a non-funded bias and start to ask the right questions, you’re going to see that we’ve corrupted just about everything in our environment over the last 100 years.
It is the height of idiocy to imagine that has no impact on the diseases or the problems we’re suffering.
Stu:What exactly is cancer? I mean we all fear cancer, we’re [00:22:00] told that 1 in 3 people will get cancer as we look around the room at our friends to our left and to our right. What is it and in your opinion, how can we best avoid it?
Phillip:Well, if you go to … You can actually just Google it up, “What is cancer?” and it will take you to the national institutes or health sites or your country’s health department site, and they’ll say, “Well, cancer is an uncontrolled proliferation or uncontrolled division of cells and it’s, it’s where the mechanism that induces normal cell death, a process called apoptosis, has been disconnected.”
If you dig a bit deeper, you start to realize that DNA corruption is responsible for abnormal cellular … In fact, a cell is essentially a very elaborate workshop with numerous tasks that it performs. The wonder of the cell alone is just absolutely … You can do a whole … I’ve done whole tours on that, but one of the most amazing things is that a lot of the mechanisms inside the call get disconnected, one of which is the apoptosis cycle.
The cell doesn’t die. It essentially starts to switch from feeding off sugar … Sorry, oxygen to starting to feed on sugar. The other thing you also notice is that cell’s production of energy becomes incredibly inefficient. It will be a bit like if you went from driving, say, a Toyota Prius which does 80, 90, forgive me if I’m wrong, very, very high mileage per gallon [inaudible 00:23:33], to all of a sudden, driving a [inaudible 00:23:37] old American clunk that’s doing 5 miles to the gallon.
What you see if this process of cachexia sets in where the body starts to go into this wasting cycle because it can’t produce enough energy to even run it’s organ system, so it’s consuming huge amounts of energy in the form of fat and whatever else it can scrape on. This is the wasting cycle in cancer which, of course, spells danger [00:24:00] and people know that if they’ve seen it happen to their family members.
When you look at the cancer system itself, number 1 you’ve got to understand why cancer has originated when it has in the same fashion of why Alzheimer’s occurred when it did? The answer to that is simply that we have corrupted the food supply. In Food Matters, the doctor speaking in that film just hit it on the head. “We are overfed and undernourished. Um, most of what we’re eating isn’t really food at all.” This is why people get perpetually hungry because they are eating a fair amount that is nutritionally bankrupt, and so the body is constantly saying, “I need more nutrition, I need more nutrition.”
We go off and we get another 20 ding dong miles per donut and on it goes.
Phillip:By the way, this is natural selection in its purest form. I mean when you see that, but we are a society that cannot even feed itself. I mean we are dying of diseases not even our livestock are dying from because at least our livestock are out there munching what they were designed to eat. Daniel Vitalis is actually in the Hungry For Change video. He made an interesting point where he talks about that if we eat according to species, we don’t have to worry about these things anymore.
If you think about it, a rabbit in the wild eats according to species. A cow, a kangaroo, whatever it is, they eat according to species but we eat according to Nestle.
Stu:We do, yeah, according to Sainsbury [sweets 00:25:29].
Phillip:There’s a multi-trillion dollar a year system, the food production system has been set up to feed us, so this whole multi-trillion dollar system has interposed itself between the plucking of the apple and the eating of it, quite financially-
Guy:Yeah, you touched on with the cell and the sugar and the glucose because in mainstream medicine, nobody really talks about that. What have you learned over the years when it comes to sugar and [00:26:00] cancer cells and their growth?
Phillip:Well, I lived in America for a while. I was over in the land of the fruits and the flakes, California because I lived in LA for 10 years. My apartment overlooked Winchell’s Donut store and Winchell’s opens at 7:30 in the morning or at least they did back then. Always, I’d notice that about quarter past 7, 8 LAPD squad cars would pull up out in front of the donut store. Out of these vehicles would climb out the most enormous police officers you’d ever see and they were cranky, growly, wobbly and they got low blood sugar.
They’re just gagging to get into Winchell’s to get all the donuts and the huge … You know those big, old cartons of coffee that they drink sweetened with Irish cream. Then they come out and they sit in these vehicles and they’re feeding themselves like feral animals. I’ve got my binoculars, I can see what’s going on and this causes a catastrophic production of insulin to deal with all of this sugar that’s coming into the system.
What you end up getting is, you get this rollercoaster of blood sugar spiking, insulin production, of course the pancreas is jetting out into it which is then causing the sugar levels to crush so we’re all just gagging for more food at that point. Then you go into this whole horrendous rollercoaster cycle. Now, this sign depends pretty much, I would say, about 80% to 90% of all the conditions we’re suffering from, from heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, through to arthritis, depression, explosive anger; anxiety issues.
The first thing that has to be addressed is you’ve got to normalize the insulin cycle and the only way you’re going to do that is by modifying your food choices. Yet they’re not training doctors in nutrition. You go to Guy’s Hospital up in London … I mean Guy’s Hospital in London, one of the top teaching hospitals has got McDonald’s on its food court. You go to the Royal Georgians Hospital in Melbourne [00:28:00], Victoria, you’ve got McDonald’s there.
McDonald’s is in pretty much all of the hospitals. You go up to Cambridge, university town in Cambridge, England, you got the last word in cardiology teaching there in Addenbrooke’s Hospital there, Burger King is in the food court there. I’ve actually got a photograph of Burger King at Addenbrooke’s and just above, ‘Blood tests this way.’ I mean you couldn’t make it up.
Guy:That’s crazy.
Phillip:If you think about this for a minute … And I’ve shown doctors this and I say, “What do you think of that?” and they go, “Well, do you think we’re happy about it. We have to eat there,” and they’re not. The public don’t really understand. They have been sold this bill of goods that disease is incredibly complicated, you have all this medical training to understand it and if you get sick, then don’t even think about doing it yourself or go up to these alternative nutritional quacks.
Go to your doctor and the bottom line is we’re not failing on a complicated level. We have some amazing tools, not only not to get sick in the first place, but the truth that they’ll not speak its name in conventional media circles is that actually nutrition can reverse disease. In fact, we just got through doing a film called That Vitamin Movie which I think you guys may have seen.
Dr. Andrew Saul who was in the Food Matters who’s showing high dose supplementation is absolutely devastating to disease and as well as the diet and exercise and so on.
Guy:Yeah. If somebody was listening to this that has cancer and they tune in and they start the research, how will … What would be your advice to them just to start? Obviously, you can’t fix their problems variably. What 3 things would you say that this is what you want to do first or advice and initiate them?
Phillip:Well, I say there’s two issues you’ve got to address and they have nothing to do with one another. The first issue is this, okay, so you’ve got cancer, that means you’re sick, so why would you not turn yourself into 2012 Olympic [00:30:00] condition? Why would you not eat the best food God can give you? Why would you not run around the local park till you fall over? Why would you not find out where the stress is and issue that’s crushing your immune system?
In other words, why would you not do everything possible that you’re doing anyway, why would you not do it to the point where you’re going to boost your immune system through the roof, so that’s the first thing. There shouldn’t be any part of that that bothers you because this is about eating the best food. You can go onto sites like GreenMedInfo and Natural News and they’ve got literally tens of thousands of studies on nutrition that, by the way, don’t get indexed in the National Libraries of Medicine.
The doctors don’t have access to them because their industry won’t make those studies available to them. Doctors have committed almost an act of insanity and they’re not evil or bad meaning people. Doctors in my view, pretty much every single one of them, either of them, went into the industry for all the right reasons. “I’m here to save the world, train me up,” but they’re trained in institutions funded by the pharmaceutical industry, there’s a huge amount of bias in terms of what they’re taught.
They are required to swallow this incredible paradox that food is apparently good enough to make every one of 100 trillion cells in your body and then good enough to keep you alive, but apparently, it’s not good enough to fix you when you’re sick. If you think about that, that’s an intellectually inconsistent argument. We have literally, tens of thousands of studies. People say you’ll often see this kind of damning with fake praise in the regular media which says things like, “Uh, okay, so diet can cure cancer. Ah, that sounds interesting, more studies are needed.”
They’re all done in the 50s. [crosstalk 00:31:43] When somebody says, “More studies are needed,” what they’re really saying is, “We don’t like the idea.”
Guy:Yeah, doesn’t make money.
Stu:Controversial question, chemotherapy and radiation, if you step back and thought about it and looked at what it is actually doing to the body, you’d think, “Boy, you know, [00:32:00] that seems kind of, kind of radical.” Is it effective? Is it the most effective treatment for cancer?
Phillip:That’s a great question and is a necessary question that people should be asking. I mentioned there are two issues that have to be addressed that have nothing to do with one another. The first is turn yourself into 2012 Olympic condition and also get educated. The second thing is, “Okay, so let’s address this thing.” You go along to your doctor who refers you to a consultant who’s says, “Okay. Well, our normal treatment for this would be uh chemotherapy and surgery.”
For instance, breast cancer, that’s a well worn path. The next question you now have got to ask is are they addressing the underlying reason why I’ve got cancer in the first place? The answer is absolutely not and worse than that, as mentioned earlier, they have targeted the tumor as being the cancer. We know the tumor is not the cancer because if we remove that tumor, it’s not like we removed the bolt, it’s never going to come back.
It comes back, so you’re not addressing anything. What you’re doing is you are poisoning … Chemotherapy is simply toxic drugs, some of which are ex-chemical warfare agents which have been reassigned to medical use. What you’re doing is you’re poisoning cells so they don’t replicate in this uncontrolled fashion.
Problem is these chemos are cytotoxic which means that they take out a whole bunch of other cells as well which is why your hair falls out, which is why I’ve got a sheet of paper with well, literally hundreds of studies on it showing the dangerous, damaging and deadly effects of chemotherapy across a full spectrum of organ systems. Radiation, same thing, blitzing the tumor with x-rays to destroy the tumor isn’t making the cancer system go away.
Just because you light somebody up like Baghdad at night with radiation and you can send them home with no tumors in their body, and then they turn around by the way after them; they say, “Well doc, thanks for that, I feel okay, I feel I’m cured now. Tell me, should I change my diet?” “No, diet has [00:34:00] nothing to do with cancer,” you hear this all the time and that should be a criminal offence for a doctor to say that because you are condemning this person to go home with the belief that it’s nothing they did, that cancer was just bad luck.
In fact, last year, there was a whole rack of these articles coming out with a study that … Reporting on a study that said, “Well, cancer is just bad luck mostly.” It’s just nonsense. Well, did that bad luck only just start at the beginning of the 20th century and then back in the Medieval times when cancer wasn’t around, everybody had good luck?
Stu:Yeah, seems to be a lot of bad luck around it these days.
Guy:I know. Do you think it’s changing Phillip? I mean you’ve researched this, like you said, for 30 years. Do you think more and more people are becoming aware and you could say that the dividing parties of the medical system and the … Well, I hate to use the word alternative natural system, can you see them coming together at any stage?
Phillip:Guy, you’re the only person who hit upon rather an interesting thing about preempting the opening vocabulary. They call it alternative medicine. I mean how alternative is food? We’ll get onto vitamin D in a minute, how alternative is the sun? No, you need to understand that poisoning people with chemicals and lighting them up with radiation and chopping bits off them, that’s the alternative medicine that’s only about 100, 150 years old. Certainly no more than 120 years old.
That’s the alternative medicine, but again, the public was sold that this was brilliant medicine, it was reinforced and slammed home by Hollywood. Pretty soon after World War 2 of course with all the movies pouring out, the doctor became … We were in utter awe of the family doctor, portrayed in films as this is [funicular 00:35:42] man who could do no wrong. Unfortunately, that’s not the case and are people cuddling on, you bet.
There’s a phenomenon called the internet hive mind, the accumulation of everybody’s research on the internet and everyone talking to everyone else on social media [00:36:00]. We’re getting to the heart of it, there’s an awful lot of rubbish on the internet. Apparently, 50% of it is porn and … But there’s a lot of good stuff out there. There’s a lot of doctors that are doing podcasts and they’re getting out there and speaking about this, they do little 3 to 5 minute podcasts addressing a particular topic.
Those people who want to go out and take an interest in their health are doing so and they’re getting results.
Guy:Yeah, you touched then on vitamin D and the sun and sunscreen, preventing the sun by putting on … What are your thoughts on that topic because obviously we live in Australia, it’s a very hot climate. There’s Cancer Council sunscreen ads being played on the TV, protect yourself when you go out. What have you learned in that area Phillip?
Phillip:Well, Vitamin D I think is just … Quite simply, just the most extraordinary research has come out over the last 8 years on it. During the course of my work over 30 years, you do a lot of research but every now and then, you get incredibly excited about something that seems to sort out a whole bunch of problems in one go. One such advance is vitamin D. Now, Vitamin D, as most people know, is the vitamin that is manufactured in the skin from being exposed to sunlight.
First problem is we’ve been told to stay out of the sun and we’re told, “Well, if you go out into the sun, you’re going to get skin cancer.” Again, if you dig into that … And I know this is a hot topic in Australia because you guys have more sun than is decent. Send some up here by the way because we haven’t seen … I’m looking out of my window, we haven’t seen the sun here since 1968.
If you look into this, they did a fascinating study in America. Get this, they found out that every year, about 200,000 Americans die from vitamin D deficient cancers. These are cancers that they got specifically [00:38:00] because they had low vitamin D which means vitamin D underpins the immune system so the immune system is what’s supposed to keep you healthy. They had no vitamin D because they were told that the sun’s killing the planet and therefore do not go out in the sun.
They didn’t and their immune system began to have problems and they had this opportunistic issue with cancer and then they went and got chemotherapy and radiation and that crushed their immune system further and so on. 200,000 died because they didn’t want to go into the sun because they were frightened of getting something that only 1,500 people in America get each year which is what I term barbecue melanoma.
This is a case where you’re getting melanoma and you’re dying from it because of overexposure to sunlight which, by the way, you wouldn’t have got melanoma if A, you had a brain in your head and secondly, only exposed yourself to the amount of sun commensurate with your skin type. What we see, if you look at Britain by the way … I mean Guy is from the Welsh valleys, so Guy, your skin type which is fair-skinned, account-ish, okay?
Stu:Your skin is ideally suited to the paucity of sunlight in the Welsh valleys. By the way, we heard on the news one day, there’s one place out there which has had 89 days in a row of rain.
Stu:I think that’s where you live, isn’t it Guy?
Phillip:No wonder he is where he is now.
Guy:Yeah, that’s right.
Phillip:89, I mean that’s an interesting one.
Guy:I can totally believe that, that just brings back memories.
Phillip:You see, if you’ve got brown or black skin, you need a lot more sunlight to make the same amount of vitamin D than a fair-skinned Celt, so get the situation we’ve got in Britain. When we’ve got 4 to 5 million people with brown or black skin who now live, a lot of them, above the 52nd parallel which means they’re not making vitamin D for 8 months of the year. Even supposing they’re putting their bikinis on and going out there, and that’s just the fellows, and exposing themselves to sunlight which they wouldn’t get anyway [00:40:00].
We’ve got a catastrophic problem in Britain which is not being addressed where we have 4 to 5 million people who are suffering miserably with rheumatoid arthritis and depression and cancer and just 2 dozen other problems because their immune system is badly affected by catastrophic low levels of vitamin D.
Then we have the odd few who will be, say, from Aberdeen and then they decide to go to Malaga and they barbecue themselves in the sun, they’ve got low vitamin D. They go out and then burn themselves in the sun and they get skin cancer because, again, they’ve got low vitamin D in their system and then they go to damage their skin. Those are the two extremes which I find absolutely fascinating.
If your religion requires you to wrap yourself up against the sunlight, there’s going to be a problem there as well and so on and so on. Curiously, if you see how the animal kingdom deal with this, you’ve got dogs lay out in the sun and the sunlight strikes the fur, they lick the fur so they’re getting the sunlight on the fur. Cats, of course, do the same thing.
The problem with dogs is a lot of the time, the dogs spend most of the day indoors because certainly in Britain where we’re living on top of one another, you can’t have the dogs roam in the range so they have to be indoors. They get drastically vitamin D deficient and then they end up with a full gamut of problems, arthritis and cancer and the rest of it which we see, which are well known to be caused by vitamin D deficiency and by many other things by the way.
All these different factors and dynamics all come into play and we know this but none of this is being taught to doctors. My father, who passed away from Alzheimer’s, when he was first diagnosed, I pressed this doctor, I had to get pretty unpleasant with the doctor to get the doctor to finally get him tested for vitamin D. On a scale of 0 to 300, he was 12.
Phillip:There was more vitamin D in a corpse than in my old man.
Guy:Yeah, and it sounds like it’s even more crucial to people over there than the UK because obviously, I’ve got no problem [00:42:00] with the sunshine coming out. Would you recommend people taking just a vitamin D supplement if they are out of the sun for 8 months of the year or-?
Phillip:Well, let’s look at Australia because, again, you’ve got skin cancer clinics all over the place, you’ve got … Clearly, there’s a problem. Part of that problem is that a lot of the sun creams that people are using well, have mixed or allow in the UVA which is the damaging form of sunlight, wave of sunlight, while blocking the UVB which is used by the body to make vitamin D.
You’ve got to do your research on getting a safe form of sun cream. Certainly, these creams have some pretty awful chemicals in them as well which are bringing issues. There are companies out there that are making safe sun creams. The second thing is that Australia is a lovely place. I know it’s [duel 00:42:52] going down there from its surfers or Sunshine Coast or whatever, you want to go and lie on your beach until you’re crisp up like a piece of bacon.
If you do that, you’re going to get a problem. You’re going to get damaged skin, especially if you’re a fair-skinned Celt, so there’s an awful lot of guys coming from the northern hemisphere going down to Australia and overexposing themselves to sunlight and getting problems there.
Stu:I always remember a study that I read a couple of years ago about people in the … It was either the Orkney Islands or the Shetland Islands. They were getting a very large number of melanomas on their soles of their feet. I’ve been up in that region years and years ago and I just remember it being very bleak and very windy and very wet. I’m sure they’re not exposed to that much sun especially on the soles of their feet.
There must be a link somewhere between what’s happening in our body, our immune system and the disruption that’s causing metabolic chaos to produce melanomas. It just seems strange as well that over the journey of our company at least, we’ve radically cleaned up our diet and now we truly believe that we can nourish [00:44:00] our bodies day by day. I am definitely more resistant now to the sun than I ever was before. Yeah, we don’t burn which is unusual.
Phillip:Well, to address the Shetland issue, if you go up there, what color are they on the Shetlands? They’re blue.
Stu:Yeah, that’s right. They’re beyond white
Phillip:[crosstalk 00:44:29] As Billy Colony says, they have to go out in the sun for at least a week to turn white. I think what’s interesting about that is that there’s a very accurate rule of thumb, that is, look at the length of your shadow. If your shadow is longer than you are, apparently, according to scientists, you’re not making vitamin D and it’s pretty accurate. If the sun is shorter than you are, then you’re getting wavelengths conducive to the manufacture of the vitamin D process in the skin.
Half an hour out, say, lying out in the park or even 15 minutes lying out in the park in Sydney, for instance, you’re going to make over 20,000 international units of vitamin D. The other problem that I cover in my presentation is that the amount of vitamin D that the authority is recommending that you supplement with is so low as to be therapeutically worth it. 400 to 600 IUs, not enough to even jumpstart a fly when you’re looking at getting … You see, it’s not about how much you supplement.
It’s what your blood serum concentration of vitamin D is. On a scale of 0 to 300, we want you where the Bando Beach life guards are which is 150. On the scale, 150; if you’re a lifeguard at Bando Beach and you’ve got safe, unlimited access to the sunlight, you’re being smart about your exposure to sunlight during the course of your job, your levels, your serum concentration of D will build and build up to 150 but will never go beyond that.
There’s this whole check and balance system which is another great miracle of our existence. [00:46:00] Humans are not getting close to that, so your average obviously … I mean people send me their vitamin D results all the time and they get the test. The average obviously is going to be 50, 60, sometimes lower than that because they have been conditioned not to go out into the sun.
If they do, you’ve got to cover your kids up and all of that. There is a problem down there. We’ve seen it’s weird because of the amount of sun you get but people being conditioned to stay away from it.
Guy:Yeah, interesting.
Stu:You’ve talked a little bit … Well, we talk quite a lot about the food that we eat and how we can nourish our bodies and hopefully, ward off disease. How important is it for you when we look at the other areas, more of a holistic view, where we put food against exercise, stress management and sleep?
Phillip:Well, stress is a huge one. It’s underplayed because there’s really no money in it and people live very stressful lives. Have you noticed when you walk through your local shopping center, all the teenagers, they’ve got their phones and they’re all doing this with them. This whole thing with micromanaged social media is, to an extent, is a stressful issue.
When you are moved into a stressful situation, this induces what we call the fight or flight response, the HPA axis triggered, hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal system. This in turn will suppress the immune system because your body is preparing you for combat so you’re about to go into battle. If you’ve not been paying your mortgage or you have money problems, you can be in that whole fight or flight situation for years.
Or if you have a death of a loved one or your marriage breaks up or you get fired or whatever it is, then this can crush all your systems to the point where we start to see all sorts of problems coming up. There’s a new science out, if you can spell this, I will give you a degree for laughing on it. It’s called psychoneuroimmunology, how your thoughts affect your biochemistry in the most profound [00:48:00] ways possible.
Guy:Yeah, there you go. We [crosstalk 00:48:03] … Yeah, we talked actually to Bruce Lipton. Have you ever talked to Bruce Lipton?
Phillip:Yeah, [crosstalk 00:48:09].
Guy:Yeah, it just made me think he’s coming on the podcast in a couple of weeks time actually.
Phillip:Okay. Well, I’m a big fan of Biology of Belief which is his landmark book that he brought out. His message is absolutely important and Stuart, to address the point you were making, to put diet in its proper place and supplementation in its proper place, is if you like a list of things, 6 things that people can start to do immediately for themselves. Number 1, make sure you’re getting adequately hydrated and getting suitable amounts of whole salt into the system. Not refined salt but whole salt.
People are being told salt is going to kill them and yet we don’t question why we put seriously old people on a saline drip or why, for instance, the Romans traded salt on a part of gold for 800 years; they even used to pay people with it which is where we get the word salary from. All your body fluids are water and salt and so you need the right type of salt for the body and you don’t need that much of it.
Water and salt, number 1, number 2, diet. You need to secure a supply of real food. This is food uncontaminated via pesticides, herbicides, larvicides, GMO nonsense. In Britain now, we’ve got at least 2 companies that deliver to pretty much all the post codes, about 80% of the post codes, they’ll deliver it to your door. This stuff is Soil Association certified so it’s absolutely as God intended it.
The diet is absolutely vital and you’ve got to be eating real food. We could get into the cook to raw ratio and the animal to plant food ratios and all of that but I think for now, just looking at the overview, people are not eating real food. They’ve got to start eating real food. Number 3 on the list, exercise, raising and lowering the heart rate. This isn’t walking 3 feet around the cricket pitch.
This is raising and [00:50:00] lowering the heart rate in terms of stair climbing, hill climbing, cycling, invading foreign countries, I mean we forgot what it means to be British. Next time on this will be stress management, making sure that we are monitoring stress, being able to deal with the things that we can deal with. There’s 2 types of worry. There’s worry about things you can do something about, in which case, do something about them, in which case, the worry ceases because you’re doing something about it.
Then we’re worried about things we can’t do anything about, in which case, why worry. The supplementation angle is interesting. You don’t need to be spending $800 a month on supplements but there are some key areas such as vitamin D and vitamin C and some essential fats and things like that that are well worth looking into. Again, if you’re spending 800 a month on supplements, you missed the whole point about what diet is going to do for you.
Last on the list will be clearing out the poisons and going through the whole house, and again, go to these companies around that manufacture personal care products and things like shampoos and makeups, through the harmful components taken out of them. There are some great DVDs on all of this that show you a good, non-hysterical way of being able to get the family where they need to be.
Stu:Yeah, it’s interesting as well that you should raise the household products because we’ve seen the Nicorette patches advertised everywhere these days, and we can pop up a patch on our arm and we’re told that in 15 minutes, we’ll get nicotine in our blood stream and that’s fine. Yet we’re quite happy to roll on the deodorants and slather on the moisturizers and the shampoos, conditioners and not think twice about it.
Phillip:Well, yeah again, we’ve been conditioned to believe that anything we buy out of the supermarket must be safe because, “Gosh! Darn! It wouldn’t be in the supermarket if it weren’t.” This is just naïve nonsense, and the chemical industry which is manufacturing these products [00:52:00] is largely self-regulating. It has to be because out of the thousands of new chemicals that comes into the market, government does not have enough hours in a day to regulate these.
What they do is they pass the whole problem back to the chemical industry and says to them, “You lot need to be riding around material safety data sheets,” so it’s self-policing in many ways. That’s right and they’re told,