Question Paper No:1
Part A- Botany Max score :30
1. Observe the relation between first two terms and fill up the blanks
(a) Rhodophyceae : Phycoerythrin
Phaeophyceae : …………………………(Ans:- Fucoxanthin ) ½
(b) Zygote : Syngamy
PEN :……………………………….. ( Ans:- Triple fusion ) ½ Score 1
2. Find the odd one out. Justify your answer
Cycas, Funaria, Pinus, Ginkgo
( Ans:- Funeria , it is a pteridophyte and others are gymnosperms )
3. Blue Green Algae can fix atmospheric nitrogen with the help of specialized cells in their
(a) Name the specialized cell for Nitrogen fixation ½
(b) Give one example for Nitrogen fixing Blue Green Algae ½ Score 1
Ans:- (a) Heterocysts, (b) Nostoc
4.Identify the parts a, b, c, and d in the diagram Score 1
5. Correctly match the following
Ribosomes : Secretion
Mitochondria : Protein synthesis
Golgi apparatus : Hydrolytic enzymes
Lysosomes : Site of Respiration Score 2
Ans:- Ribosomes : Protein synthesis
Mitochondria : Site of respiration
Golgi apparatus : Secretion
Lysosomes : Hydrolytic enzymes
6. Hareesh, a Plus one student, very interestingly collects a flower from his garden and notes
the following Characters in his Practical diary.
Bisexual, Actinomorphic, 5 sepals, Gamosepalous, 5 petals,Gamopetalous ,5 stamens, Epipetalaous,
Bicarpellary gynoecium, superior ovary , axile placentation
(a) Identify the family ½
(b) Help him to construct the floral diagram and floral formula 2 ½ Score 3
Ans:- (a) Solanaceae (b)
7. The diagram represents a model of cell membrane
(a) Name the model ½
(b) Who proposed this model? ½ Score 1
Ans:- (a) Fluid mosaic model
(b) Singer and Nicolson
8. In a cytological study, Ramesh observed the following features in the anther cells of Rheo
flower bud. Identify the stages of Meiosis observed by Ramesh
(a) Homologous Chromosomes in paired condition ½
(b) Crossing over between the chromatids ½ Score 1
Ans:- (a) Zygotene of prophase I (b) Pachytene of Prophase I
9. Interphase is considered as a resting phase, comment on this statement. Score 2
Ans:- Interphase is the preparatory phase for M phase of cell cycle. During G1 stage of interphase cell growth takes place, at S stage DNA synthesis and at G2 stage protein synthesis and cell growth continues.
10. A living plant cell is placed in three type of solutions-
(a) Isotonic solution
(b) Hypotonic solution
(c) Hypertonic solution
What changes will be expected? Give reasons. Score 2
Ans:- (a) No change because concentrations similar
11. Some anatomical characters of Dicot and Monocot stem are given below. Arrange them
in a tabular form
Scattered arrangement of vascular bundles
Collenchymatous hypodermis
Sclerenchymatous bundle sheath
Vascular bundles are arranged in a broken ring
Sclerenchymatous hypodermis
Open vascular bundles
Closed vascular bundles
Sclerenchymatous bundle cap
Dicot stem Monocot stem
Score 2
12. Mahesh collected mature grey coloured nodules from root of pea plant but he observed a
red colour inside it.
(a) Name the pigment that give red colour to nodule 1
(b) What is its role in nodule? 1 Score 2
13. The plants which are capable to avoid photorespiration have a special type of leaf
anatomy (a) Which type of plants can avoid photorespiration? 1
(b) What is the special leaf anatomy called? 1
(c) What is the primary CO2 acceptor and product in such plants? ½ + ½ Score 3
14. Photosystem in leaves consist of a Chl a molecule as reaction centre surrounded by accessory
pigments like Chl b, Carotene and Xanthophyll
What is the role of accessory pigments here? Score 1
15. Abscisic acid is antagonistic to Gibberellins . Justify this statement. Score 2
16. In an agricultural farm two hormones are applied for producing early roots in a stem cutting
and fruit ripening . What are the hormones used here?Score 1
(a) Name the cyclic reaction ½
(b) Copy the given cyclic reaction and fill the boxes(a,b,c,d) and arrows(e,f) 1 ½
(c) Who proposed this cycle? 1
(d)Where does it takes place? 1 Score 4
3 Phosphoglyceric acid, Pyruvic acid,Glucose, Phosphoenol pyruvate,
1,3 bisphosphoglyceric acid, Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate, Fructose 6 phosphate,
Dihydroxy acetone phosphate, Glucose 6 phosphate, 2 phospho glycerate, Fructose 1,6 bisphosphate.
(a) The compounds of Glycolysis are given. Arrange them in correct order as a
schematic diagram 2
(b) Which is the key product of Glycolysis? 1
(c) What is the net gain of ATP in Glycolysis? 1 Score 4
Question Paper No:2
Hour 1 hrs Cool off time;10minute
1. Write the scientific terms
a. Infoldings of inner mitochondrial membrane
b. Chilling treatment to induce early flowering Score: 3
c. Exchange of genetic material during meiosis
2. “Pyruvic acid is the key product of glycolysis”. List out the metabolic fate of Score: 2
Pyruvic acid.
3. Comment on the differences between cyclic phosphorylation and non cyclic
phosphorylation. Which among the two is responsible for the production of Score:3
oxygen in photosynthesis
4. The rhizome of ginger is found underground. But it is not root. Give the reason? Score: 2
5.Dinesh observed the different stages of cellcycle in the microscope. Help him to
identify the Anaphase by giving any one feature.
6. Apical bud removal is a widely applied practice in tea plantations. What is
the significance behind this practice? 2
7. Name the pink coloured pigment present in the root nodule. Write its role in nitrogen fixation? Score: 2
8. The intermediates formed ina vital catabolic processis given below
2PGA,2PEP,Fructose 6 Phosphate,Glucose6Phosphate,Fructose1,6biphosphate’
Glucose,Pyruvic acid,Triose phosphate , Triosebi phosphate
a)Identify the process and where does it take place
b)Arrange the intermediates in proper sequence
c)Give the net gain of ATP during the process Score: 4
9. Functions and names of organelles are given below. Arrange them into a table
Mitochondria, Cytoskeleton, Chloroplast, storage ofenergy, Endoplasmic reticulum, Photosynthesis Score: 3
10. Xylem and Phloem are complex tissues . Is this statement is true or flase comment. Score: 2
11. Maize is an economically important crop. a. Name the photosynthetic pathway seen in this plant
b. Name and explain the special type of leaf anatomy seen in this plant Score: 4
c. Why photorespiration is absent in this plant
d. Explain photorespiration
Question Paper No:3
HSE –I Time – I hour
Max.score – 30
1. The Addition of nostoc and anabena increases the yield in Paddy. Give the reason for the
increase in field 1 Score
2. Fill up the blanks of observing the relationship of the first pair
Amyloplast – Carbohydrate Aleuroplast——————
Cell – CellMembrane Vacuole———– 1 Score
3. Observe the floral diagram given below. Identify the family and construct floral formula
diagram of Solanaceae1 ½ Score
4. Identify the following statements on the basis of external features
1.“underground parts of a plants are not always roots
2. Flower is a motified shoot. 1 ½ Score
5.diagram of haplontic life cycle (a) Identify the type of life cycle in the given diagram (diagram of halplontic)
b) Mention the plant group in which it belongs
c) Give an example for that type of plants 2 Score
6. Stem Continues to increase in girth due to the activity of vascular cambium. Later another
tissue called cork cambium also develops. How does the activity of there cambium differ
from each other 2 Score
7. Give reason “grittiness nature of sappota fruit pulp 1 Score Match the following
8. Robert Brown – Mycoplasma
Smallest Cell – Blue green algae
Prokaryote – Nucleus
Singer and Nicholson – Ribosomes- Fluid mosaic Model 2 Score
9.(Pie diagram of cell cycle) With the help of this pie diagram what are the major events in each phases of
Cell cycle 1 ½ Score
10. ‘X’ shaped structure called chiasmata occur during a particular stage of cell division
i) Name the stage
ii) What is the significance of this type of cell division ? 1 ½ Score
11. Plants absorb water from soil through root hairs and move to xylem by two pathways
a) Name the pathway of water movement
b) Explain anyone of the pathways 2 Score
12) The Root nodule must contain all the necessary biochemical components for N2 fixation to
occur .commet on 1 ½ Score
13) Plants can grow even in the absence of soil. Name the technique of soil less culture ?
½ Score
14) 1) Breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid is glycolyis
a) How many Molecules of pyruvic acid is produced from a glucose molecule.
b) Write the steps in which ATP is used during glycolyis OR 4 Score
2) The TCA cycle starts with the condensation of acetyl group with OAA and H2O to yield
Citric acid.
(a) Name the enzyme catalyzing the reaction
(b) How many NAPH molecules are produced in TCA cycle.
© How many FADH2 molecules are produced
(d) How many ATP Molecules are produced
(15) Observe the following Cycle ( Clvin Cycle diagram) 4 Score
(1) Fill up the blank spaces?
(2) Name the cycle?
(3) Where does the cycle occurs
(4) Explain the main steps
(16) ( Diagram of Growth Curve)Growth pattern of a plant is displaced in the graph .Analyze the figure and answer the
(a) Name the various phase of growth
(b) Name the type of curve 2 Score
(c) What is growth?
17. Name the Plant hormone called stress hormone. Why it is called so? 1 Score
Question paper No:4
1. Observe the relationship of the first pair and fill up the blanks
a) Bryophyte : haplo-diplontic; algae :—————-
b) C4 plants : PEP carboxylase ; C3 plants :———– (1)
2. Find the odd one out and give reasons
a) Lysosome, mesosome, centrosome, chromosome
b) Marginal, imbricate, axile, parietal (2)
3. Match the following
a) Ripening of fruits gibberlin
b) Apical dominance ethylene
c) Stress hormone auxin
d) Bolting ABA (2)
4. Root nodules of pea plants show a pink colour at its central part.
a) Identify the pigment.
b) Comment on its function (2)
5. Give appropriate term for the following:
a) Arrangement of leaves on the stem
b) Flower with superior ovary
c) Stamens attached to the perianth
d) Carpels are fused (2)
6. Comment on the following:
a) Apoplast b) amphibians of plant kingdom (2)
7. You have known that sugar and salt are used for preserving food materials. Comment on the
physiological phenomenon behind this. (2)
8. a) What is RQ?
b) Find the RQ of the substrate in the following equqtion:
2(C51H98O6) + 145O2 —— 102CO 2 + 98H2O + energy (2)
9. Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose into pyruvic acid
a)How many molecules of pyruvic acid are obtained from the glycolysis of one glucose
b)Which is the site of glycolysis?
c)How many ATP molecules are consumed in this process?
d)What is the net gain of ATP molecules after the glycolysis of one glucose molecule? (2 10. Growth in thickness is visible in a mango tree during the course of growth, but not in bamboo.
Comment (3)
11. Observe any two major differences between mitosis and meiosis. Also give the significance of
meiosis (3)
12. Based on the floral descriptions given below answer the following questions:
Calyx- sepals 5, gamosepalous
Corolla – petals 5, polypetalous, shows 1+2+(2) arrangement
Androecium – Stamens 10, diadelphous
Gynoecium – Ovary perigynous with a single carpel
a) Write the floral formula
b) Name the corresponding family
c) Give the names of two economically important plants of this family. (3)
13. Melvin Calvin got Nobel prize in 1961.
a) Name the discovery
b) Name the cell organelle in which the reaction takes place.
c) Is it an enzymatic reaction? If so name the enzyme which catalyse the first reaction.
d) Draw the schematic diagram of the reaction. (4)
Question paper No:5
I. By observing the given pair and answer the question
(a) Ribosomes—-Protein Synthesis
Peroxisomes—- ……………………..
(b) Rhodophyceae——– Phycoerythrin
Phaeophyceae——— ……………………… .5*2=1
2. Fresh mangoes can serve for a prolonged period of time when it is placed in
highly concentrated salt solution.Some physiological changes takes place in the
cell.comment on the changes. 2
3. Microbes decomposes the dead remains and waste products of plants and
animals producing ammonia is rapidly converted to nitrites and to
nitrates.Name the (a) and b)and chemical equation of (c)and (d)
(a) Nitrogenous compounds to ammonia
(b) Nitrites to Nitrates
(c) Conversion of ammonia to Nitrite
(d) Convesion of Nitrite to nitrate
(e) Name the enzyme involved in the process 2.5
4. In living organisms at gamete formation meiosis takes place.So the gametes
produced are Haploid
(a ) In which stage of meiosis chromosome number will be reduced to half ?
(b) What is Synapsis?
(c ) In which Stage crossing over takes place?
(d) What is crossing over 3
5. Practical application ofphytohormones are given below. Arrange them in correct
orcer in table provided
(a) Root initation 2
(b) Bolting
(c) Parthanocarpy
(d) Stresshonmone
(e) Induce fruit ripening
(f) Production Hydrolytic enzyme
(g) Eradication of weeds
(h) Apicaldominance
(i) Truecelldivison factor
(j) Celldivison and cell differentitation 2.5
Auxin Gibbrellin Cytokins Ethylene ABA
6. Write the floral formula of fabaceae. Explain the floral characters of that family 2.5
7.Match the following 2
Arrangement of flowers on an axis
Arrangement of leaves on stem
Arrangement of ovules in the ovary
Arrangement of petals on the thalamus
8. Xylem and Phloem are complex tissues . Is this statement is true or flase comment. 2
9.Ramu and Raju are best friends .They collect different types of plants from their
school compound. How to help them to identify the various plant groups 3
(a) Suggest a classification help them to classify the plant groups
(b) which are the various plant groups 2
10.In the early morning water drops are seen at the tip of leaves of certain plants
(a) What is the process that water escape from the plants in form of water
(b) Name the special cells that responsible for this process 2
11.In Angiosperms growth in thickness is due to the secondary growth in dicot stem and
dicot root . Differentiate the stellar secondary growth in dicot and dicot root. 3
12.In living organisms ATP are produced by breaking down of substances and
organisms yield energy
(a) Which are the energy yielding process in living organisms?
(b) Name the two types of that process
(c) One step is common to the two types of process. Which is this?
(d) Where does that step takes place
(e) Explain the step that produce energy in the form of ATP 4
13. Give names of the following
(a) Gametophyte of fern
(b) Gametophyte of moss plant
Question Paper No: 6
H.S.E (I) Part- ABOTANY Maximum : 30 Scores Time: 1 hour
1. Based on the relationship, fill up the
a) Ancient bacteria: Archaebacteria
True bacteria:…………………..
b) Geometric Growth: Sigmoid Curve
Arithmetic Growth: …………..(1)
2. The following diagram shows life
cycle of a plant
haplontic life cycle
a) Identify the type of life cycle?
b) Why it is called so?(2)
3. Find the odd one out ? Justify your
Nitrasomonas, Nitrococcus,
Pseudamonas, Nitrobacter(1)
4. The following shows a floral diagram drawn by a student after
observing a flower
diagram of solanaceae
a) Write the floral formulae of the flower
b) Name two economically
important plants of this family(2)
5. Plant growth is generally indeterminate. It takes place at the
tip of the roots and shoots with the help of special tissues
a) Name the tissues?
b) Write down any three special features of these tissues?(2)
6. Anatomical characters of leaves are given at random order.By analyzing the
these characters make the table in to dicot leaf and monocot leafMesophyll is differentiated, More
stomata on the lower epidermis, Messophyll cell is undifferentiated,
Presence of bulliform cells on the epidermis(2)
7. A plant cell has two power generators in the cells to supply energy.
List out the power generators in plant cells?(1)
8. It is an irregular network of membranous tubules in the cytoplasm.
They are found in two forms rough and smooth
a) Name the part of the cell described here? (2)
b) List out its functions?
9. Plant cells having 24 chromosomes
undergo cell division. What will be
the number of chromosomes at S phase before mitosis and after
Anaphase-1 of meiosis? Explain your answer?(2)
10 The figure shows a glass vessel containing two solutions separated
by a semi-permeable membrane.Chamber- A has less concentrated
solution and Chamber -B has more concentrated solution
diagram of chamber showing osmosis
a) Name the type of solutions present in Chamber A and B
b) Which chamber has more water potential?
c) Explain the direction of water flow between these chambers?(2)
11 The roots of leguminous plants contains certain out growths called
root nodules which are the symbiotic associations of Rhizobium bacteria.
a) How the nodules are formed in these plants?
b) The central portion of the root nodule appears to be pink colour Why?(3)
12 Chithra in a biology class tries to identify the different Plant Growth
Regulators to control the following functions in plants. Can you help her
to identify them
a) Closing of stomata during water stres s(2)
(b) Controls apical dominance
c) Promotes nutrient mobilization which helps in the delay of senescence
d) Induce bolting in rosette plants
13 Photosynthesis is the production of carbohydrate with the help of light.
The following diagram shows a reaction in photosynthesis.
diagram of chemiosmotic theory
a) Name the cell organelle in which above process takes place?
b) What is it called?
c) Describe the above Process?(4) OR
C4 pathway of photosynthesis takes place in plants like Sugar Cane, Maize, Sorghum etc.
a) Who proposed this pathway?
b) Mention the special anatomy of leaf present in these plants?
c) Identify the type of cells in which C4 cycle takes place?
d) What are the advantages of C4 plants over C3 plants?
14 In the first phase of respiration
Glucose is partially oxidized in to two molecules of pyruvic acid
a) What is it called?
b) Where does it takes place?
c) Draw a schematic representation of the above process (4)
Question Paper No:7
H.S.E. ( I ) Time : 2 HoursCool off time : 10 Minutes each separately
BOTANYMaximum – 30 Scores Time: 1Hour
1. Fill in the blanks
a. On a voyage as part of study tour Mohan and Syam could see a red part
of ocean. What will be their identification as the organism which
causes the phenomenon? (1/2)
b. During the same trip they saw an organism on the bark of a tree, which
consists of two components an Alga and a Fungus. What is it? (1/2)
2. Match the following (2)
a. Mannitol – Angiosperms
b. Coraloid roots – Brown Algae
c. Floridean starch – Gymnosperms
d. Double Fertilization – Red Algae
3. On their family trip to Kumarakam, +1 student Meena’s mother asked her. What are those
stump like structures erecting from water near a small mangrove forest? What will be the right
answer? (1)
4. Rearrange the labels on the organelles at correct positions. (2)
diagram of chloroplast in incorrect labels
5. Observe the diagram and answer the following questions. diagram of Kreb’s cycle
a. Identify the name of the cycle. (1)
b. Fill in the boxes with right labels (1)
c. Convert the released energy into ATP from a single such cycle (2)
6. This is the floral diagram of a family. Closely notice the details and answer the questions.
a. Identify the family. floral diagram of solanaceae
b. Construct the floral formula of the same family using the details from the
diagram. (2)
7. While walking on the way to school Meera and Radha noticed a cut tree trunk on the road side
as in the picture. Attend the picture and answer the questions.a. What are these rings called?
diagram of annual rings
b. Name the wide A and narrow B rings alternate to one another. (2)
8. Observe the relationship between the first pair and complete the answer. (1)
a. Collateral open VB : Dicot stem
………………… : Monocot stem
b. 9 + 2 : Flagella
9 + 0 : ……………
9. The sequential steps of cell reproduction are given in the picture. Write the names of phases
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 represent. (2) diagram of cell cycle
10. Raju learned in class that no children of a couple will be exactly similar to one another.
This is due to a specific process during meiosis. Name it. (1)
11. There are many theories to explain the lifting of water even in tall trees. Identify the theory
from the picture and explain. (2)
12. Teacher asked Ramu to bring a Pea plant to the class to study mineral nutrition in plants (2)
a. What is the morphological identification in legumes to facilitate
mineral nutrition?
b. Name the enzyme catalyzing the process.
c. What do we call the process in general?
d. Give the name of microbe associated.
13. Using the picture answer the questions in terms of plant growth types. (3)
a. Differentiate between absolute and relative growth.
b. Show the difference in percentage.
14. The real light capturing in photosynthesis is light reaction. And it is of two types. Compare
the two types with minimum four points each.
Using C14 Calvin identified the intermediates of dark reaction. Describe the three important
steps of Calvin cycle or C3 cycle. (4)
15. Pick the odd one out (1)
a. Ribososme, Lysosome, Vacuole,Microbody
b. Exarch, Radial, Root hair, Casparian strip, starch sheath
Question Paper No:8
Max Score: 30PART-A BOTANYTime: 1 hrs Cool off time: 10 min
1. Observe the relation between the first 2 terms &fillup the blanks.
a) Sac Fungi : Ascomycetes.
Imperfect Fungi :__________
b) Transpiration : Loss of water in the form of water vapour
____________: Loss of water in the form of liquid (1Score)
2. The following are the list of plants coming under different groups.
Riccia, Chlorella, Selaginella, Adiantum, Chlamydomonas, Sugarcane,
Funaria, Gnetum, Ficus, Cycas.
Categorise these plants into Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes,
Gymnosperms and Angiosperms. (2scores)
3. G 1 , S, G 2 and M phase are the different steps of cell cycle. Draw a piediagram
to show these steps. (2scores)
4. The rhizome of ginger is found underground. But it is not root. Give the reason?
5. Pick up the odd one and state reason for your answer.
Lupinus, Allium, Pea, Muliathi. (1.5score)
6. Name the pink coloured pigment present in the root nodule. Write its
role in nitrogen fixation? (2scores)
7. Some of the anatomical characters of Dicot and Monocot stems are givenbelow.
Rearrange them in two columns.
Ground tissue is differentiated, Vascular bundles are closed, Bundle sheath
absent, Protoxylem lacuna absent, Vascular bundles closed, Protoxylem lacuna
present. (3scores)
8. Analyse the table and arrange the matter in an appropriate order.
a) Ribosome Suicidal bags
b)Mitochondria Tonoplast
c)Lysosome Prokaryote
d)Vacuole Secondary wall
e)Chloroplast Power house
d)Lignin Photosynthesis (3score)
9. Ramu observed the different stages of cellcycle in the microscope. Help him to
identify the Anaphase by giving any one feature. (1score)
10.Some tapioca slices were weighed and left in distilled water overnight.
The slices were then reweighed .a) Does their weight increase or decrease?
b)What process leads to the change in weight? (2scores)
11. The following are a list of compounds which are involved in a cyclic process.
Ribulose 1,5 biphosphate, 3 phosphoglycerate, triose phosphate, sucrose
a) Name the cycle?
b)Arrange them in correct places to complete the cycle?
c)Which are the different steps in this cycle? (4scores)
12)Breakdown of glucose into 2 molecules of pyruvic acid is called clycolysis.
a) Where does glycolysis takesplace?
b) What happens to the end products of glycolysis during fermentation ?
Discuss? (4scores)
13. Apical bud removal is a widely applied practice in tea plantations.What is
the significance behind this practice? (1score)
14. A farmer observed certain broad leaved weeds in his paddy field.
a)Name a plant hormone which helps the farmer to kill such weeds.
b) Name any two synthetic auxins that are used in agriculture? (2scores)
Question Paper No:9
PART A-BOTANYMaximum:30scoresTime:1hour Cool off time;10minute
1.Observe the relationship between the first pair and fill up blanks:
a)zinc:synthesis of auxin:: ………….:pollen germination
b)Nitrobacter :nitrification::Pseudomonas: ……………. (2)
2.Floral formula of a plant is given below;
% K(5)C1+2+(2)A(9)+1G1-
a)Identify the family
b)Write the features of corolla
c)Name any two economically important plant from this group (3)
3.A cell with achromosome number 42 undergoes mitosis and another cell
With 42 chromosomes undergoes meiosis.Give the chromosome number
of daughter cells after mitosis and meiosis.Givereason for your answer? (2)
4.Ramu observed slenderand spirally coiled structures in bitter gourd plants
which help them to climb on support.Name thestructure. (1)
5. You are given two specimens A and B to taketransverse section. Under
the microscope you saw epidermis with cuticle and cortex formed of different
types of tissues in both. In specimen A the hypodermis is collenchymatous
and in the specimen B it is sclerenchymatous.Identify A and B.Give two more
reasons for the identification of each specimen. (3)
6.Different types of fungi are given
Classify them in to their specific classes
Groups Fungi
Neurospora , Albugo,Mucor,Agaricus,Ustilago,Alternaria,Claviceps (2)
7.A few statements regarding algae are given below.Study them carefully and state
true or false.If false make them correct.
a)Algae are thallophytes.b)Algin isobtained from red algae.
c)Green algae are known as rhodophyte. d)Sargassum is a brown algae. (2)
8.As a Botany student you are asked to help a farmer .Which hormone will you suggest
a)Quickly ripens fruit
b)Bolt a rosette plant
c)Initiate rooting in a plant
d)Induce stomatalclosurein leaves (2)
9.Functions and names of organelles are given below.Arrange them into a table
Mitochondria,Cytoskeleton,Chloroplast,storage ofenergy,Endoplasmic reticulum,
Photosynthesis (3)
10.The intermediates formed ina vital catabolic processis given below
2PGA,2PEP,Fructose 6 Phosphate,Glucose6Phosphate,Fructose1,6biphosphate’
Glucose,Pyruvic acid,Triose phosphate , Triosebi phosphate
a)Identify the process and where does it take place
b)Arrange the intermediates in proper sequence
c)Give the net gain of ATP during the process (4)
11.Wateris absorbed by the root hairs , it can move deeper intoroot layers by two
distinct pathways.
a)Write the name of two pathways
b)Which is the only pathway through water can enter the vascular cylinder
and why? (2)
12.C3plants complete the biosynthetic phase through 3 stages and sometimes they
are affected by high concentration of oxygen.
a)Name the three phases of biosynthetic phase
b)Which is the first CO2 acceptor
c)Write the process carried out by C3 plants during high concentration of oxygen
d)How does high concentration of oxygen affect RUBISCO?
Rubisco is an enzyme that catalyse two different processes in plants
a)What are those reactions?
b)Name the full form of Rubisco
c)Name the site of reaction where light and darkreaction take place.(4)
Question paper NO:10
PART III-BOTANYTime-1 HourCool of Time:10 mt
1.Based on the relationship, fill in the blanks
a) Archaebacteria in salty areas : Halophiles :: Archaebacteria in gut of animals::———-
b) Cucumber: tendril:: Bougainvilla: ……….. (1)
2 Underground parts of plants are not always roots. Justify. (1)
3.Explain the role of leg-haemoglobin in nitrogen fixation. ( 1 )
4. Classify these organisms under proper headings –Cynobacteria and,Algae.
( Sargassum, ,nostoc, chlorella, anabaena) ( 1 )
5. Explain three types of plants based on photoperiodism? (1.5 )
6. Which hormone will add, if you are asked to help a farmer to
a) Quickly ripens fruit.
b) Bolt a resette plant
c) Initiate rooting in a twig (1.5)
7.Name any one phenomena involved in absorption of water and one pathway of
movement of water ( 2)
8. Given below are some nutrients required for normal plant growth.Categorize them
into Macro and Micro nutrients.
Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Iron, Sulphur, Copper, Chlorine, Potassium.. ( 2 )
9. Match the column A, B & C Appropriately
a) Mitochondria Cisternae Cellular secretion
b) Golgi complex Polysome Photosynthesis
c) Chloroplast Cristae Protein synthe4sis
d) Ribosome Grana Respiration . ( 2 )
10.Priya prepared a floral formula by examining a plant .She observed the following characters
The flower was bisexual, actinomorphic, with five fused sepals, five free petals, five free
stamens,and two united carpels with superior ovary. Write the floral formula and identify the family.Write
2 econamically important plants ( 3 )
11.Briefly explain the following structures
a) Synaptonemal complex
b) Chiasmata.
c)During which stage of meosis these structures are formed? ( 3)12.Some anatomical characters are given in brackets. Arrange them in three columns under root, stem and leaves.
(Conjoint open bundles, mesophyll cells, endarch xylem, radial bundles,
bulliform cells on epidermis, casparian thickenings in endodermis, exarch xylem,
trichomes present) ( 3)
13 (a) What is Respiratory quotient ? Mention three types of substrates based on R.Q.
(b) What is fermentation and their types? ( 4 )
14. Bio synthetic pathway ( Calvin cycle ) of photosynthesis takes place in the stroma
of the chloroplast .
a. Name three important steps in this cycle.
b. Name the enzyme involved in the first step.
c. Write four differences between, C3 pathway and C4 pathway. ( 4 )