
APRIL 21, 2016

There is a group of international servant leaders promoting the Network Marketing – Direct Selling Industry in a generic way. They are active on social media and speakers at generic conventions.

Servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world.

Ambassadors of Network Marketing can be hard-core trainers, corporate leaders or individuals being instrumental to the Direct Selling Industry.

A network marketing servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong.

While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the “top,” servant leadership is different.

The Network marketing servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.

An new Ambassador Of Network Marketing has to be nominated by at least 3 present Ambassadors.

"With gratitude for your leadership, contribution and service

in elevating the network marketing profession"

Al Bala

Amber Voight

Armand Puyolt

Art Jonak

Bob Proctor

Brian Carruthers

Carlos Marin

Chanida Puranaputra

Curtis Broome

Donna Johnson

Doug Firebaugh

Eric Worre

Esther Spina

Evan Klassen

Fabio Galdi

Garrett McGrath

Jeff Roberti

John Haremza

Johnnie Green

Jordan Adler

Keith Halls

Kevin Thompson

Lisa Faeder Grossman

Margie Aliprandi

Matt Morris

Nobuhiro Kaneko

Paul Zane Pilzer

Ramin Mesgarlou

Randy Gage

Ray Higdon

Richard Bliss Brooke

Robert Kiyosaki

Sarah Fairless Robbins

Steve Wallach

Sven Goebel

Tiffaney Beverly – Malott

Tim Sales

Todd Falcone

Tom Chenault

Troy Dooly

Josephine Gross

Paula Pritchard

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