
Many on the left would love to see gun control implemented in the United States. Those same people who claim to be so concerned about saving the lives of victims of gun violence, are driven to the polls for every election to ensure that American women retain the right to extinguish the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent babies in the most violent way imaginable.

2,555+ babies have been aborted so far today in the United States.

Number of firearm deaths in US 2013: 11,208

Number of suicides by firearms: 21,175

Firearms account for 53.7% of all suicides in the U.S.

Ratio of babies killed by abortion to people killed by handguns:
107.1 to 1

Manual Vaccum Aspiration
What is MVA? MVA is used to abort a child from 3 weeks to 12 weeks of age. This handheld syringe works by creating its own vacuum/suction. MVAs are used and reused millions of times a year around the world. The major problem with the MVA is that it has a very weak vacuum. This means that the child is ripped apart slowly.

Number of Americans of all ages and races

murdered daily by handguns – 28

Number of American babies of all races killed every day by abortion – 3,000

Uterine Currette
One side of the loop is sharp for cutting the child apart. The other side scrapes the uterus to remove the placenta.

Syringe with Spinal Needle
This abortion instrument’s uses include injecting saltwater into the uterus. The baby swallows and breathes the poison. The cause of the death is congestion, hemorrhage and shock. The mother goes into premature labor about a day later and delivers a dead child. The other use is to inject the chemicals (digoxin, potassium chloride, etc.) into the heart of the baby. In both uses, these harsh chemicals soften the child’s corpse, making it easier to rip apart and remove.

489,850 babies have been aborted in the US so far this year.

In 2011, 730,322 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. The abortion rate was 13.9 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years and the abortion ratio was 219 abortions per 1,000 live births.

Since 1980, 1,337,965,400+ babies have been killed by abortion.

Highest abortion/birth ratio in the United States: Washington, D.C.
(265 abortions for every 100 live births, and declining)

The rate suicide rate for women following an abortion is astronomical:

Suicide rate for women following a live birth: 5.9 per 100,000.

Suicide rate for women following an abortion: 34.7 per 100,000.

Increased risk: 488%

And for the fiscal conservative:

Typical cost for an abortion in the United States today – $400

Estimated cost of preventing an abortion

through early education of young people – $25

(Early education is the most cost effective way to prevent abortion)

Estimated future GDP gain of a baby saved from abortion: $25,000,000

Ratio to cost of an average abortion: 71,430 to 1

Est. total U.S. GDP loss to date for 57,517,326 abortions:
$55.4 trillion (2014)

Estimated future U.S. GDP loss by 2040 if abortion continues:
$400 trillion

Your share of this future loss: $1,290,325

Photos and captions via: Grantham Collection

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