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Why are objects special? Is it because of what we can do

with them, or is it because we need them to think? 2001: A

Space Odyssey suggests that humankind began with tool use:

A furry pre-Neanderthal hominid takes up a bone from a dead

animal — maybe a tapir, since there are a bizarre number

of tapirs in the movie’s opening scene — and uses it

to defend himself. There’s no mistaking the importance of

the moment: The thunderous chords of Strauss’s Also

Sprach Zarathustra make matters particularly clear. From

this grand, primary moment, all it takes is a little evolution

for humans to eventually create a powerful sentient computer

(albeit a mutinous one) and fly to the edges of the


What sorts of tools are we making now, and are those tools

perhaps changing our brains as much as Stanley Kubrick’s

movie might suggest? The tapir bone first serves the hominid as

a weapon, but it is also, and more important — once danger

has passed — a tool for learning. New advances in 3-D

printing might produce more objects and in new places, on

demand. But they remain exciting to consider beyond this more

obvious application because, as one Wired article put

it, they might be best used as “thinking tools” — not smart

tools, or tools that think, but tools for thinking, ones that

make us smarter.

It’s not that we don’t know this. Object-oriented learning takes place

mostly in museums, where curators often run programs to let

visitors and children handle less valuable or less breakable

specimens, from ancient urns to scale models of molecules.

Engaging all of the senses rapidly increases our interest in a

given topic; it becomes more real to us. One of the most

promising things about 3-D printing is that it allows us to

interact meaningfully with objects we had to imagine before

— a cognitively taxing task. Screens can grant us access

to anything in its visual form. 3-D printing lets us examine objects with

our hands, a distinctly if not definitionally human activity,

freeing up time and sparing us boredom while we learn.

Initially, the focus will be on medical applications: One

surgeon prints 3-D models of the brains on which he’ll

have to operate and uses them to rehearse the removal of

complicated tumors, even keeping a model nearby during surgery,

according to Wired. The story also cites a San Diego

father who prints objects to help his blind daughter learn

mathematical concepts using touch. So it seems possible, as 3-D

printing grows to what is estimated to be $18 billion in 2018,

that learning tools will be among its applications, along with

medicine and parts manufacturing, which would appear to be its

two most common uses. Already Eden Prairie,

Minnesota–based Stratasys — a leader among U.S. 3-D

printing companies — targets schools and universities.

It’s also true that embodied activities are more fun

and keep us engaged. Elementary school teachers would likely

agree that a student would enjoy printing a 3-D model of the

solar system more than copying down the names of all the

planets. That means anywhere people will need to be trained

— not just in schools but in businesses of all kinds

— a 3-D printer might be found.

And speaking of fun, other developments to watch for

include 3-D scanners, which are coming, somewhat predictably,

out of the gaming industry. Microsoft’s Kinect system

lets Xbox gamers control their systems using hand gestures

and was, according to the New York Times, its fastest-selling device of all time. The

technology behind the system performs real-time — or

almost real-time — 3-D object reconstruction, letting

the Xbox see and interact with its users’ bodies. It can

also be used to create a 3-D mesh of any object that can be

converted with relatively simple software into 3-D-printable

plans. It seems very likely that affordable 3-D scanners will

soon be in many consumers’ homes and built into

next-generation smart devices. (3D Systems already sells one

for about $400.) One could imagine a world in which almost

anyone could take a picture of a product with their iPhone

and replicate it at home or at Staples,

which now offers 3-D printing alongside its document


These developments might change not only how we think but

also what we think we’re allowed to think about. Passive

consumers become what are already called makers. So investors

working at a slightly higher level might also look into

marketplaces that allow 3-D printing fans to buy and sell

their own products. New York–based start-up Shapeways does precisely that. What might

it mean for a wide swath of the population to know how to

design — or at least be able to design — its own

small objects? Any company that mass produces cheap plastic

goods as its primary revenue stream is going to get hurt. If

3-D printing takes significant hold, Lego Group may be out of


But whatever ends up happening, we should be alert as we

buy, build and invest in technologies like 3-D printing

— and virtual reality (VR) and the Internet of Things

— to their potential to make us smarter. But

there’s something else I should mention. I didn’t

specify at the beginning of this column that the tool-using

humanoid of 2001 receives his inspiration not from

the animal bone but from a giant gray obelisk installed by

aliens in front of the clan of humanoids’ cave. But

maybe aliens 3-D printed the obelisk? Stanley Kubrick remains

silent on the matter.

Follow Daniel Nadler on Twitter at @danielnadler.

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