
All week long we are celebrating birthdays and fun ways to say Happy Birthday. Every day is someone’s birthday somewhere so there’s always reason to celebrate. Whether you love cake or spending times with friends and family or maybe you love the decorating fun of a birthday… there’s always something fun to do to celebrate a birthday. Every birthday is unique and there’s just as many ideas to make the celebration unique too.

Fun ways to say Happy Birthday

You can go classic and send a card or give a gift. Or, you can get a little creative and send birthday wishes in a whole bunch of different ways. Whatever you do, have fun with your birthday wishing and make sure to add a little extra love to the message!

Send a card

Send a gift

Sing a song

Write a birthday poem

Draw a picture

Make a cake, cupcake, pie or giant donut

Send flowers

Take your birthday person out for dinner, breakfast, lunch or even an afternoon snack.

Make a collage or favorite photos

Write a message on their car windows (with window crayons of course)

Put stickie notes up all over the house

Give a big bouquet of balloons

Make a birthday happy face pancake

Make a giant sign and attach it to the garage door

Sculpt Happy Birthday out of clay

Write a message on a drive way with sidewalk chalk

hang a sign on the front door

Write a message on the bathroom mirror

Create a scavenger hunt with all kind of little Happy Birthday messages

Put a birthday note in the lunch bag

Send a text message… or 25

Call and sing Happy Birthday

Leave a Happy Birthday voice mail

Make a birthday banner

Leave fun notes in the refrigerator

Mail a card or a post card or a big package

Make a giant cookie

Put together a gift basket

Set up a whole picnic celebration

Make breakfast in bed

Fill the car with balloons (don’t do this is someone is usually late already)

Decorate the front lawn

Throw a surprise party

Bring lunch

Fill a box with little notes

Make a charm bracelet

Get a card and have all the friends sign it

Make a birthday t-shirt

Post a message on social media

Take a selfie or video of yourself and send the message (Snapchat works too)

Make a mini book filled with birthday messages

Spell out Happy Birthday with rocks in the yard

Using those rocks in the yard, tie balloon strings to each rock to make a field of balloons

Hire an airplane sign guy

Write a message on the beach (take a picture and save it too)

What fun ideas of ways to say Happy Birthday do you have? I’d love to hear your favorites. Leave a comment below and let us all know what you like to do to celebrate birthdays!

For more birthday ideas check out the Big Birthday Roundup and Best Birthday Ideas.

The post Fun Ways to say Happy Birthday appeared first on 100 Directions.

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