
Last week was wild. If cloning people was a thing I’d volunteer to donate my DNA, because I could totally need another me to get all the things done I have to do. My clone could do all my dealing with people at work. That would be totally freeing. Or writing the shitty parts of my thesis. That would be awesome! But cloning isn’t a thing and then even if it was it wouldn’t work that way.

What a shame!

But even if there’s of course always more to do (and the new week is already dragging me in) I will take a deep sip from my steaming hot mug of coffee now and catch up with you guys. Because on Mondays we catch up! I am linking up with lovely Meg. This is a thing!


I worked two days from the office and three days from home last week. I rearranged my dining table to fit my home office needs. My living room is my office now for the next few month. Once the panic hits properly I can work from everywhere.

I had a meeting with a new mentor and a coaching with a client

I try hard to learn all the names of my new clients and once again I find it difficult. Names are so difficult for me to remember

I reached out to a ton of people for a workshop I am planning and replied to all emails in my inbox – a huge relieve!

I did some math and figured out that I need to write an average of 12 pages per week in order to meet my deadline for my thesis. It was a bit discouraging but I managed to write 15 pages last week which was a little light at the end of the tunnel.

Life/ Fun

Last week I put on my extrovert’s hat and dived head first into all the social things. At the moment I feel socially worn out from all the client interction I have at work all the time. But I am still lucky enough to have a bunch of friends who haven’t given up on asking me to spend time with them. And last week it all came together.

I ditched my workout in favor of visiting my friend for tea and a long overdue catch up. I think I did most of the talking. Frankly speaking I didn’t know I had stored up so much. When I left her I even felt kinda guilty about it because I am not sure I have given her enough room in the conversation. I told her all about my thesis in detail – I know, so annoying! I also showed her all my planner stickers and we compared calenders. PhD nerd friends are the best!

I wrote and published a London post. Maltby Street Market is my new favorite market in London. Food heaven!

We visited our friends for a post vacation catch up. They have spend a few weeks in South Africa and as we haven’t seen each other since July we talked about our trip and theirs. We also played cards and once again I didn’t have much luck.

I fell asleep during a pizza on the couch date with Stefan – he was a bit miffed. I can’t blame him.

We went to have dinner at our friend’s house on Saturday and stayed much longer than expected. It was so nice to see them again. As with our other friends, it had been months!

On Sunday my aunt came over for coffee/ tea and scones. We haven’t met (just the two of us) in forever! It was lovely catching up and really talk after an eterity.

I edited most of my London photos including a series of black and white more street photography style ones. I will share them on Instagram over the course of the next week.


It’s kinda embarassing that this makes it on that list but I made an appointment to get a haircut. It’s sooooooo overdue! I look horrible.

We met our tax guy and filed the tax declaration. Most dreaded thing of the year!

I cleaned the apartment

I once again outsouced basic maintanance and got my nails done – French style.

We finished off the week by watching videos from when I was a baby and Stefan a child. We laughed until our bellies hurt. Maybe it was also the slightly grey kit kat easter bunny we found in the back of our pantry. But we will never know for sure!

The post Week in Review – Playing Extrovert appeared first on 1000 lovely things.

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